Sunday, January 21, 2024

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post



BIBLE READING: EXODUS 3:1-12, ISAIAH 49:1, GENESIS 30:22, 8:1, ISAIAH 59:1-3, ESTHER 2:9, 8:2, LUKE 23:42, JAMES 5:13, I KINGS 3:4-5.


Oh Lord I thank you for your grace and your love over me and my family, all the glory belong to you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Father I thank you because my season for remembrance has come and I know that all things shall work in my favor this season, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Oh Lord I ask for your mercy in every way I have sinned against you and fallen short of your glory, please forgive me, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Oh God of heaven, remember me oh Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Father let the book of my remembrance be widely opened now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Please remember all my prayer requests and in your mercy, answer them speedily, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Heavenly king, let the angels of remembrance begin to ring my name in the ears of those you have assigned to help me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Father compel my destiny helpers to speedily locate and help me to the next level of my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Oh Lord please remember me in the area of my health, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Remember me oh Lord and let every agent of darkness afflicting my health, be destroyed now by fire, in JESUS' name

Oh Lord please remember me and let every stronghold that has vowed to make this illness persist, be destroyed now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Oh Lord let your countenance be upon me, that wherever I go, people shall see your glory upon my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Father in this season of my remembrance, let favour accompany me wherever I go and let the good news be my portion every day, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Father I ask that you remember me in my line of business and please enlarge my coast that I shall become a major business magnate in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

I frustrate every power of hell that wants to keep me hidden and in obscurity, it shall not stand in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Every good thing that I have done that has not been rewarded, Oh Lord as you did it for Mordecai, let it be done from me also, and let all my long-time good works be rewarded speedily in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Every evil personality standing against my divine remembrance, I command you to be destroyed by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Every evil tongue that is accusing me day and night before God, I command you to be silenced by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Evil personalities that have filled my destiny helpers with bad stories about me, I call forth the judgment of the Lord upon them now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

I decree that I shall be remembered in high and noble places of this earth, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

I decree that I shall be remembered for greatness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

My season to be favoured and honoured has come, as Haman honoured Mordecai against his own will, I decree that in the same way, my enemies shall be compelled to honour me and announce my greatness, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Father let my name continually be in the heart of my helpers so that they will not forget, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Father please remember my nation and deliver us from every power of the enemy, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Oh Lord I ask that you remember the prayers of the poor and needy and answer all their heart desires according to your will, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

O Lord remember the prayer of the barren and give them their Samuel in the name of Jesus.

Oh Lord please remember all the sick people in the hospital and heal them in your mercy, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Father arise in your anger and fury, and deliver this nation from the hands of the wicked, in the mighty name of Jesu
By: Publer Bot via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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