BIBLE READING: ISAIAH 49: 24-26, ISAIAH 54:17, ISAIAH 54:15, Isa. 8:9-10, Zech. 4:7, Psa. 68:12, MATTHEW 18:18, 2 TIM. 4:18, PHIL. 2:9-11, PSALM 23:6
I take back all the grounds given to satan by my ancestors in the name of Jesus.
I curse you spirits enforcing evil covenants in my life and I command you to release me in the name of Jesus.
Father, let everything that has been transferred into my life by the demonic laying of hands loose its hold right now in the name of Jesus.
Father, let every serpentine poison passed into my life get out now; I flush you out with the blood of Jesus.
I break the head and crush the tail of every serpentine in the name of Jesus.
Sword of fire begin to cut off every evil parental attachment to my life, in the name of Jesus.
Father, let every hidden covenant as a result of demonic initiation break now in the name of Jesus.
I command any demon attached to any curse to depart from me now in the name of Jesus.
Every curse issued against me be converted to blessings, in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, every curse of witchcraft, evil dedication, sickness and infirmity, personal destruction or suicide, or corruption of the reproductive organ, break in the name of Jesus.
I disconnect and disassociate my whole life from every dream pollution, demonic blood transfusion, demonic alteration of destiny, fellowship with family idols, fellowship with demonic consultants, demonic sacrifice, wrong exposure to sex and unnatural sexual activity, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil altar erected against me, be disgraced in the name of Jesus.
Anything done against my life under demonic anointing be nullified in the name of Jesus.
I curse every local and territorial altar fashioned against me in the name of Jesus.
Every evil priest ministering against me at the evil altar, receives the sword of God, in the name of Jesus.
Any hand that wants to retaliate or arrest me because of all these prayers I am praying, dry up and wither in the name of Jesus.
Every stubborn priest I command you to drink your blood, in the name of Jesus.
Fire of God consumed every darkness in my life in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, render all evil inquiries about life to be null and void in the name of Jesus.
I lose myself from every satanic bondage in the name of Jesus.
Satan, I close any door which I have opened to you through ignorance in the name of Jesus.
I bind every strongman over myself; I command the armour of the strongman to be roasted completely in the name of Jesus.
All curses issued against me be smashed and broken in the name of Jesus.
Evil worms in any part of my body, hidden or open, die and be ejected in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, turn every one of my prayers on this altar to testimonies in the name of Jesus.
Father, Let my hands become an instrument of divine prosperity; let my hands be stronger than all opposing hands, in Jesus’ name.
FATHER, Let my tongue become an instrument of glory; let my eyes become an instrument of divine revelation in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, make me Your battle axe; I will not perish, in Jesus’ name.
I receive spiritual dumbfounding and spiritual miracles in the name of Jesus Christ.
Dumbfounding miracles, begin to locate me in every area of my life in the name of Jesus.
I receive financial dumbfounding miracles; I claim back every door of prosperity that has been shut against me in the name of Jesus.
I receive perfection in place of mistakes; I receive fulfilment in place of frustration in the name of Jesus.
Lord, bring to me friends that reverence Your name and keep all others away in the name of Jesus.
FATHER, show Yourself mighty in my life today in the name of Jesus.
I decree unstoppable advancement upon my life; I claim total victory and freedom in all areas of my life in the name of Jesus.
I receive joy unspeakable; I receive power from above to do the impossible, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for
By: Publer Bot via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
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