Friday, January 19, 2024

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

ISAIAH 49:24–26, ISAIAH 28:14-19, ISAIAH 10:27, NUMBERS 23:23, MATTHEW 15:13, GALATIANS 3:13.
Father, I come before You in the Name of Jesus, and I ask You to help me deal with my family's curses and demonic covenants.

Thank You for the Blood of Jesus that has the final word in my life and gives me power and authority over all the works of darkness.

I plead the blood of Jesus over my life.

I invoke the Name of Jesus because over my life to break every covenant of darkness in the name of Jesus.

In the name of Jesus, I break the demonic seals over my life, bind and rebuke the sealing demons keeping all demonic covenants in place over my life and my loved ones.

I ask You, Father, to assign Your warring angels to remove every evil spirit and place them under the Feet of Jesus according to Ps 110:1.

I renounce, reject, and break every evil covenant in my life in the Name of Jesus.

I reject and lose myself from every evil curse in the Name of Jesus.

I break every covenant between me and any evil spirit in the Almighty Name of Jesus.

All contracts made on my behalf by my parents with any evil mediator are hereby nullified and cancelled in the Almighty Name of Jesus.

I am now a child of God so I dissociate myself from such covenants and contracts in the Name of Jesus.

I apply the Blood of Jesus upon any evil covenant and curse upon my life. Let this Blood of the Everlasting Covenant destroy and dissolve any blood covenant with the dead and the living in the Almighty Name of Jesus.

In the Name of Jesus, I nullify every confession, agreement, promise or oath I have made to the devil or any evil spirit in the past – whether verbal or written now in Jesus’ Name.

I revoke all curses pronounced by evil people over my life in the Name of Jesus.

I break and cancel every evil mark and incision on my body as a result of the covenant with an evil spirit in the Almighty name of Jesus.

I command all evil spirits in my life associated with any curse or evil covenant to leave me now in Jesus’s Name!

By the authority of Jesus my Lord, I render to nought every curse coming from the following in the Almighty Name of Jesus: In the Name of Jesus, I destroy every altar that has been erected anywhere to service any form of covenants and curses emanating from:

**Evil dedication before conception, while in the womb and at the naming ceremony.
**Handling of cursed objects.
**Contact with satanic agents.
**Living in a cursed home or land.
**Being born in/on a satanic altar/shrine.
**Drinking of blood or unholy water.
**Receiving strange money or cursed gifts.
**Involvement in a demonic ritual.
**Involvement in witchcraft and other ancestral sins.
**Participation in village, compound, and township satanic festivals. I command all evil spirits associated with any curse to leave me now in Jesus’s Name.
I take authority over curses from evil dedication, handling of cursed objects, contact with satanic agents, living in a cursed house or land, being born in/on a satanic altar, drinking of blood or unholy water, strange money, or cursed gifts, partaking in food and blood sacrifice to idols and performing demonic rituals, ancestral sins, witchcraft, curses and spiritual ignorance. I command all of you to be broken right now in Jesus’ Name. I speak disunity between all the priests at those altars of affliction in the Name of Jesus.

I declare disunity and disagreement between the strongman and the sealing demon in Jesus’s Name. I take the keys of captivity from the strongman demon now and forever in Jesus’s Name.

Oh ye ancient gates and everlasting doors shut against my life, lift your heads now for me to enter into my divinely given inheritance in the Almighty Name of Jesus.

Lord, in Your Name and by faith in Your Word, I enter my inheritance and possess my possessions.

I destroy every evil covenant and initiation made with me through dreams in the Name of Jesus.

Every agreemen
By: Publer Bot via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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