Sunday, August 20, 2023

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Ten keys for a breakthrough
1. You must be totally dependent on God alone.
2. Avoid the temptation to panic and rely on other options to solve your problem(s).
3. Obedience to Gods word and His conditional Will (I.e., forgiveness, putting all wrongs -right), is key to your breakthrough.
4. If necessary, ask the church elders for prayers (Or other Holy Spirit filled persons who you trust) especially when you may be feeling too weak or weary to pray for yourself.
5. Avoid dependence on harmful or Idolatrous support to ‘distract or mentally get you through’ your troubles e.g., Bing eating, shopping, social media, alcohol, etc, etc., (Instead, consider fasting and prayer and claiming His promises).
6. Recognize that sometimes God may inspire or ask you to do something out of the ordinary or doesn’t make sense which may lead to your breakthrough. (E.g., Abraham asked to sacrifice Isaac -a direct test of his faith).
7. Continue or start; fulfilling Gods ordained ministry for your life.
8. Remember, ‘pain’ (A crisis: financial, family, sickness, relationships etc, etc,) is often an invitation by God for you to pray.
9. Remember, God wants you to walk by faith and not just talk. (Be prepared to step out in faith and into your “red sea” experience before God so that He can then bring about your breakthrough).
10. Remember, perseverance is key (Expect, divine delay). Unbelief is powerful and can stop God working on your breakthrough.
By: Apostolic Life via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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