Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

3rd May 2022


Psalm 3:3
But You, O Lord, are a shield about me,
My glory, and the One who lifts my head.

Zechariah 2:5
For I,’ declares the Lord, will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.

Father I thank you for your plan for me this year

Lord anoint me for divine lifting in Jesus name

Every strange hands pressing down my head, wither now in Jesus name

O Lord arise and deliver my head by fire in Jesus name

O Lord disgrace every power contending with my lifting in Jesus name

You my head and my feet, you shall not be bewitch in Jesus name

You my ladder to the top, appear now and take me to the highest mountain in Jesus name

Father, change my story for the best by fire in Jesus name

Every diseases and affliction keeping me on the ground, hear the word of the Lord, disappear now in Jesus name

Every plantation of tail in my life, be uprooted and die in Jesus name

Father, surround my life with destiny helpers in Jesus name

Powers of my father’s house and my mother’s house, I am free from every curse of slavery in Jesus name.

O Lord, I give you all the glory in the name of Jesus

Father, arise and glorify your name in my life this month in Jesus name.

O Lord cover my nakedness with your glory in Jesus name

Glory of the living God, arise upon my life and announce my name for greatness in Jesus name

I shall excel above every unbelievers around me this month by the power in the name of Jesus.

Crown of glory locate my head now in the name of Jesus.

O Lord advertise your power in my life this month in Jesus name

Glory killers my glory is not your candidate, therefore die in Jesus name

O Lord, let all that see me behold your glory in my life this month in Jesus name.

Father let my light shine this month, year in Jesus name.

Glory exchangers, my glory is not your candidate, die in Jesus name

Father, let every vile of darkness covering your glory in my life catch fire now in Jesus name

Light of God possess my life this month in Jesus name.

Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers.

By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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