Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

The willpower response is the reaction of internal conflict. You want to do one thing, such as smoke a cigarette or supersize your lunch, but know you shouldn’t. Or you know you should do something, like file your taxes or go to the gym, but you’d rather do nothing.
Training your willpower is resisting your urges for short term gratification.
The pornography viewers often say to themselves after each relapse that they don’t have willpower.
They also say how they are supposed to resist their urges if they don’t have it in the first place.
This confirmation of not having willpower further helps these viewers to relapse.
But, I am not going to talk about how to quit pornography addiction in this article.
In future articles, I am going to discuss the best way to quit porn addiction for good. You will realize that quitting porn addiction doesn’t have to do anything with your willpower.
But, certainly, willpower does help to live a quality life.
People who have higher willpower, have better self-control, better discipline, and achieve success in life.
But why pornography addiction lower our willpower?
1.To exercise our willpower we need energy. A person has limited energy to perform his daily activities.
Shame and guilt waste a lot of mental energy.
If you imagine a pond and the water as the energy of a person, then shame and guilt act as a leakage for the pond.
A depressed person unable to finish his activities properly or if he does finish, the final product is usually bad.
To complete an activity he needs energy, both physical and mental.
A pornography viewer blames himself for his addiction and feels guilty every time he views it. The inability to love or work also creates shame and frustration within himself.
His energy gets wasted in his negative thoughts, and this again leads to relapse.
In other words, he is unable to train his prefrontal lobe.
2. In the study “Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption” published in the psychiatry journal, experts at German’s Max plank Institute found that more porn correlated with less grey matter and reduced reward activity when viewing porn.
In other words, porn weakens the prefrontal cortex, which reduces our willpower.

*6. Brain Fog*
You read a sentence but you don’t understand it. So, you read it again.
You know what you want to do in life, but for some reason, you don’t believe in it. There is no hope that you can achieve your dreams.
You cannot remember anything for more than an hour or a minute.
You feel frustrated and inferior that you are unable to focus on anything.
There are doubts, negative thoughts and every day seem like a chore to be alive.
Brain fog is the opposite of mental clarity. When there is brain fog, your life runs on impulses.
It becomes hard for you to control your thoughts or consequences.
Moreover, it becomes challenging to focus on anything, your memory seems dull because you cannot remember anything for more than a minute or hour.
You cannot think straight and most of the time, thinking becomes tiresome for you.
Here is a small paragraph of a viewer:
“Thinking about complex matters becomes almost impossible. If I try to plan ahead, assess a situation, solve a problem or analyze something my brain stutters, whines and gives up like an old engine on a cold morning.
A few seconds is all I can muster before I give up, lie down and load up Netflix.”
This is how he felt while he was a regular viewer.
But how pornography addiction creates brain fog?
Dopamine imbalance is one of the causes of brain fog. Dopamine is a pleasure hormone because when it releases, you feel euphoric.
Dopamine is also known as the motivation chemical. When there is no motivation to focus on anything, no enjoyment in other activities; brain fog is imminent.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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