Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Means that witchcraft spirits are after you. They want to hinder you from progressing and achieve greatness. The spirit of the snake is the spirit of deceit and marine spirit. It brings problems to marriages and prevent a person not to marry. Masquerade dream is a foundational problem and can make someone not get freedom. You have to take prayers and fasting to deal with them Pray & Fast for 3 days using Lev 19:31, Micah 5:11-12, Ps 34:4


Means shame, demotion and hardship. Pray and destroy the powers assigned to monitor your life and report back to your enemies. Bind the spirits of shame and poverty. Release the fire of God against them. Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus. Pray & fast for 3 days using Deut 8:18, 3 John 1;2


Means you are on a journey to spiritual slavery and captivity.This is where everything you do result to nothing. Though you might be walking around in the physical free, if you see yourself in a pit in the dream, you have already been sold into slavery and poverty. And the people responsible for this are those who are closer to you. Maybe members of your family, either living or dead, or workplace enemies posing as friends. Or even church members. Remember Joseph in the bible. Remember the prophet Jeremiah. In both cases, it was envy and jealousy at work. They were both cast into the pit. You pray: ” O Lord, send your angelic hosts to rescue me from the pit in Jesus name”. Then you begin to declare like David in Psalm 40:2. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings”.


You lived in as a child means the spirits of powers of backwardness operating in your family line is trying to cut short your progress and place a spiritual curse on your life. If you don’t stand against this through prayer and fasting, you might soon find yourself making negative or backward progress, being passed over for promotion at work, losing favor with friends and family, making silly mistakes that annoy your boss at work and can get you fired etc…. You pray: ” Every altar of backwardness in my fathers house, collapse in the Name of Jesus”. Then you quickly follow up with this one: ” Let the habitation of humiliation and demotion be battered, shattered and swallowed up the power of God, in Jesus Name”.


Means your virtues (God-given endowments) are being withdrawn from your life by wicked powers. This is the area the child will cry against your pregnancy. As a result of an evil cry against you in the spirit.


This means you will soon be favoured maritally especially when you are presently in a serious relationship with a person who has proposed or determined to marry you. This dream is an eye opener from God to stay calm that the person will soon end up marrying you. That’s the plans of God towards you. This dream can only come to pass when you are already in a courtship. However, It’s a sign that he has a clear plan to marry you if you can organize yourself well through prayers then it will come to pass.. God is in charge of this relationship. Pray well to scatter any witchcraft plan against you.


To fight in the dream means you have enemies who are planning to deal with you. Fighting in the dream indicates spiritual warfare. if you are able to fight and run away successfully, it is a sign of victory. if you are running away from your pursuers, it means deliverance from captivity. Pray and fast for 1 day using PS 70,Eph 6:11-12.

*22. BIBLE* Someone who dreams that he has been given a chapter or verse of the bible in a dream means that there is a message from God out of that verse for him. It can be a warning, words of encouragement or words of wisdom. The scripture given will show what God wants to communicate.

By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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