Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

The release of dopamine in pornography is abnormal because of several elements.
Novelty: Our brain releases happy hormones on novelty. The release of a new iPhone, new clothes, new places, new cars, etc releases happy hormones.
The internet is a treasure for novelty porn. With the high-speed internet on your fingertip, you can surf all day for novelty porn.
The rush of dopamine never stops.
2. Basic Needs: The primary task of our brain is survival and it will do everything in its power to survive our genes. The brain is always looking for a way to feel good because that promotes survival.
The activities that are closer to survival releases more happy hormones than any other activities.
Sure food, sex, and home are the fundamental needs of humans.
The brain of a pornography addict releases an abnormal amount of dopamine thinking it is related to survival.
3. The other elements that cause dopamine imbalance for a pornography addict are fantasy, easy access, stress relief, etc.

*7. Girls’ Attraction*
A pornography viewer doesn’t only fail to attract girls but anyone that is somehow involved in his life.
Girls’ attraction is one of the most important negative effects of pornography addiction for which guys go into nofap.
Our primal brain seeks physical relationships, social bonding, respect, status, etc. one may say they prefer to live alone, but your primal brain knows the truth.
We feel good when we are respected by our fellow group or from the opposite gender.
But, a pornography addict fails to attract girls or anyone he likes.
He doesn’t become the center of attraction when he walks into the room, nor does he feel any respect for him from others.
Why does pornography addiction decrease girls’ attraction?
The qualities of an attractive male are given below:
Emotional Independence.
Not needy for others’ approval.
High Self-esteem.
Social status & Resources.
Physically healthy.
The baseline for an attractive male is not neediness. A needy person is unattractive to anyone.
A person who seeks others’ approval, begs for love and acceptance, runs after people who don’t respect him, is emotionally unable, dependent on others for his own happiness is unattractive. This is neediness.
This is the formula of attraction.
A pornography viewer is emotionally dependent on others because he has low self-esteem. He doesn’t respect himself and he believes he is not worthy of any love.
He fails to socialize himself in the real world because of his digital attachment and view girls as sex objects.
Girls on the other hand can detect these qualities of man from his behavior. No matter how much a person tries to fake, a high esteem girl will detect the flaws of the man.

*8. Anger and Aggression*
Anger and aggression are common when it comes to the negative effects of pornography addiction.
People who are frequent viewers have reported that they are unable to deal with difficult situations and most often find themselves raging and breaking stuff.
This leads to big fights with parents or with their spouse or sometimes with their bosses.
Why pornography addiction leads to anger and aggression?
Low willpower: As mentioned above people who view pornography lose grey matter in the prefrontal cortex.
Our prefrontal cortex is responsible for our logical thinking and making the right decisions in life. It is responsible for controlling our impulses.
It is also responsible for self-discipline, perseverance, self-control, chasing our dreams, etc.
But when our prefrontal cortex starts to get weak, we easily surrender to our impulses. It becomes hard to control our anger issues and become aggressive to defend ourselves.
2. Mental energy: A pornography addict doesn’t only lose physical energy but also mental energy.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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