Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

A person with high self-esteem lives a much happier and successful life than a person with low or no self-esteem.
It affects your relationships, career, and all the other aspects of your life.
A viewer suffers from low self-esteem for various reasons.
1. As mentioned above the productivity of a pornography viewer goes down because the internal motivation goes down.
He doesn’t receive any happiness from his work and this leads to frustration and self-loathing.
A person who is unable to perform his most important task has no self- efficacy.
Without self-efficacy, there is no self-esteem.
2. Most of the viewers feel guilty and shame after watching porn, and the self-respect for themselves goes down.
They promise themselves that they will not watch pornography anymore and start nofap, but most of them fail.
This leads to more self-loathing. The virtuous circle of promise and self-loathe continues until it becomes your identity.
3. A self-image of a loser, who can never be happy in life, and shame and guilt leads them into depression.
These people don’t respect others and they don’t even respect themselves.
When there is no self-respect, there is always low or no self-esteem.
4. Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is one of the most common negative effects of pornography addiction. Several pornography viewers have reported that they find it hard to socialize with real people.
They avoid social gatherings, meeting new people, teachers, friends, and even their parents.
These people have reported having difficulty in making eye contact with others.
But why? What social anxiety has to do with pornography addiction?
People have social anxiety for several reasons. It may be genetic or maybe because of wrong parenting.
Whatever the reason, the baseline for social anxiety is having the self-image of inferiority to other people.
It is much easier to talk to your close friend rather than talking to a stranger. It is much easier to talk to a beggar, rather than talking to a successful person.
A pornography viewer feels inferior to others for various reasons.
1. He is incapable of achieving his dreams. This leads to frustration and self-loathe as mentioned above. He curses himself every time he watches and it converts into a negative self-image in the long run.
The self-belief that he is not entitled to happiness, that he doesn’t belong to society creates an inferiority complex within himself.
The viewer may be aware of this inferiority complex or maybe unaware but your subconscious brain works according to your belief.
2. He is incapable to love.
I know this is the repeated information that is mentioned above.
But it has a direct link to our social anxiety.
A person who cannot love himself is unable to love anyone. The relationships that are based on true mutual love start to shatter.
There are thousands of examples where pornography has ruined marriages, committed relationships, relationships with their parents, relatives, etc.
He doesn’t enjoy anyone’s company but he craves for them. This leads to unhappiness.
When a person is facing unhappiness, the brain thinks that it is a threat to his survival.
It tries to protect us from outside harm by creating fear within us: A smiling stranger, a group of people, the girl you like, public speaking, etc.
The stranger might make fun of you, so does the group of people or the girl you love or the public speaking can be a disaster.

*5. Low Willpower*
The prefrontal cortex is responsible for our willpower. Therefore, willpower is a muscle and like any other muscle, it can be trained and strengthened. The opposite is also true.
Once you stop training, your willpower starts to decrease.
According to Kelly McGonigal, and author of The willpower instinct says willpower is a response that comes from both the brain and the body.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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