Satan finds it hard to trick most of us into thinking that there is no God above us. The evidence for God is just too strong. So Satan works on changing truth about God. Satan wants God to be made in the image or likeness of man (instead of man being “in the image of God”). Some feel that God may be as weak as they are. They think God has little power to help them or make their lives better. Others, having been treated badly, view God as that kind of person. They think that God hates them and seeks their ruin. Others want a God who will never punish anyone. They make God out to be only soft and gentle, without any anger. Then there are those who think that God shares their dishonest ways. They do not keep their promises, and they feel that God may not keep His word. Although He has promised terrible punishment for sins (Revelation 21:8), they think He may let them off. Many on earth escape justice by hiding or by using gifts and bribes. They think they can also bargain with God, or hide from Him. To such people God has made these replies:
For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe (Deuteronomy 10:17).
ERV for Deuteronomy 10:17b: To the LORD every person is the same. The LORD does not accept money to change His mind.
God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind (Numbers 23:19).
You thought that I was one like yourself. But now I rebuke you and lay the charge before you (Psalm 50:21).
When we make God seem like us, we open the way for false worship. The “God” we claim to worship may become quite different from the true God who has shown Himself. Our “God” turns into a lie. Worship given to this lie goes to “the father of lies.”
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
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