Monday, July 8, 2024

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post



BIBLE REFERENCE: PSALM 116:7-9, PSALM 121:1-2, MARK 5:26


Lord, break the heavy yoke of sin from my life so I can have rest for my soul in Jesus' name.

As from now hence forth I enter into my ark of covenant rest from every storm afflicting my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Every power assigned to toss me up and down, and to and fro: E-X-P-I-R-E!!! in the name of Jesus

You the ministry of satanic restlessness assigned against my life, you are a LIAR! Die! in Jesus’ name.

Every dislocating power, assigned to unsettle me maritally, be arrested and be disgraced! in the name of Jesus.

Every busybody assigned to monitor my life for evil: Go blind and become deaf and dumb now! in the name of Jesus.

Return unto thy rest, O my destiny, and receive the bountiful gift of everlasting peace from the Prince of PEACE! in the name of Jesus.

The power of covenant rest find a permanent expression in my life in the name of Jesus

Arrows of of untimely death, fired against my life: I am not your victim, Go back and devour your senders! in the name of Jesus.

Every power preparing sorrow and tears for me: you are a LIAR! Carry your evil load in the name of Jesus.

( touch your legs as you pray them) You my legs, carry me to the land of promise, carry me to the place of my rest in the name of Jesus.

You my legs, walk away from disappointment and tragedy; carry me to the place of my breakthroughs! in the name of Jesus.

You my legs, begin to walk before the Lord in the land of the living, in the name of Jesus.

You my feet, you shall not stumble, you shall not fail my divine destiny, therefore, wear the shoes of iron and brass and crush every destiny serpents and scorpions to death! in Jesus’ name.

I declare this day as my day of covenant rest, therefore every arrow of satanic restlessness fired against my peace is disgraced, arrested and fired back to senders in Jesus name.

By the spirit of prophecy I unleash my season of divine restoration of every good thing I have lost, in the name of Jesus.

Every power assigned to disturb my peace, receive tribulations from the Lord of hosts in the name of Jesus.

You the foundation of marital instability troubling my matrimony: hear the voice of the Prince of PEACE and be arrested in the name of Jesus.

Every power lifting the sword of sorrow and shame against my life and family, Die by your own sword in the name of Jesus.

Everywhere my spirit-man is being summoned for attack, Blood of Jesus, appear and answer them by power in the name of Jesus.

Every storm afflicting my life and tossing me to and fro: hear the voice of Jesus and be still in the name of Jesus.

Anything programmed into my life to arrest my conception be dismantled in Jesus' name

I shake off my life, every element of childlessness introduced into my life from my family line or society in Jesus' name

I command all unknown evil forces organised against my life to be scattered, in Jesus' name.

I paralyse every activity of physical and spiritual parasites and devourers in my life in Jesus' Name

Powers denying me of my due miracles receive the stone of fire and perish in Jesus' name

Heavenly surgeons, perform necessary surgical operation in all the areas of my life so I can move to my next level

Evil strangers in my body, come all the way out of your hiding places in Jesus' name

Father, by your mercy partake for me and my family and bring us into perpetual rest for time and eternity, in Jesus name.

Any program of witchcraft in my house, I dismantle you by fire in the name of Jesus.

Thank you Lord for answered prayer, in Jesus' mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: Apostolic Life via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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