Saturday, July 20, 2024

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post





Father, thank you for the opportunity and privilege given to me to be among the living today in Jesus' Name.

I break out from every covenant of poverty in the name of Jesus.

Lord, I destroy every power withholding my financial blessing in the name of Jesus.

Lord, I destroy every garment of hopelessness in my life in the name of Jesus.

Lord, I destroy every spirit of borrowing without being able to pay back in the name of Jesus.

Lord, deliver me from unfruitfulness in the name of Jesus.

Lord, I sealed every leakage in my pocket of destiny in the name of Jesus.

Every evil hand hacking into my abundance is cut off in JESUS' name.

I bind every spirit of perpetual lack in my life in the name of Jesus
By the blood of Jesus, I erase every evil mark of poverty over my forehead in the mighty name of Jesus.

I consumed every evil decree detaining me to the life of begging in the name of Jesus.

I break the bondage of continuous failure over my life in the name of Jesus.

Lord I uproot every seed of poverty that was planted in my family by my forefathers in the mighty name of Jesus.

I disconnect myself from every mindset of inferiority complex in the name of Jesus.

I withdraw my name from the register of spiritual beggars in the name of Jesus.

I open my eyes to the realization of opportunities in the name of Jesus.

I break forth from the spirit of depending on others for my daily needs in the name of Jesus.

I disengage myself from the mindset of impossibilities in the name of Jesus.

I come against every spirit of labouring hard with nothing to show forth in the name of Jesus.

I destroy a stronghold of poverty in my lineage in the mighty name of Jesus.

I remove every label of poverty over my life in the name of Jesus.

Let the blood of Jesus wash and deliver me from every odour of poverty in my life in the name of Jesus.

By the fire of the Lord, I consumed every evil vulture that is driving away, my destiny helpers in the name of Jesus.

I silence every ancient voice restricting people from rendering financial assistance to me in Jesus’ name.

I tear into pieces every evil garment of stagnation in the name of Jesus. I return to sender every libation that was poured to make me remain at the one position forever in the mighty name of Jesus.

I break the veil of spiritual stigmatization over my life in the name of Jesus.

I break the covenant of zero achievements in my life in the name of Jesus.

By the power of the Lord, I break every pillar of demotion in the name of Jesus.

I cancelled every satanic act of labour hard and paid less in the mighty name of Jesus.

I consumed by fire every demon wanting me to spend the days of my life in hunger, I command them to die by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.

I break forth from the cauldron of penury in the mighty name of Jesus.

I destroy every covenant of promise and fail, over my head in the mighty name of Jesus.

Lord, clear away from my life every stain of poverty in the name of Jesus.

I block every spirit that always makes poverty to be attracted to me in the name of Jesus.

I release myself from the decree of stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus.

I release myself from the bondage of financial handicaps in the name of Jesus.

I curse every voice manipulating me to live a primitive lifestyle in the name of Jesus.

I destroy every satanic spirit that makes people only give me spoiled and unwanted gifts in the name of Jesus.

I break out from the powers that are pushing me into living a below-standard life in the name of Jesus.

I command every spell of lack to be broken in my life in the mighty name of Jesus.

Today I enter into my season of prosperity, forward movement and surplus in the mighty name of Jesus.
By: Apostolic Life via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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