Friday, June 30, 2023

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post



BIBLE READING: 1 CHRONICLES 18:6, 29:11, NUMBERS 13:30, ISAIAH 25:7-8.


Lord, I thank You for your mercy that speaks for me throughout this month.

Thank You Lord for Your divine protection over my life and family throughout the month of June .

Thank You Lord that I am alive to see the end of the month, it is not my doing but by your mercy Lord, thanksgiving in Jesus' name.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your divine protection; thank you for keeping and sustaining me. Thank you for shielding me from accidents, sickness and all manner of tragedies.

O Lord, it is because of your grace that I am alive today. Please don’t ever cut me off from your grace.

Lord Jesus, help me to walk closely with you everyday of this second half of the year. Help me not to neglect your presence; help me not to neglect prayer and your word.

O Lord, help me to grow and not go down spiritually, financially and physically this second half of the year. Father, destroy every scheme of the enemy to bring me, my family, church and nation down.

Father, breathe on me and revive everything that is dead or dying in my life. I come out from every pit of spiritual dryness. O Lord, please release fresh oil in every area of my life where there is dryness.

Father, anoint my prayer life with fresh oil. In your grace and mercy, give me continuous access to your throne room of mercy whenever I pray. Lord as I call on your holy name in prayer, answer me speedily, hear my prayers and do immeasurably more than I could have ever asked or imagined.

Father, whatever will make me say “had I known”; whatever decision will fill me with regret, whatever tragedy will make me weep in pain and sorrow, please keep far away from me In Jesus mighty name I pray.

O Lord, the grace to say NO to sin, the grace to overcome all weaknesses and besetting sins, multiply and increase in my life.

Father this second half of the year, fill me with divine ideas that will bring divine prosperity my way.

Father this second half of the year, surprise me with a special call, text or letter that will turn my situation around.

Father this second half of the year, overshadow me with your favour. Let your favour single me out for a divine visitation and a unique testimony. Let the door of divine favour, mercy, expansion and uncommon testimonies be opened to me and my loved ones.

O Lord, protect me from every snare, trap and pit the enemy has prepared for me.

Concerning my life O Lord, let no wicked plan succeed. Don’t give me over to the desires of my enemies.

Father, let all adversaries of my life, family, church and nation be confused, frustrated and disappointed this second half of the year.

In the name of Jesus.I declare that I and my family shall be preserved, protected and securely hidden in the shadow and glory of the Almighty.

O Lord arise and destroy every satanic doorkeeper and gatekeeper diverting blessings away from me, my family and church.

Father this second half of the year, remember me O Lord. Remember your covenant to me and establish firmly in my life your covenant of life, protection, healing, deliverance and prosperity.

O Lord, whatever I have done that grieves Your Spirit and can make You turn Your face away from me, Father please be merciful to me and forgive me in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, purge my spirit, soul and body of all contamination. I rededicate my life afresh to You. Fill me with a renewed love and passion for You. Let me be on fire for You Lord in of Jesus.

I refuse to be downcasted and disturbed, I refused to be discouraged about those things that didn’t happen in my life this month. I shall not take the grace of God over my life and family for granted in the name of Jesus

My soul, rise up and give God praise for His goodness, mercy and faithfulness.
By: Apostolic Life via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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