Sunday, May 26, 2024

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Our God is Great

For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord? Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings? Psalm 89:6

Our God is very great, and His greatness cannot be compared to anyone either on earth or in heaven, yet many people do not know their Creator. Some only know Him superficially and are uncertain about what they know.

The Samaritan woman at the well, while speaking with Jesus, demonstrated her knowledge of God and the Scriptures. However, something you might not have considered about this woman is that her knowledge and understanding of God did not help her change her life; she was still living in sin and could not have a proper marriage. When Jesus looked at her, He knew she adhered to the religious traditions of the Samaritans, and He told her directly, "You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know..." (John 4:22). It was clear she did not truly know God.

Even today, there are many people who worship God without truly knowing who He is. As a result, they compare God to all sorts of things. This is why today's word prompts us to contemplate again on God and His power as we are asked, "For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord?"

You might say you do not compare God to anything because you do not do so directly. However, in your thoughts and the decisions you make every day, you may be comparing God to other things.

Let me tell you how you might be comparing God to other things. It is when you should entrust something to God, but you believe there is another way to accomplish it. Many people think that if they leave something to God, it will be delayed or not succeed, so they decide to use their own methods.

Moreover, when we fail to obey God and respect His commands, and when in your heart you do not fear God and do what He has forbidden, it is because in your heart you see God as an ordinary person. You think He has no power to do anything to you; you compare Him to a person who can threaten you but do nothing. The Word of God says, "In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; He is more awesome than all who surround Him." (Psalm 89:7), but many people do not fear God. They see the things written in the Bible as not being realistic.

But I assure you, God cannot be compared to anything nor does He resemble anyone. He has great power and might. It is time to give God His glory by continually contemplating His great works and worshiping Him in spirit and in truth.

Prayer: Oh Lord, your power and deeds are great and wonderful. I ask that through the Holy Spirit who dwells within me, teach me to know you and your power so that I may worship you in spirit and in truth.
By: Janice via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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