Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post


1. My Father, as I cry out to You this day, LORD, be their enemy, O LORD, those who have vowed to destroy my life. May Your mighty hand rise up against them, and let them scatter before Your presence. In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare their plans defeated and nullified by the power of Your Holy Spirit.

2. O Lord, my Father, as I cry out to You with a humble heart, I ask that You take up the fight on my behalf against those who have set themselves against me. Lord, become their adversary and let confusion come upon them. Let them be confounded by the greatness of Your power, and let their plans to destroy me be turned back in defeat, in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. My Father, I lift up my voice to You, calling upon Your name for deliverance from those who seek to harm and destroy me. Let them be as enemies before You, O Lord, and let Your justice prevail. Thwart their evil schemes, O God, and protect me from all their attacks. In the name of Jesus Christ, I stand firm in the victory that You have promised.

4. Lord, my Father, I come before You, acknowledging that You are my strong defender against those who wish to bring harm to my life. I ask You to rise up as my enemy to the evildoers who have vowed my destruction. Let them stumble and fall, unable to carry out their wicked plans. In the name of Jesus Christ, may Your divine intervention bring about my deliverance and their defeat.

5. Heavenly Father, I seek Your protection and deliverance from those who have vowed to destroy me. As I cry out to You, I ask that You become their enemy, O Lord, and let their plans crumble before Your might. In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare that their efforts to harm me will be fruitless and that Your victorious hand will rescue me from their grasp.

By: Apostolic Life via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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