Monday, February 28, 2022

It's too early to give up

The only way up the ladder is going through any limitations ,be is self limitations or restrictions made by any other system working against your destiny.Systems are designed to benefit whoever created them, thus by living your life restricted by any system means no freedom to you .

Many are the cries of tormented souls as a result of addictions , what simply started as an experiment became the master. Smokers only started by one puff of a cigarette. Is it possible to turn back the hands of time? Many regret the day they tried drugs ,but surely there is a way out .

Life in general is challenging ,you face Goliath on your way to the throne, but once you fear Goliath you can't really get to the throne so decisions really have to be made. Yes relationships demands lot of work but for a successful marriage you have to conquer Goliath . 

Everyone has faced financial crisis in his life , but some succumbed to pressure and they never really got out of the poverty line whilst some made a decision to be wealthy.

It's all about decisions , the best decision you can do today is to give your life to Christ only then can you reach your full potential .In him is the fullness of all we are searching for on this earth.

No matter how difficult your problems may be , he will see you through. In Jesus the word impossible doesn't exist ,just by mentioning the name of Jesus the devil crumbles.

He came to fulfill the law so that we won't be condemned by the law . Never let anyone remind you of how difficult it is to quit smoking , by the blood of Jesus you can be freed of any addictions .

Jesus wants to restore your marriage today if you would allow him to. Make a decision today to allow Jesus Christ to be the only authority in your life.Say Jesus Christ take over authority of my being I am a sinner and I know you can wash me clean by your blood.Be my King and Savior today. 

Salvation is for free .You don't have to be drowning in a never ending ocean of addictions and emotional distress Jesus Christ is waiting for you to simply hand over your problems to him and I promise you ,you will testify of his love.

Come to Jesus ,he loves you and he is eagerly waiting to give you ,your life back!!

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

28 /02/2022
Every wind of dryness in my life, fade away in Jesus name.
Seasonal problems attacking my glory, be destroyed in Jesus name.
Anything tying me down and my work to DRY SEASON, release me now in Jesus name.
Any Satanic Umbrella preventing me from experiencing God’s shower of blessing, catch fire in Jesus name.
Every Satanic Plan to make me MISERABLE in life, you will not prosper in Jesus name.
I decree a new Season of DIVINE RAINFALL in Jesus name.
As from today, my life, work and family shall not know dryness anymore in Jesus name.
From today henceforth, I shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water, I will bring forth my fruits in its season in Jesus name.
O! God forgive me of every sin that brought me into my present condition by your mercy in Jesus name
I Plead the blood of Jesus upon heavens above me, my work, family and ministry in the name of Jesus.
I Command my heaven to be opened by fire in Jesus name.
According to Deuteronomy 28:23, any brass in my heaven and any iron in my earth perpetuating dryness and hardship in my life, be removed by fire in Jesus name.
Every iron and brass causing blockages in my heaven, be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
Impossibilities acting as barriers to my fulfilment in life, be removed in Jesus name.
Every evil seasonal manipulation programmed against my manifestations, be aborted in Jesus name.
Every blockage disturbing my showers of blessings, be shattered in Jesus name.
My heaven will not close suddenly this year in Jesus name
Any cloud of confusion hanging over my manifestations, fade away in Jesus name.
Every limitation imposed by dark powers upon my breakthrough, scatter by fire in Jesus name.
Every embargo of darkness on my progress, be lifted by fire in Jesus name.
From my present level, O! Lord raise me up, lift me up and set me up in Jesus name.
Anything in the heavenlies hostile against my open heaven, fade away in Jesus name.
Everything in the heavenlies shall favour me throughout this year in Jesus name.
Every mountain of opposition against my progress, scatter by fire in Jesus name.
Any stubborn accuser speaking against my going forward, receive baptism of confusion in Jesus name.
My heavenly clouds of showers of blessing, release them now in Jesus name.
Any evil umbrella in the heavenlies preventing the sweet influences of God from getting to me, be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
Every yoke of stagnancy programmed against me in order to keep me in perpetual dry season, break by fire in Jesus name.
Every dark taskmaster assigned to keep me in dry season, die in Jesus name.
Every plan of the enemy to condemn me to the garden of failure and non-achievement, be aborted in Jesus name.
O Lord, disconnect me from the evil current of stagnation and dry season in Jesus name.
O Lord, advance me into my Rehoboth in Jesus name.
O Lord, renovate my life and work with blessings and favour in Jesus name
Rain of favour, soak the garden of my life in Jesus name
I shall move forward, go upward and make progress this year in Jesus name.
Anointing to overcome dry season, fall on me in Jesus name.
Anointing for progressive prosperity, fall on me this year in Jesus name.
Dry season disappear and rainy season appear in my life in Jesus name.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

It's about getting up again

“Though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again.” Pr 24:16 NIV

If you have ever seen a child learning to walk, you know that falling down is an important part of the process. Getting back up again is crucial to developing the child’s balance and muscle development. Likewise, a boxer isn’t disqualified because he gets knocked down; he’s disqualified because he doesn’t get back up. Boxers know they will go down, so they focus on the art of falling safely and getting up quickly. Children and boxers both learn this: It’s all about getting up again. 

The Bible tells us that falling is common to both the righteous and unrighteous. It’s getting up again that sets them apart: “If good people fall…they will get back up. But when trouble strikes the wicked, that’s the end of them” (v. 16 CEV). The unrighteous stay down—the righteous get up again! In Scripture, some of God’s greatest servants fell into personal failure. 

Abram lied to Pharaoh about his wife, Sarai (See Ge 12:11-17). Jacob deceived his father and stole his brother’s birthright (See Ge 27:17-29). In anger, Moses disobeyed God by striking the rock (See Nu 20:7-12). Yet instead of being disqualified, they “were all commended for their faith” (Heb 11:39 NIV). How come? Because they acknowledged their sin and received God’s forgiveness.

 In other words, they fell, but they got up again. And when you fall, you can get up again too. That’s the “faith” part of your journey. Staying down is failure accepted—getting back up is faith activated!

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

BIBLE READING: EXODUS 9:1, 7:16, 8:20.

Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for releasing your power to ensure my total deliverance this night.
Father in the name of Jesus, stretch out your arm and deliver me, rid me out of all bondage that has refused to let me be in the name of Jesus.
Every pharaoh that stopped my father from progressing in life, and is determined to also stop me, Holy ghost fire, rain upon them tonight and consume them in the name of Jesus.
Every pharaoh that is hindering my breakthroughs, and wasting my opportunities, be wasted tonight in the name of Jesus.
Every pharaoh that has put me in bondage in this life, perish in the red sea in the name of Jesus.
Every pharaoh that has caged my potentials, your end has come tonight, die by fire in the name of Jesus.
Every pharaoh that is limiting my achievements, die in the name of Jesus.
Every pharaoh that is boasting for destroying me, be wasted tonight in the name of Jesus.
Every pharaoh that is holding me down to the same spot (battle) since last year, die in the name of Jesus.
In the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, i command every sicknesses and diseases in my body release me and let me go tonight in Jesus name.
You spirit of lack and poverty, i command you in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, release me tonight and let me go in Jesus name.
Bondage and limitations, in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, release me tonight and let me go in Jesus name.
Demonic oppressions and attacks, in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, release me tonight and let me go in Jesus name.
Fruitlessness and laboring in vain in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, release me tonight and let me go in Jesus name.
Unfulfilled promises and disappointment in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, release me tonight and let me go in Jesus name.
Slavery and faulty foundation in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, release me tonight and let me go in Jesus name.
Addictions and bad characters in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, release me tonight and let me go in Jesus name.
Everything that represents pharaoh in my life
in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, release me tonight and let me go in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, let the door of favour that you have opened for me remain opened permanently, grant me divine appointment, divine connections that will create space for me at the top in the name of Jesus.
Father in the name of Jesus, let your light enlighten my mind, deliver me from mediocre thinking, deliver me from thinking small, open my mind to creative ideas that will solve problems for billions of people around the world in Jesus name.
Father in my life ,let there be massive positive turnaround, let my life witness mighty demonstration of your power in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, open doors of favour for me, let people see me and call me your Favourite on the name of Jesus.
You pharaoh after my life and destiny , you are a failure , today receive your defeat and be disgraced out of my life now in Jesus name.
You that stand as pharaoh in my life, your wickedness has come to an end today, I command the earth to swallow you and your chariots in the name of Jesus.
Every visible and invisible forces fighting my life, perish in Jesus name.
Seen and Unseen enemies of my breakthroughs, perish in the red sea in Jesus name.
Father, those who say I shall suffer throughout my life, shall die suddenly like Pharaoh in the name of Jesus.
Pharaohs of my breakthroughs, release me and die in Jesus name.
Thank you Lord for my deliverance tonight, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)


 Christian meditation is a hotly debated subject in our culture currently.Meditation is becoming wildly more popular amongst those who consider
themselves “spiritual” and amongst those who consider themselves not even slightly religious at all. People are adapting to the new societal norm of  lmediation. For Christianity, however, meditation shouldn’t be something new.

Meditation has been apart of our Bible
since the book of Genesis.

What is Christian Meditation? Christian meditation is the act of filling one’s mind with Scripture, and dwelling on God and all that He offers to humanity. 

While the word “meditation” in the Bible has three seperate definitions, it can be summarized. It
means to “mutter, speak and ponder” to oneself the words of Scripture so that we are constantly meditating on what God has spoken to us. 

This produces not only knowledge of the Bible, but also, a heart transformation.We should not shy away from meditation, but we should respect
mediation wisely and in the correct manner.

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Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post


If your husband doesn't last long in bed or his penis loses erection quickly, if your wife has an unpleasant smell or she struggles to do some sex positions; don't expose him/her to your friends or someone who you are flirting with in bid to justify why you are flirting. The sexual struggles in your marriage should be kept a secret as you both feel safe seeking solutions together

If the sex in your marriage is incredible, don't go around sharing all the details; not because you are afraid your friends will want to steal your sexually amazing spouse, but because some things are best kept special by being kept secret just between you two. Others may know your spouse is great in bed, but they don't need to know the details of how great. Your love making is not for their entertainment

Be careful especially when sharing this information with your family members; they might want to take advantage of your spouse if he/she earns alot or look down on your spouse if he/she earns less or nothing at the moment. You two know how much you bring to the family basket and know your limit on how engaged you want to be in supporting your relatives

Have you bought your spouse a car, have you given your spouse capital to start a business, have you paid your spouse's University education fees, have you bought your spouse an expensive gift or clothes?; don't go informing people about it. By doing good to your spouse, you did it for you because you two are one. If it came from your heart, you will not go bragging about it

If your spouse had a dark past; maybe your spouse made bad romantic choices in the past, procured an abortion, was sexually abused, was in a dishonourable profession; it is not your place to disclose this to people. If your spouse wants to share this as a testimony to encourage and teach others that should come from him/her, not you

Are you two praying and fasting as a couple, perhaps you are praying for financial breakthrough, to get a child, to find solutions, to defeat a recurring problem in your marriage; keep this between you two as you cry out to God. You don't have to invite others into your private warroom

Is your spouse struggling with an embarrassing addiction, perhaps porn, gambling, masturbation, alcoholism; don't go telling people to show how disappointed you are. Cover your spouse and mitigate the situation. If it is to talk to someone, let it be a counsellor or therapist to find constructive and practical solutions. You two will win this battle in private

If there are things about you that your spouse doesn't like, change them instead of going out there telling people "Imagine my spouse is such a pain, complaining that I don't do XYZ"

If your spouse has an issue with your friend/friends, don't go telling your friends; they might gang up against your spouse and you might find yourself joining them to mock your spouse. Analyse your spouse's complaints, if they have merit, cut off that friend/friends or keep them distant

If your spouse raises concerns about your parents, siblings or relatives; don't go telling them. You will give them ammunition to attack and dislike your spouse. You are the bridge between your spouse and your relatives. Wisely use the information your spouse has shared with you to foster a better bond

If your marriage is going through issues, don't go posting online those issues as you reveal your spouse's identity, posting on your wall or WhatsApp hoping that your spouse will read and get your attack message. No, solve issues in private

The world doesn't need to know everything about you two
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Speak words that promote wholeness

“You have been trapped by what you said.” Pr 6:2 NIV


Stormie Omartian says: “Early in my walk with the Lord I spoke many negatives…‘I’m a failure,’ ‘I’m ugly,’ ‘Nothing ever goes right,’ ‘Nobody cares about me,’…[Then] the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart…‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue’ (Pr 18:21 NKJV). I had been speaking words of death, not life.

One clear example had to do with my speech problems. I’d had them since childhood and was teased about them all through school…[When] I was old enough to afford professional help, I worked with a speech therapist…I practiced day after day, year after year, to gain…little improvement…I still lost my voice…halfway through each [speaking] engagement…‘I’ll never be able to speak right,’ I cried…But as I spoke those words…the Lord [said]: ‘You’re bringing death to your situation because you’re not speaking the truth…Do not speak what you think…or what seems to be truth…speak what you know to be the truth of my Word…‘The stammering tongue will be fluent and clear’ (Isa 32:4 NIV)…‘I have put My words in your mouth’ (Isa 51:16 NKJV)…Soon after, when I was asked to speak at a…women’s meeting, I took my fears…to [God]…and…spoke [His] truth instead of voicing my own negative opinions…My talk went so well…an entire speaking ministry opened up…The Bible says, ‘You are snared by the words of your mouth’ (Pr 6:2 NKJV). That includes [your self-talk]…Wipe [out] words of hopelessness, doubt, and negativity from your vocabulary. [They] may seem harmless…but [they] affect your body and soul…Speak words that reflect the wholeness you desire.”
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Take a look at this post… ‘The day I died’.

Ask and Listen

Ask and Listen

True worshippers

Saturday, February 26, 2022

The day I died

My son I am no different from you , all the passions you now felt ,I once was yoked by them. It wasn't easy at all the struggle to be righteous by your own effort is a never ending journey and normally we falter in all our efforts.

What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ. Philippians3:8 NIV

Never let anxiety and self condemnation be your daily bread , our enemy is always on the rampage seeking the weak who are always reminded of their sins ,so they would feel useless and continue living in sin.

The more you live in sin the harder it is to live to your full potential.. but all hope is not lost there is is Jesus Christ who can give you a true and better identity.

It started by a puff of smoke and the next thing it was booze ... The happiness the earth offers is of no value the end is only death. Before I knew it I was changing girls like I would my underwear , committing adultery seemed fashionable but the more I moved from one girl to the next the more I got confused about relationships.. 

No woman would quench the thirst I had for fulfillment , I did not stop myself from experimenting ,but all women seemed the same .. then I wondered why did the Bible put value in marriage when all I felt was dissatisfaction in relationships.

I am no bad parent at all , me and your mother we just couldn't make it ,we were too young or to be blunt I was drowning in the world that I lost focus on the real essence of life .

I followed after worldly pleasures,  Ohhh yes I had to be very fashionable girls liked a man who dressed in a certain way .. it was really easy in our days .. dress a certain way ,drive a car and you can get any woman you want...Vanity of vanities it is.

The world had taken me on a journey of no return , the music I listened to encouraged me to act and think in a certain way... This is not new my son... What you are facing is not new at all .

But the Devil operates by stealing time from the children of God. Time wasted is never regained... the time I realised the folly of worldly pleasures I had lost you , and I had already passed my youth, with nothing to show ,only failed marriages , poverty and depression.I had by this time attempted suicide 3 times , I could tell my life was going nowhere.

I had tried every brand of alcohol I knew of to get rid of the emptiness inside of me , and yes I used drugs too... Talk of marijuana I became addicted to it too ...but all of these things are useless , just a weapon used by the devil to keep mankind in chains.

But I met Jesus Christ ,he changed my life.. My life changed after I was introduced to the Jesus Christ of the Bible.

My son obey the commandment of God and do not let anyone or anything derail you from serving him , he loves you the way you are. I am begging you today come and taste the love of God in Jesus Christ you will testify.

Have more time studying the word of God .. Your success is only assured in Jesus Christ.

Give your life to God 

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Verse of the day Ephesians 4:25-28 NIV [25] Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we ...

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