Monday, February 28, 2022

It's too early to give up

The only way up the ladder is going through any limitations ,be is self limitations or restrictions made by any other system working against your destiny.Systems are designed to benefit whoever created them, thus by living your life restricted by any system means no freedom to you .

Many are the cries of tormented souls as a result of addictions , what simply started as an experiment became the master. Smokers only started by one puff of a cigarette. Is it possible to turn back the hands of time? Many regret the day they tried drugs ,but surely there is a way out .

Life in general is challenging ,you face Goliath on your way to the throne, but once you fear Goliath you can't really get to the throne so decisions really have to be made. Yes relationships demands lot of work but for a successful marriage you have to conquer Goliath . 

Everyone has faced financial crisis in his life , but some succumbed to pressure and they never really got out of the poverty line whilst some made a decision to be wealthy.

It's all about decisions , the best decision you can do today is to give your life to Christ only then can you reach your full potential .In him is the fullness of all we are searching for on this earth.

No matter how difficult your problems may be , he will see you through. In Jesus the word impossible doesn't exist ,just by mentioning the name of Jesus the devil crumbles.

He came to fulfill the law so that we won't be condemned by the law . Never let anyone remind you of how difficult it is to quit smoking , by the blood of Jesus you can be freed of any addictions .

Jesus wants to restore your marriage today if you would allow him to. Make a decision today to allow Jesus Christ to be the only authority in your life.Say Jesus Christ take over authority of my being I am a sinner and I know you can wash me clean by your blood.Be my King and Savior today. 

Salvation is for free .You don't have to be drowning in a never ending ocean of addictions and emotional distress Jesus Christ is waiting for you to simply hand over your problems to him and I promise you ,you will testify of his love.

Come to Jesus ,he loves you and he is eagerly waiting to give you ,your life back!!

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