Thursday, September 21, 2023

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post





Father, forgive my sins and give me grace to live a life that attracts your favour.

By the blood of Jesus, I receive cleansing from every deposit of rejection through sin in the name of Jesus.

Let those who are not speaking to me because of your favor in my life, be silenced forever, in the name of Jesus.

Let the devices of household enemies against your favor in my life backfire against them.

I decree that those that are not at peace with me because of God’s favor upon my life shall never know peace.

As the brothers of Joseph bowed before him, cause the enemies of my destiny to end up bowing before me.

I repent of any voodoo of favor I have subscribed to in the past and I command its power and influence against divine favor to be destroyed, in the name of the Lord

Whatever river is in my bloodline fighting your favor in my life, I command them to dry up.

Deliver me from whatever demonic powers my ancestors have submitted to that is fighting your favor in my life

Every ancestral strong man and woman fighting God’s favor in my life, I relocate you to the land of the wicked.

Every power and spirit of the occult released against God’s favor in my life turn and face your owners and destroy them, in Jesus name.

Every handwriting of darkness against God’s favor in my life, be wiped off with the blood of Jesus.

I walk back to four generations on both sides of my family line and break every curse, uproot evil plantations and release myself from all ungodly covenants in the name of Jesus.

Every witchcraft power pronouncing evil instructions against God’s favor in my life, be destroyed by thunder fire and brimstone of the Lord.

Whatever generational curse is fighting your favor in my life, I command them to be broken, in Jesus name.

Every handwriting of death and hell against favor in my life, be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Invisible marks, invisible spots in the fountain of my life fighting God’s favor in me, be wiped away with the blood of Jesus.

Every power of household witchcraft limiting my level of favor, catch fire.

Every spirit of disfavor projected against my life, return to sender.

I bind every anti-favor spirit turning my favorable friends into unfavorable enemies

Every evil personality inside my body fighting God’s favor in my life, be arrested and evacuated out of me by fire.

Every plan to use sin and iniquity to take me from favor to disfavor, backfire, in Jesus name.

All agents after the order of Potiphar’s wife sent to destroy your favor in my life, O Lord, destroy them.

Lord, let what anti-favor spirits have stolen be restored to my life

Let what they have broken down be built up in Jesus' name

Let what they have killed be resurrected in JESUS' name

Let what they have covered be uncovered in JESUS' name

Every anti-favor spirit working against my life, your mission and commission against me are ended today in the name of Jesus.

Every curse hanging over my life causing me to lack favour, be nullified by the blood of Jesus.

Every covering cast over my face stopping people from seeing me to favour me, catch fire now in Jesus' name.

Every anti-favour aura and spiritual odour following me around, OUT now in JESUS' name.

I call forth unprecedented favour upon my life, family and the works of my hands in JESUS' name.

Father, like Joseph, your garment of favor on my life is making some people angry, let the anger of the angry amount to nothing against my life, in the name of Jesus.

Father, relocate me from the place of disfavor to my place of favour and destiny in the name of Jesus.

I shall not be an abandoned project in JESUS' name.

My destiny shall not be diverted in JESUS' name.

In Jesus name, you spirit of disfavour and rejection, I break your power over my life.
By: Apostolic Life via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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