Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Poverty would not exist if we all trusted each other. There are many people, even in your circle, that can make one phone call and introduce you to someone who could invest in your business, give you a job, Or buy your product; the only problem is that they are not willing to risk their name and reputation to assist you.

But think about this, if they trusted you, then you'd not be broke, your business would probably be reaching big milestones. I consider people who deliberately tarnish other people's reputation or name very devilish. These people are literally killing your capital - TRUST.

The only reason anyone would refer you is because they trust you. Develop trust with people. Build your reputation slowly, that's how you make money - TRUST.
By: Joshua Takaindisa via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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