Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

4th April 2023


These prayers is to be prayed from 12midnight your local time. The witchcraft powers that have control your destiny will be crush by the sword of God.

The original meaning of the word “witch” means to bend; to change. The primary function of
witchcraft is to bend or what is straight to make it crooked. They change and refashion things to conform to their wicked intentions. Witchcraft is very complicated and deeply entrenched in the heavenlies. Witchcraft has infiltrated into the house of God. Most of these strange occurrences
are pure manifestations of witchcraft which have become part and parcel of the life of many.
You can use these prayer points to bring
litigation against the powers of witchcraft, and to close all the doors of your life against witchcraft
agents. Take these prayer points with holy
hunger and you will experience total freedom.


Isaiah 49:25-26; Luke 10:19; Colossians 2:15; Psalms 35:1-28.

Before you pray these prayer points, go into a
period of praise and thanksgiving.
Pray in the spirit for at least 10 minutes.


I cover myself with the blood of Jesus christ.

I bind all principalities and powers in the air
operating over and within my life, in the
Name of Jesus.

I bind all wickedness in high places and evil
thrones in the air operating over and within my life, in the Name of Jesus.

I bind all evil dominions and strongmen in
the air operating over and within my life, in
the Name of Jesus.

I bind every witchcraft control and mind- blinding spirit, in the Name of Jesus.

I strip each spirit off their power and rank
and I separate each of them from one
another, in the Name of Jesus.

I cast out every witchcraft arrow affecting my
senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing), in the
Name of Jesus.

I command every witchcraft arrow to depart from my: spinal cord; spleen; navel; heart;
throat; between the eyes; top of the head.

I bind every evil presence in my bodily
system: reproductive; digestive; respiratory;
nervous; skeletal; muscular; circulatory;
endocrine; excretory in Jesus name.

I break the backbone and destroy the root of
every spirit speaking against me, in the Name of Jesus.

Every astral projection against me, I frustrate you, in Jesus’ Name.

Every complicated evil network against me, be eaten up by the elements, in the Name of Jesus.

I bind every power pulling anything in my
body towards evil by means of energy drawn
from the sun, the moon and the stars, in the
Name of Jesus.

I bind every power pulling anything in my
body towards evil by means of energy drawn
from the planets and constellations and the
earth, in the Name of Jesus.

I bind every power pulling anything in my
body towards evil by means of energy drawn
from the: air; wind; fire; water; light; darkness; elements, in Jesus’ Name.

Any power drawing energy against me from
evil lines and circles, fall down and die, in the
Name of Jesus.

I forbid any transference of spirit into my life
from my family, friends and associates, in the
Name of Jesus.

Every altar speaking against my divine
destiny, be dismantled, in the Name of Jesus.

I bring the blood of Jesus over the spirit that does not want to let me go, in the Name of

Let the blood of Jesus purge me of every witchcraft contaminating material, in the Name of Jesus.

I destroy the hands of witch-doctors working
against me, in the Name of Jesus.

Every witchcraft spirit attempting to build a
wall against my destiny, fall down and die, in
the Name of Jesus.

I send the rain of affliction upon every marine witchcraft working against me in the name of Jesus.

Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers.

By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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