Monday, February 13, 2023

Let us pray

🙌Father, thank you that your thoughts for me are thoughts of peace and not of evil, that gives me hope for a new beginning and a great future, in the name of Jesus. Jer 29:11

 🙌Father, thank you for a second chance and a new dawn. I pray that your will and not mine will be done from now and always, in Jesus name.

 🙌Father, create in me a new heart and put your right spirit for a new beginning within me, in Jesus name. PS 51:10.

 🙌Father, by your spirit, remove my heart of stone and give me a heart filled with the spirit for a fresh beginning, in Jesus name. Ezek 36:26. 

🙌Father, by your grace, old things have passed away from my life and destiny and all things from now have become new because I am now a new creature in Christ Jesus. 2cor 5:17.

 🙌Father, do new things in my life that eyes have not seen, nor ear heard nor any mind can conceive as I walk in the newness of life, in Jesus name. 1cor 2:9.

 🙌Father, I receive the grace for a new beginning of transformation, restoration, confirmation and divine establishment, in Jesus name. 2chron 20:20, Isa 54:14. 

🙌Father, as I walk in a new beginning of life, my help and comfort will come from you who made the heavens and the earth, in Jesus’ name. PS 121:1-2. 

🙌Father, in this new beginning, you shall not suffer my foot to be moved, because you are my helper, keeper and the shade upon my right hand, in Jesus name. PS 121:3-5. 

🙌Father, in this new beginning, You shall be with me always, when I pass through waters, they shall not overwhelm me, when I walk through fire, I shall not be burnt because the Lord is my saviour, in Jesus name. Isa 43:2.

Thank you Jesus 👏

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