Friday, February 10, 2023

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post


I break the power of spirit spouse over my life and marriage, in the name of Jesus.

I divorce the marriage between me and the spirit husband/wife, in the name of Jesus.

I remove every wedding ring of the spirit spouse on my hand, in the name of Jesus.

I put off and burn to ashes every spiritual wedding gown in my possession, in Jesus name.

I break every evil soul tie between me and the spirit husband/wife, in Jesus name.

I cancel all dreams associated with the marine and water spirit, in the name of Jesus.

O God arise and deliver me from spiritual marriage with the spirit husband, in Jesus name.

I send the fire of God to burn to ashes the marriage certificate, in the name of Jesus.

I purge out by the blood of Jesus, every remain of spirit husband’s/wife semen deposited in my body, in Jesus name.

Every spirit spouse manipulating my menstrual cycle lose your hold in the name of Jesus.

Marine heat in my womb and body, die by the blood of Jesus.

Every power working against my earthly marriage, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

I divorce strange children in my marriage, in Jesus name. I retrieve back my glory, in the name of Jesus.

I declare to the spirit husband and spirit wife, hear me and hear me well, Jesus is my husband.

I return to you, every property of yours in my possession in the spirit world, including the dowry and whatsoever was used for the marriage and covenants, in the name of Jesus.

I divorce and renounce my marriage with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.

I bind every spirit of seduction in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Spirit husband, I command you to remove your hands from my marriage, in Jesus name.

Any spirit spouse that has padlocked my earthly marriage, I command you to open it now, in Jesus name

Every evil meeting for my sake from the marine kingdom, scatter by fire, in Jesus name.

You queen of coast, I RENOUNCE YOU and your covenant today by the blood of Jesus.

Evil mirrors watching me from the covens, break by fire, scatter the evil personality, in Jesus name.

Holy Ghost fire, set ablaze by the authority of heaven, the marine kingdom spiritually trapping down my glory in the waters, in the name of Jesus.

I break myself loose from every yoke of late marriage, in the name of Jesus.

Lord, repair and restore every damage done to any part of my body and my earthly marriage by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.

I declare to you spirit wife/ husband that there is no vacancy for you in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Father, Let every evil veil upon my life be torn open, in Jesus’ name.

I execute judgment against water spirits and declare that you are reserved for everlasting chains in darkness, in Jesus name.

Every wicked power using the face of a familiar person to pollute me spiritually, die, in the name of Jesus.

Lord, destroy with your fire, anything that gives the spirit husband/wife the power to harrass, molest and pollute me in my dreams, in the name of Jesus.

I break and loose myself from python spirit, in the name of Jesus

Holy Ghost fire, purify my soul, spirit and body, in the name of Jesus.

I arrest every organ of the spirit spouse against my life, in the name of Jesus.

You spirit husband, release my womb (babies)…(mention others) and dry up by fire, in Jesus name.

Every trademark of water spirit, be shaken out of my life, in the name of Jesus.

Every spirit child sucking and stealing my virtues, vomit them, release them to me now and expire by fire, in the name of Jesus.

I plead the blood of Jesus over my spirit, soul and body, in the name of Jesus.

Any power using the dream of marine spirit to imprison my marriage, die by fire, in Jesus name.

You foundational power against my financial breakthrough, loose your grip over me, in Jesus name.

Jesus Christ, heal and restore my marriage, in Jesus name.

Strange eyes watching me from the sea, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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