O Lord, promote me in multiple folds as this year is running to an end in the name of Jesus.
Every inherited evil cage in my life be dismantled by fire in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost fire, consume the spirit of fear in every department of my life in Jesus name.
My life be delivered from internal cage in Jesus name.
I fire back every arrow of poverty in every department of my life in Jesus name.
I come against every hidden and clever devourer i every department of my life in Jesus name.
Anointing for financial excellence, financial breakthrough and financial prosperity, fall upon my life now in the name of Jesus
I bind every profit starvation in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, i disconnect myself from every financial trap.
I uproot every seed of failure in my life with the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
I nullify every spirit of leaking pocketin my finances, in the name of Jesus.
I nullify and destroy every of success polluters, in the name of Jesus.
Financial embarrassment will never continue to be my lot, in the name of Jesus.
I will not follow evil pattern of failure in the name of Jesus.
Dead account, you will never be my lot, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not work for others to eat in the name of Jesus.
My blessings, you will not slip off my hands, in the name of Jesus.
You power of emptier, you will not empty my life, in the name of Jesus.
You power of emptier, you will not empty my health in Jesus name.
O Lord, enlarge my coast and silence my enemies in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, let your floods of success overwhelm my life, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, put to shame and disgrace every evil activator pursuing my progress, in the name of Jesus.
Every arrow of vagabond spirit fired at me ny household wickedness, come out and die now in the name of Jesus.
I paralyze every inner heat in my life in the name of Jesus.
Every arrow of non-achievement in any areas of my life, come out and die now, in the name of Jesus.
I pull out every arrow fired in to my foundation by household wickedness, in the name of Jesus.
I loose myself from the bondage of profitless hardwork in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, let all evil enquiries about my life be rendered null and void, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, let only your name be glorified as a result of my persistent prayers in Jesus name.
O Lord, every power that is against the plan of God for my life fall down and die in Jesus name.
I will never be put to shame in the name of Jesus.
I remove my name from the book of failure in Jesus name.
Rain of fire, fall upon the camp of all the enemies of my life in Jesus name.
Every evil handwriting fashioned against my promotion, be washed away by the blood of Jesus.
Every inherited arrow of family destruction, receive the fire of God and come our of my life now in Jesus name.
O Lord, let my financial life be too hot for the enemy to handle in Jesus name.
Every power of the devourer that has swallowed my finances, begin to vomit them now in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
BIBLE READING: GENESIS 12:2-3, PROV. 21:1, 1 CHRONICLES 4:9-10, DEUTERONOMY 28:13; ISAIAH 54:1-3; LUKE 5:1-6.
Thank you Lord for creating me with a mandate to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue and have dominion over all the earth in Jesus name.
I repent from every ancestral and personal sin, forgive me Lord and cleanse me completely from them in Jesus Name.
I renounce every acquired and self-inflicted curse of stagnancy and limitation in Jesus Name.
I break loose from every spirit of caged destiny in Jesus Name.
Every power forcing me to operate below my God given potential your time is up, loose your hold on me in Jesus Name.
I break power of cage, stagnation & limitation over my life in Jesus Name.
O Lord, position me in the center of your will and help me to do your pleasure totally in Jesus Name.
Father usher me to possess territories for you in Jesus Name.
Father let your hand be upon me for good from now in Jesus Name .
O Lord, open my eyes to opportunities for my enlargement and order my steps to maximize them in Jesus Name.
Father, I refused to be the best of worst, make me best of the best in Jesus Name.
Thou Spirit of High favor come upon me mightily in Jesus Name.
Father I rededicate myself to global evangelism, use me as a vessel unto honor in this regards in Jesus Name.
Thanking you father for commanding divine enlargement to locate me from now on in Jesus.
Lord, let my shape or stature be an instrument of multiplication and not of rejection in the name of Jesus.
As I grow physically, let me also grow in the heart and depth in the name of Jesus.
Concerning me and my destiny, I reject rejection, i reject stagnancy, i reject decreases in the name of Jesus.
Everything that is attacking me and my purpose – I command you to stop in the name of Jesus.
Every power thinking their plan will slow me down – to their face – Father, increase me in the name of Jesus.
Father, multiply me till my enemies will shake in the name of Jesus.
Father, I come against every plan of the enemy to implant evil into my destiny in the name of Jesus.
My father, keep me and hide me under your shadow, and save me from every form of all evils in Jesus name.
Lord cast away everything that is not of God from my life and destiny in the mighty name of Jesus.
My life is the temple of God, I shall not harbour unfruitfulness in my life in Jesus name.
Lord, let your fire destroy every evil plan and evil works concerning my life in the mighty name of Jesus.
Lord, save me from stagnation and unproductive life in Jesus name.
O Lord, with your power, let every existing unproductivity in my life catch fire now in the name of Jesus.
Lord, stop every plant of unfruitfulness and stagnation in my destiny, let them wither and disappear from my life in Jesus name.
Lord, make my life and destiny resistant and impossible for the seed of stagnation and unproductivity to stay or grow in Jesus name.
Lord, save me from anything that will put my life in trouble in the name of Jesus.
Lord, take over my life and destiny , so that I will Multiply in all areas of my life in Jesus name.
My father, let the power in the blood of Jesus work for me, and serve as a cure over any form of stagnation in my life in Jesus name.
Lord, let your fire destroy every evil arrow of unfruitfulness targeted against my life in Jesus name.
Lord, I receive ultimate protection from above by fire in Jesus name.
My father, let every evil agenda attack me with stagnation and unfruitfulness to be destroyed now in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, break every chain of unproductivity trying to limit my life in Jesus name.
My father let me enjoy divine increase and supernatural enlargement in all areas of my life and destiny in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
BIBLE READING: GENESIS 12:2-3, PROV. 21:1, 1 CHRONICLES 4:9-10, DEUTERONOMY 28:13; ISAIAH 54:1-3; LUKE 5:1-6.
Thank you Lord for creating me with a mandate to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue and have dominion over all the earth in Jesus name.
I repent from every ancestral and personal sin, forgive me Lord and cleanse me completely from them in Jesus Name.
I renounce every acquired and self-inflicted curse of stagnancy and limitation in Jesus Name.
I break loose from every spirit of caged destiny in Jesus Name.
Every power forcing me to operate below my God given potential your time is up, loose your hold on me in Jesus Name.
I break power of cage, stagnation & limitation over my life in Jesus Name.
O Lord, position me in the center of your will and help me to do your pleasure totally in Jesus Name.
Father usher me to possess territories for you in Jesus Name.
Father let your hand be upon me for good from now in Jesus Name .
O Lord, open my eyes to opportunities for my enlargement and order my steps to maximize them in Jesus Name.
Father, I refused to be the best of worst, make me best of the best in Jesus Name.
Thou Spirit of High favor come upon me mightily in Jesus Name.
Father I rededicate myself to global evangelism, use me as a vessel unto honor in this regards in Jesus Name.
Thanking you father for commanding divine enlargement to locate me from now on in Jesus.
Lord, let my shape or stature be an instrument of multiplication and not of rejection in the name of Jesus.
As I grow physically, let me also grow in the heart and depth in the name of Jesus.
Concerning me and my destiny, I reject rejection, i reject stagnancy, i reject decreases in the name of Jesus.
Everything that is attacking me and my purpose – I command you to stop in the name of Jesus.
Every power thinking their plan will slow me down – to their face – Father, increase me in the name of Jesus.
Father, multiply me till my enemies will shake in the name of Jesus.
Father, I come against every plan of the enemy to implant evil into my destiny in the name of Jesus.
My father, keep me and hide me under your shadow, and save me from every form of all evils in Jesus name.
Lord cast away everything that is not of God from my life and destiny in the mighty name of Jesus.
My life is the temple of God, I shall not harbour unfruitfulness in my life in Jesus name.
Lord, let your fire destroy every evil plan and evil works concerning my life in the mighty name of Jesus.
Lord, save me from stagnation and unproductive life in Jesus name.
O Lord, with your power, let every existing unproductivity in my life catch fire now in the name of Jesus.
Lord, stop every plant of unfruitfulness and stagnation in my destiny, let them wither and disappear from my life in Jesus name.
Lord, make my life and destiny resistant and impossible for the seed of stagnation and unproductivity to stay or grow in Jesus name.
Lord, save me from anything that will put my life in trouble in the name of Jesus.
Lord, take over my life and destiny , so that I will Multiply in all areas of my life in Jesus name.
My father, let the power in the blood of Jesus work for me, and serve as a cure over any form of stagnation in my life in Jesus name.
Lord, let your fire destroy every evil arrow of unfruitfulness targeted against my life in Jesus name.
Lord, I receive ultimate protection from above by fire in Jesus name.
My father, let every evil agenda attack me with stagnation and unfruitfulness to be destroyed now in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, break every chain of unproductivity trying to limit my life in Jesus name.
My father let me enjoy divine increase and supernatural enlargement in all areas of my life and destiny in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
28 /10/2022
Visitation of darkness into my life, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Every property of the enemy in my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Visitors of the night assigned to disgrace me, die, in Jesus name.
Terror by night, locate your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows that flieth by day, locate your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Pestilence that walketh in darkness, locate you senders, in the name of Jesus.
Every bird of witchcraft, assigned to trouble my progress, you are a liar, die, in Jesus name.
Every arrow of demotion, locate your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Every fetish material prepared to attack me, backfire on your sender in Jesus name.
Stones of witchcraft fired into my life, locate the head of your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Every power holding to my advancement, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
Where my enemies says I will not reach, I must reach there by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every curse of this is how far you can go’ issued against my life, break, break, break, in the name of Jesus.
I use the blood of Jesus to separate myself from any effigy and voodoo used against me, in Jesus name.
Every secret of my life in wrong hands, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
I fire back every arrow of infirmity by the power in the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.
Foundational battles fought by my parent repeating itself in my life, die in the name of Jesus.
Every evil alter diverting my blessings and opportunities, die in the name of Jesus.
My head, my head, my head. Hear the word of the Lord, arise and shine in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of God, disgrace the laughter of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
Powers that have vowed to tear my destiny to pieces, Lion of Judah, tear them to pieces in the name of Jesus.
Enemies of my progress, wherever you are, receive the beating of God in the name of Jesus.
Powers destroying my joy every month before seven days, O God bury them in Jesus name.
Ancestral powers that want me to die in battle, O God arise kill them in Jesus name.
Satanic bullets lodging in my body, what are you waiting for: backfire in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of disfavour fired into my head, locate your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of satanic anger upon my life, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of constant failure and backwardness operating in my life, go back to the senders, in the name of Jesus.
Every arrow of hatred and rejection fired into my life jump out, in the name Jesus.
Every power using witchcraft to suppress, oppress and attack me/my family, let your witchcraft backfire in Jesus name.
Let the arrows of joblessness and marital frustration, go back to the senders, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and destroy the wicked arrows of thou shall not break records in my family, in the name of Jesus.
Marine witchcraft arrows of getting married to wrong partner, you are a liar, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of almost there but never there curses, go back to the senders, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of academic and career frustration, I am not your candidate, return to your owners, in Jesus name.
Arrows of building and not living inside it, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Water spirit arrows of poverty and debts fired into my life backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of non-achievement fired into my destiny from my friends, neighbors, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Satanic mirror of wickedness used to monitor and curse me, destroy by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil arrows of falling into financial troubles before marriage, jump out and backfire, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
28 /10/2022
Visitation of darkness into my life, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Every property of the enemy in my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Visitors of the night assigned to disgrace me, die, in Jesus name.
Terror by night, locate your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows that flieth by day, locate your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Pestilence that walketh in darkness, locate you senders, in the name of Jesus.
Every bird of witchcraft, assigned to trouble my progress, you are a liar, die, in Jesus name.
Every arrow of demotion, locate your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Every fetish material prepared to attack me, backfire on your sender in Jesus name.
Stones of witchcraft fired into my life, locate the head of your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Every power holding to my advancement, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
Where my enemies says I will not reach, I must reach there by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every curse of this is how far you can go’ issued against my life, break, break, break, in the name of Jesus.
I use the blood of Jesus to separate myself from any effigy and voodoo used against me, in Jesus name.
Every secret of my life in wrong hands, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
I fire back every arrow of infirmity by the power in the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.
Foundational battles fought by my parent repeating itself in my life, die in the name of Jesus.
Every evil alter diverting my blessings and opportunities, die in the name of Jesus.
My head, my head, my head. Hear the word of the Lord, arise and shine in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of God, disgrace the laughter of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
Powers that have vowed to tear my destiny to pieces, Lion of Judah, tear them to pieces in the name of Jesus.
Enemies of my progress, wherever you are, receive the beating of God in the name of Jesus.
Powers destroying my joy every month before seven days, O God bury them in Jesus name.
Ancestral powers that want me to die in battle, O God arise kill them in Jesus name.
Satanic bullets lodging in my body, what are you waiting for: backfire in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of disfavour fired into my head, locate your senders, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of satanic anger upon my life, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of constant failure and backwardness operating in my life, go back to the senders, in the name of Jesus.
Every arrow of hatred and rejection fired into my life jump out, in the name Jesus.
Every power using witchcraft to suppress, oppress and attack me/my family, let your witchcraft backfire in Jesus name.
Let the arrows of joblessness and marital frustration, go back to the senders, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and destroy the wicked arrows of thou shall not break records in my family, in the name of Jesus.
Marine witchcraft arrows of getting married to wrong partner, you are a liar, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of almost there but never there curses, go back to the senders, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of academic and career frustration, I am not your candidate, return to your owners, in Jesus name.
Arrows of building and not living inside it, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Water spirit arrows of poverty and debts fired into my life backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of non-achievement fired into my destiny from my friends, neighbors, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Satanic mirror of wickedness used to monitor and curse me, destroy by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil arrows of falling into financial troubles before marriage, jump out and backfire, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Friday, October 28, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Trust God, trust in His written Word, and do not allow your natural circumstances to dictate how you view God. When we know
God is not the source of our difficulties, we will find the difficulties we face become very easy to handle.We will also discover that the time frame in which we see our difficulties will also improve. We simply cannot lose when we stop laying blame to God as to why bad things happen.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
God is not the source of our difficulties, we will find the difficulties we face become very easy to handle.We will also discover that the time frame in which we see our difficulties will also improve. We simply cannot lose when we stop laying blame to God as to why bad things happen.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
1. That every pending blessing, expectation and breakthrough meant for you be released to you now, in Jesus Name
2. I bind whatever that is following your life from one phase to another, haunting and slowing down your progress. The Lord will multiply and increase you. He will make you greater, wiser and better, in Jesus Name
3. Whatever good thing that has died or failed in your life; spiritually, physically, financially or maritally, by the power of the Holy Ghost, l decree total restoration and recovery, in Jesus Name
4. I pray that your soul, spirit, and body will be refreshed and reignited to partner with God in the realization of His will for your life. You will not be discouraged or distracted, you will receive and enjoy the promises of God for your life, in Jesus Name
5. You shall receive a supernatural supply of God's grace and a mighty infilling of His joy. The joy of the Lord will provide sufficient strength for you. You shall overcome every challenge and scale through every difficulty that comes your way today, in Jesus Name
6. I decree an end to every manipulation of the enemy trying to fight against your destiny. Henceforth, you shall become a reference point to describe God's goodness. Heaven shall stand against whosoever that is fighting against the peace of God in your life and family, in Jesus Name
7. I pray that above all things, you and every member of your family shall prosper and be in good health, in Jesus Name
8. As you rest in God's love and trust in His unfailing goodness, He shall come through for you today and everyday of your life, in Jesus Name
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
1. That every pending blessing, expectation and breakthrough meant for you be released to you now, in Jesus Name
2. I bind whatever that is following your life from one phase to another, haunting and slowing down your progress. The Lord will multiply and increase you. He will make you greater, wiser and better, in Jesus Name
3. Whatever good thing that has died or failed in your life; spiritually, physically, financially or maritally, by the power of the Holy Ghost, l decree total restoration and recovery, in Jesus Name
4. I pray that your soul, spirit, and body will be refreshed and reignited to partner with God in the realization of His will for your life. You will not be discouraged or distracted, you will receive and enjoy the promises of God for your life, in Jesus Name
5. You shall receive a supernatural supply of God's grace and a mighty infilling of His joy. The joy of the Lord will provide sufficient strength for you. You shall overcome every challenge and scale through every difficulty that comes your way today, in Jesus Name
6. I decree an end to every manipulation of the enemy trying to fight against your destiny. Henceforth, you shall become a reference point to describe God's goodness. Heaven shall stand against whosoever that is fighting against the peace of God in your life and family, in Jesus Name
7. I pray that above all things, you and every member of your family shall prosper and be in good health, in Jesus Name
8. As you rest in God's love and trust in His unfailing goodness, He shall come through for you today and everyday of your life, in Jesus Name
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Father I thank you for giving me eternal victory in Christ Jesus amen.
I declare that I have victory of all demonic oppression in Jesus name
I declare that I have victory over sin in Jesus name
I declare that no man shall stand against me successfully all the days of my life in Jesus name
I declare that I have victory over all my enemies in Jesus name.
I declare that every strong man in my life and family is disarmed and destroyed now in Jesus name
I declare that wherever my name is called, I shall be victorious in the name of Jesus
I declare that no man shall prevail against me in any matter in Jesus name
I declare that I shall be victorious over those who are too strong for me in Jesus name
I declare that the mighty hand of God will continue to grant me supernatural victory in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, I bind every strongman trying to bring me down in Jesus name
Father grant me divine tactics and strategies to continue to defeat and subdue the enemy in Jesus name.
I bind and paralyse the strongman employed or delegated to disgrace me, in the name of Jesus.
Let all the affairs of my life be too hot for my enemies to manipulate, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, grant me supernatural wisdom to subdue all my enemies in Jesus name.
O Lord, let all my adversaries be put to shame in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, I declare that I shall come out victorious in every court case I have with my enemies in Jesus name.
I close every negative door that the enemy might want to open, to harm me in the name of Jesus.
You satanic agents, I command you to clear out from the pathway to my victory in this matter, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel any demonic decision and expectation targeting my life, in the name of Jesus.
Father, let all my enemies be on there knees as I rule over them victoriously in Jesus name.
Let the fire of the Holy Spirit purge my life from any evil mark put upon me, in the name of Jesus.
Let the Lord confuse the tongues of those gathered to do me harm, after the order of the builders of the Tower of Babel, in the name of Jesus.
Let my adversaries stumble and fall, in the name of Jesus.
I command every evil power and vessel sitting on my destiny to be violently overthrown, in the name of Jesus.
I pursue, overtake and recover all my blessings from the hands of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
Let every counsel, plan, desire, expectation, imagination, device and activity of the enemy against this my life be rendered null and void, in the name of Jesus .
I terminate every journey into bondage and unfruitfulness designed for me by the enemies of my life in the name of Jesus.
I bind every money-consuming demon attached to my finances, in the name of Jesus.
Father thank you for giving me all round victory in Jesus name i pray. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Father I thank you for giving me eternal victory in Christ Jesus amen.
I declare that I have victory of all demonic oppression in Jesus name
I declare that I have victory over sin in Jesus name
I declare that no man shall stand against me successfully all the days of my life in Jesus name
I declare that I have victory over all my enemies in Jesus name.
I declare that every strong man in my life and family is disarmed and destroyed now in Jesus name
I declare that wherever my name is called, I shall be victorious in the name of Jesus
I declare that no man shall prevail against me in any matter in Jesus name
I declare that I shall be victorious over those who are too strong for me in Jesus name
I declare that the mighty hand of God will continue to grant me supernatural victory in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, I bind every strongman trying to bring me down in Jesus name
Father grant me divine tactics and strategies to continue to defeat and subdue the enemy in Jesus name.
I bind and paralyse the strongman employed or delegated to disgrace me, in the name of Jesus.
Let all the affairs of my life be too hot for my enemies to manipulate, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, grant me supernatural wisdom to subdue all my enemies in Jesus name.
O Lord, let all my adversaries be put to shame in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, I declare that I shall come out victorious in every court case I have with my enemies in Jesus name.
I close every negative door that the enemy might want to open, to harm me in the name of Jesus.
You satanic agents, I command you to clear out from the pathway to my victory in this matter, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel any demonic decision and expectation targeting my life, in the name of Jesus.
Father, let all my enemies be on there knees as I rule over them victoriously in Jesus name.
Let the fire of the Holy Spirit purge my life from any evil mark put upon me, in the name of Jesus.
Let the Lord confuse the tongues of those gathered to do me harm, after the order of the builders of the Tower of Babel, in the name of Jesus.
Let my adversaries stumble and fall, in the name of Jesus.
I command every evil power and vessel sitting on my destiny to be violently overthrown, in the name of Jesus.
I pursue, overtake and recover all my blessings from the hands of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
Let every counsel, plan, desire, expectation, imagination, device and activity of the enemy against this my life be rendered null and void, in the name of Jesus .
I terminate every journey into bondage and unfruitfulness designed for me by the enemies of my life in the name of Jesus.
I bind every money-consuming demon attached to my finances, in the name of Jesus.
Father thank you for giving me all round victory in Jesus name i pray. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Monday, October 24, 2022
Just a quick reminder
Don’t stay where you are tolerated, go where you are celebrated! Too often, we put ourselves in a position, where we spend time with people who tolerate who we are, and this leads to us having to justify our very essence, which is actually exhausting. I can tell you from personal experience, I have quirky... Continue Reading →
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Sure I have some small struggles here and there but nothing like I used to. This doesn’t happen in my life because I am blessed in a way that nobody else is. God is no respecter of persons according to Acts 10:34. If I can live a nearly problem free life why can’t anybody else?
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
If somebody you love asks you for help do you push them away and call it love? No! None of us hurt people out of love. If you just blessed your spouse with a gift are you planning to hide it from them or sell it and say, “I was just testing your faith”? No way! But Satan wants us to believe that God works this way, however that is not how God works. With Satan it is all about deceit. If he can cause us to believe that God wants us to suffer he knows he can attack us on a regular basis and have no resistance (we are allowing the attacks).
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
The devil wants us to believe that his attacks are more powerful if we grow in the Lord. Yes, Satan will attack more often if we are more of a threat to him but once again, he cannot succeed if he does not have an open door to come through. It is the same way with God as evidenced in Revelation 3:20. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Satan is constantly trying to attack us but he cannot begin to succeed without our permission. This may come as a shock but it is true. You cannot be tempted to do anything you do not first think about.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
BIBLE READING: MARK 11:1-10; MATTHEW 15:13; GENESIS 26:1-14; ACTS 28:30-31; GENESIS 18:13-14; ISAIAH 43:18-19; JEREMIAH. 32:17-19; LUKE 1:37, ISAIAH 10:29, GENESIS:2-21, PSALM 8.
Father I thank you because the spirit of limitation is not my portion, I therefore refuse to be subjected to limitation in Jesus name.
Today, I declare my total freedom from the spirit of limitation and unwanted detention in Jesus mighty name.
You strange forces holding me down, I command you to release me now for me to enter my destiny in Jesus name.
I break off my neck from every invisible rope, which Satan used to tie me to the same spot in Jesus name.
Let every curse and barrier of limitation be removed as I move forward this year in the name of Jesus.
I violently overthrow you, you spirit of limitation; get out of my life right now in the name of Jesus.
I speak to the root and foundation of limitation in my life, be dissolved by the blood of Jesus right now.
I command every stronghold working against my advancement and progress to be pulled down and destroyed in Jesus name.
Lift up your heads, O you ancient gates and everlasting doors that are shut against my life and progress in the name of Jesus.
I command every spiritual barrier and limitation to my success in life to break into pieces now in the name of Jesus.
I nullify and destroy everything done against me at any satanic altar that is bringing limitations to my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
In the mighty name of Jesus, I revoke and turn into blessings every curse issued against my life. From now, I will begin to move forward in Jesus name.
I demolish every wall of Jericho preventing me from possessing my possession. I command you to collapse right now in Jesus name.
I forcefully advance and break loose into my inheritance in Jesus name.
As no one was able to stop Paul in his evangelistic mission in Rome, so shall no man, no force and no spirit be able to stop me from attaining my life’s goals in Jesus name.
Despite all odds, Isaac waxed great, and moved forward, and grew until he became very great. I shall also advance into my greatness and move forward beyond my present boundaries until I become very great in Jesus name.
Father, I decree every embargo against my upliftment I command them to catch fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
You satanic embargo causing me to remain in one level for many years I command you to expire by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Satanic cage holding back my destiny from Breaking forth, I command you to open and Release Me Now by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Altars of Darkness setting limitations for me, my career and health, I command you to be destroyed by fire, now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Structures put in place by the power of darkness in order to limit my progress, pulled down by the heavenly bulldozer are in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Every curse placed upon my life from an infant that is causing me stagnation, I break the giver of that soul curse now, you shall no longer prosper in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Satanic officers guarded against my advancement, scatter by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I command every sponsor of financial stagnation in my life to be disgraced in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Oh Lord, I receive speed to move beyond where I am right now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I decree that everything I have lost due to stagnation shall be restored speedily, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I receive advancement in all areas of my life and family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I decree that the yoke of stagnation and limitation is broken in my life totally, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
BIBLE READING: MARK 11:1-10; MATTHEW 15:13; GENESIS 26:1-14; ACTS 28:30-31; GENESIS 18:13-14; ISAIAH 43:18-19; JEREMIAH. 32:17-19; LUKE 1:37, ISAIAH 10:29, GENESIS:2-21, PSALM 8.
Father I thank you because the spirit of limitation is not my portion, I therefore refuse to be subjected to limitation in Jesus name.
Today, I declare my total freedom from the spirit of limitation and unwanted detention in Jesus mighty name.
You strange forces holding me down, I command you to release me now for me to enter my destiny in Jesus name.
I break off my neck from every invisible rope, which Satan used to tie me to the same spot in Jesus name.
Let every curse and barrier of limitation be removed as I move forward this year in the name of Jesus.
I violently overthrow you, you spirit of limitation; get out of my life right now in the name of Jesus.
I speak to the root and foundation of limitation in my life, be dissolved by the blood of Jesus right now.
I command every stronghold working against my advancement and progress to be pulled down and destroyed in Jesus name.
Lift up your heads, O you ancient gates and everlasting doors that are shut against my life and progress in the name of Jesus.
I command every spiritual barrier and limitation to my success in life to break into pieces now in the name of Jesus.
I nullify and destroy everything done against me at any satanic altar that is bringing limitations to my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
In the mighty name of Jesus, I revoke and turn into blessings every curse issued against my life. From now, I will begin to move forward in Jesus name.
I demolish every wall of Jericho preventing me from possessing my possession. I command you to collapse right now in Jesus name.
I forcefully advance and break loose into my inheritance in Jesus name.
As no one was able to stop Paul in his evangelistic mission in Rome, so shall no man, no force and no spirit be able to stop me from attaining my life’s goals in Jesus name.
Despite all odds, Isaac waxed great, and moved forward, and grew until he became very great. I shall also advance into my greatness and move forward beyond my present boundaries until I become very great in Jesus name.
Father, I decree every embargo against my upliftment I command them to catch fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
You satanic embargo causing me to remain in one level for many years I command you to expire by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Satanic cage holding back my destiny from Breaking forth, I command you to open and Release Me Now by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Altars of Darkness setting limitations for me, my career and health, I command you to be destroyed by fire, now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Structures put in place by the power of darkness in order to limit my progress, pulled down by the heavenly bulldozer are in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Every curse placed upon my life from an infant that is causing me stagnation, I break the giver of that soul curse now, you shall no longer prosper in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Satanic officers guarded against my advancement, scatter by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I command every sponsor of financial stagnation in my life to be disgraced in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Oh Lord, I receive speed to move beyond where I am right now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I decree that everything I have lost due to stagnation shall be restored speedily, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I receive advancement in all areas of my life and family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I decree that the yoke of stagnation and limitation is broken in my life totally, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Good things closed against me, open, in the name of Jesus.
Every yoke that holds me, break, in the name of Jesus.
This remaining days of this year, my story must change to glory, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and permanently stop my tears, in the name of Jesus.
If I must cry this year, it shall be a cry of joy, in the name of Jesus.
Satanic blankets covering my glory, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every power gathered to disgrace me, I scatter you into powder, in the name of Jesus.
I uproot obstacles to my testimonies this year, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and do what will make men to notice You in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Curse of seeing good things but not obtaining it, break, in the name of Jesus.
My cup of breakthroughs, begin to run over, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not miss my divine allocation this year, in the name of Jesus.
My divine provision, locate me, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil label, assigned to my life, blood of Jesus, flush them out, in the name of Jesus.
I shall obtain practical awesome results after
this prayer , in the name of Jesus.
Henceforth Father let my life be for signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus.
The remaining days in this year, I shall talk less and testify much, in the name of Jesus.
The remaining days of this year, I shall taste the awesome power of God in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus.
The Lord that caused Daniel to be celebrated, secure my celebration this year, in the name of Jesus.
The Lord that destroyed the garment of shame assigned to blind Bartimaeus, make shame a stranger to my life this year, in the name of Jesus.
Father, I receive an overcoming and victory laughter today, in the name of Jesus.
Father give me an unbelievable and unexplainable testimony, in the name of Jesus.
By the power in the blood of Jesus, before the end of this year, I will sing my song and dance my dance, in the name of Jesus.
I declare that my season of uncommon breakthrough has come, in the name of Jesus.
My ways shall not be stagnant anymore, in the name of Jesus.
I shall sing a new song and dance a new dance this remaining days of this year, in the name of Jesus.
O thou that troubleth my Israel, the God of Elijah shall trouble you today in the name of Jesus.
Every enemy of my life, die in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and uproot anything You did not plant in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Good things closed against me, open, in the name of Jesus.
Every yoke that holds me, break, in the name of Jesus.
This remaining days of this year, my story must change to glory, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and permanently stop my tears, in the name of Jesus.
If I must cry this year, it shall be a cry of joy, in the name of Jesus.
Satanic blankets covering my glory, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every power gathered to disgrace me, I scatter you into powder, in the name of Jesus.
I uproot obstacles to my testimonies this year, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and do what will make men to notice You in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Curse of seeing good things but not obtaining it, break, in the name of Jesus.
My cup of breakthroughs, begin to run over, in the name of Jesus.
I shall not miss my divine allocation this year, in the name of Jesus.
My divine provision, locate me, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil label, assigned to my life, blood of Jesus, flush them out, in the name of Jesus.
I shall obtain practical awesome results after
this prayer , in the name of Jesus.
Henceforth Father let my life be for signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus.
The remaining days in this year, I shall talk less and testify much, in the name of Jesus.
The remaining days of this year, I shall taste the awesome power of God in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus.
The Lord that caused Daniel to be celebrated, secure my celebration this year, in the name of Jesus.
The Lord that destroyed the garment of shame assigned to blind Bartimaeus, make shame a stranger to my life this year, in the name of Jesus.
Father, I receive an overcoming and victory laughter today, in the name of Jesus.
Father give me an unbelievable and unexplainable testimony, in the name of Jesus.
By the power in the blood of Jesus, before the end of this year, I will sing my song and dance my dance, in the name of Jesus.
I declare that my season of uncommon breakthrough has come, in the name of Jesus.
My ways shall not be stagnant anymore, in the name of Jesus.
I shall sing a new song and dance a new dance this remaining days of this year, in the name of Jesus.
O thou that troubleth my Israel, the God of Elijah shall trouble you today in the name of Jesus.
Every enemy of my life, die in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and uproot anything You did not plant in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Any curse in my bloodline, Die by the blood of Jesus.
Witchcraft curses upon my family line, Die! In the name of Jesus.
Ancestral Pharaoh of my father’s house and Jezebel spirit of my mother’s house, Let my family GOOOOO!!!!! In the name of Jesus.
Satanic dedication of my family, BREAK!!!!!!! In the name of Jesus.
Any power that pursued my parents, and is now pursuing me, your time is up, Die! In the name of Jesus.
Anything buried by anybody that is dragging my family down, Die! In the name of Jesus.
Collective captivity affecting my family line, S-C-A-T-T-E-R!!!!!! In the name of Jesus.
Every distance stolen from my life, by the enemy, I repossess it now by fire! In the name of Jesus.
Occultic power, calling my name for evil, Die! In the name of Jesus.
Every coven entertaining my case, C-A-T-C-H F-I-R-E! In the name of Jesus.
Where is the Lord God of Elijah, Arise, KILL every satanic prophet assigned against my life, in the name of Jesus.
Bondage of my father’s house, Bondage of my mother’s house, What are you waiting for? DIE!!!!! In the name of Jesus.
Where is the Lord God of Elijah, Arise, and increase my speed, in the name of Jesus.
Any power that wants my family to suffer, you are a LIAR! DIE!!! In the name of Jesus.
Inherited battles, hear the WORD of the Lord, DIE!!! In the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Witchcraft curses upon my family line, Die! In the name of Jesus.
Ancestral Pharaoh of my father’s house and Jezebel spirit of my mother’s house, Let my family GOOOOO!!!!! In the name of Jesus.
Satanic dedication of my family, BREAK!!!!!!! In the name of Jesus.
Any power that pursued my parents, and is now pursuing me, your time is up, Die! In the name of Jesus.
Anything buried by anybody that is dragging my family down, Die! In the name of Jesus.
Collective captivity affecting my family line, S-C-A-T-T-E-R!!!!!! In the name of Jesus.
Every distance stolen from my life, by the enemy, I repossess it now by fire! In the name of Jesus.
Occultic power, calling my name for evil, Die! In the name of Jesus.
Every coven entertaining my case, C-A-T-C-H F-I-R-E! In the name of Jesus.
Where is the Lord God of Elijah, Arise, KILL every satanic prophet assigned against my life, in the name of Jesus.
Bondage of my father’s house, Bondage of my mother’s house, What are you waiting for? DIE!!!!! In the name of Jesus.
Where is the Lord God of Elijah, Arise, and increase my speed, in the name of Jesus.
Any power that wants my family to suffer, you are a LIAR! DIE!!! In the name of Jesus.
Inherited battles, hear the WORD of the Lord, DIE!!! In the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
The work of my hands shall not die in Jesus name.
I release the fire of God against any foundational powers delaying my progress in the name of Jesus.
Evil powers waiting for me at the point of my miracles, run mad and die in the name of Jesus .
I refuse to give up at the edge of my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
Angel of God arrest every power sitting on my sweat, in the name of Jesus.
I break every curse of impossibility affecting my life, in the name of JESUS.
I refuse to lock the doors of my blessings against myself, in Jesus name.
I declare by the spirit of God that I will finish any project I start in the name of Jesus.
Father, begin to disappoint those that are waiting for shame and downfall, in Jesus name.
Every power assigned to kill me on the day of my glory, die by fire, in Jesus name.
O! Lord empower this project to go faster and prosper in Jesus name.
Every power of demotion working against my destiny, be broken now by fire in the name of Jesus.
O God arise and scatter every enemy of my prosperity in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, empower me to reach my place of destiny at the right time, in Jesus name.
Every curse of non-achievement, losses, promise and fail syndrome, break, in Jesus name.
Whether the devil likes it or not, there shall be a big breakthrough in my life.
Every power that wants others to take credit for my efforts, fall down and die, in Jesus name.
Let the spirit of profitless hard labour be terminated in my life, in Jesus name.
I declare that every impossible situation in my life shall become possible, in Jesus name.
I decree that all my expectations shall not be cut off, in the name of Jesus.
O God arise and break the spirit of thou shall not excel in my life, in Jesus name.
Everything that must go for me to move forward, go now by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Any wicked soul that wants me to die before my glory appears, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every seasonal problem in my life that has refused to let me go, expire now by fire, in the name of Jesus
Wicked woman rising up at the edge of my testimony, I press your head down, in the name of Jesus.
Every power that has declared I will not succeed in my plans shall die, in Jesus name.
Any power that says I will keep roaming around in circle until my lifetime opportunity expires, perish., in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, arise and remove the spirit of procrastination and laziness in my life, in Jesus name.
From henceforth, I refuse to be a slave to people that doesn’t deserve my help or service, in Jesus name.
Father, anywhere you did not assign me to go, make the journey tiring for me and take me back where I am coming from, in Jesus name.
You evil horn that has been scattering my resources, I expose and destroy you by fire in Jesus Name.
Every canker worm and caterpillar devouring my life catch fire in Jesus Name.
I decree and declare from today, I shall see the tangible results of my labour in Jesus name.
For every delay, failure and past disappointment, Lord give me double success in this year of double impact in the name of Jesus.
I remove my name from the book of financial embarrassment by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Anybody wicked man sitting on my money, I withdraw your peace until you return it, in the name of Jesus.
God of advancement enlarge my coast as you enlarged that of Jabez in this year of double impact in Jesus name.
I condemn every satanic weapon fashioned against my life this year, in Jesus name.
I cut down, every tree of poverty growing in my life this year, in Jesus name.
Let the terror of the Lord in this year pursue my oppressors in the name of Jesus.
O God arise, and use me to change my family history, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
I release the fire of God against any foundational powers delaying my progress in the name of Jesus.
Evil powers waiting for me at the point of my miracles, run mad and die in the name of Jesus .
I refuse to give up at the edge of my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
Angel of God arrest every power sitting on my sweat, in the name of Jesus.
I break every curse of impossibility affecting my life, in the name of JESUS.
I refuse to lock the doors of my blessings against myself, in Jesus name.
I declare by the spirit of God that I will finish any project I start in the name of Jesus.
Father, begin to disappoint those that are waiting for shame and downfall, in Jesus name.
Every power assigned to kill me on the day of my glory, die by fire, in Jesus name.
O! Lord empower this project to go faster and prosper in Jesus name.
Every power of demotion working against my destiny, be broken now by fire in the name of Jesus.
O God arise and scatter every enemy of my prosperity in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, empower me to reach my place of destiny at the right time, in Jesus name.
Every curse of non-achievement, losses, promise and fail syndrome, break, in Jesus name.
Whether the devil likes it or not, there shall be a big breakthrough in my life.
Every power that wants others to take credit for my efforts, fall down and die, in Jesus name.
Let the spirit of profitless hard labour be terminated in my life, in Jesus name.
I declare that every impossible situation in my life shall become possible, in Jesus name.
I decree that all my expectations shall not be cut off, in the name of Jesus.
O God arise and break the spirit of thou shall not excel in my life, in Jesus name.
Everything that must go for me to move forward, go now by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Any wicked soul that wants me to die before my glory appears, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every seasonal problem in my life that has refused to let me go, expire now by fire, in the name of Jesus
Wicked woman rising up at the edge of my testimony, I press your head down, in the name of Jesus.
Every power that has declared I will not succeed in my plans shall die, in Jesus name.
Any power that says I will keep roaming around in circle until my lifetime opportunity expires, perish., in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, arise and remove the spirit of procrastination and laziness in my life, in Jesus name.
From henceforth, I refuse to be a slave to people that doesn’t deserve my help or service, in Jesus name.
Father, anywhere you did not assign me to go, make the journey tiring for me and take me back where I am coming from, in Jesus name.
You evil horn that has been scattering my resources, I expose and destroy you by fire in Jesus Name.
Every canker worm and caterpillar devouring my life catch fire in Jesus Name.
I decree and declare from today, I shall see the tangible results of my labour in Jesus name.
For every delay, failure and past disappointment, Lord give me double success in this year of double impact in the name of Jesus.
I remove my name from the book of financial embarrassment by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Anybody wicked man sitting on my money, I withdraw your peace until you return it, in the name of Jesus.
God of advancement enlarge my coast as you enlarged that of Jabez in this year of double impact in Jesus name.
I condemn every satanic weapon fashioned against my life this year, in Jesus name.
I cut down, every tree of poverty growing in my life this year, in Jesus name.
Let the terror of the Lord in this year pursue my oppressors in the name of Jesus.
O God arise, and use me to change my family history, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
BIBLE READING: 1 SAM 2:29-33, ACT 27:18-19, 22, GEN. 35:16-19.
O Lord my father, deliver me from unprofitable labour that makes me loose everything I have labored for in life.
O Lord the Affliction that will make me die, before I arrive at my destination of reward may it not visit me in Jesus Name.
My father my father, reverse every spell of hard-luck prevailing in my life, and visit me with favour in Jesus' Name.
O Lord, let every wind of evil calamity Passover me in Jesus Name.
My father my father, accelerate my arrival at my harvest place and help me enjoy my labour in Jesus Name.
My father my father don’t allow me return to where I started several years ago in Jesus Name.
O Lord my father, deliver me from the course of my father’s house that invokes termination of success at its peak.
O Lord forbid me to company with those who are appointed for destruction and calamity, may I not carry another man’s evil.
O Lord in your mercy deliver me from every seed of calamity in the name of Jesus.
O Lord deliver me from any transaction or business that will sink everything I have labour for in life in the name of Jesus.
O Lord withdraw my steps from mysterious losses in Jesus Name.
I must not return empty like Naomi in Jesus Name.
My father, my father, preserve me from loosing all that I have lived for through the manipulation and orchestration of witchcraft power in Jesus Name.
My father my father, deliver me from every fruitless labour in Jesus Name.
My father, my God, end the plague of spending without worthy or tangible evidence in my life in Jesus Name.
In the Name of Jesus, I annul every pronouncement that says I will not have anything to show for my travails in life.
Lord by fire; unveil every evil covering over my skill that has paralyzed my productivity in Jesus Name.
O Lord, End every unproductive effort in life in Jesus Name.
You strong man from my father/mother’s house that defile my parents and left them with nothing, you will not succeed in my life. I destroy you now in Jesus Name.
I judge every satanic locust that devours my money and investments without a trace and daily reduce me mysteriously in Jesus Name.
The spirit of seeing it but never experiencing it is not my portion, in Jesus name.
My Father, don’t allow me return to where I started several years ago in Jesus name.
Every witchcraft power working at the edge of my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.
Powers that want me to fail at the edge of success; die in the name of Jesus.
Every power that wants me to give up at the edge of breakthrough, be destroyed.
Every divine project I am currently handling, shall not fail, in the name of Jesus.
I declare that I shall eat the fruit of my labour, in the name of Jesus.
You spirit of almost there that dealt with my parents now affecting my life, die by fire, in Jesus name.
Any satanic trap setup for me, catch your owner in the name of Jesus.
As from today, I shall get to my divine destination, in Jesus name.
Spirit of failure programmed for me at the edge of breakthrough, die in Jesus name.
Spirit of almost there assigned against my destiny, die in the name of Jesus.
Every good things my hands have started, my hands shall finish them in the name of Jesus.
O heavens over my destiny, open by fire in the name of Jesus.
O God arise and send help to me from above in the name of Jesus.
Miracles killers assigned against my miracles, die in the name of Jesus.
Every curse of almost there upon my life, break in the name of Jesus.
O God arise and make way for me where there is no way in the name of Jesus.
Breakthrough manipulators, on assignment against my breakthroughs, die in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
BIBLE READING: 1 SAM 2:29-33, ACT 27:18-19, 22, GEN. 35:16-19.
O Lord my father, deliver me from unprofitable labour that makes me loose everything I have labored for in life.
O Lord the Affliction that will make me die, before I arrive at my destination of reward may it not visit me in Jesus Name.
My father my father, reverse every spell of hard-luck prevailing in my life, and visit me with favour in Jesus' Name.
O Lord, let every wind of evil calamity Passover me in Jesus Name.
My father my father, accelerate my arrival at my harvest place and help me enjoy my labour in Jesus Name.
My father my father don’t allow me return to where I started several years ago in Jesus Name.
O Lord my father, deliver me from the course of my father’s house that invokes termination of success at its peak.
O Lord forbid me to company with those who are appointed for destruction and calamity, may I not carry another man’s evil.
O Lord in your mercy deliver me from every seed of calamity in the name of Jesus.
O Lord deliver me from any transaction or business that will sink everything I have labour for in life in the name of Jesus.
O Lord withdraw my steps from mysterious losses in Jesus Name.
I must not return empty like Naomi in Jesus Name.
My father, my father, preserve me from loosing all that I have lived for through the manipulation and orchestration of witchcraft power in Jesus Name.
My father my father, deliver me from every fruitless labour in Jesus Name.
My father, my God, end the plague of spending without worthy or tangible evidence in my life in Jesus Name.
In the Name of Jesus, I annul every pronouncement that says I will not have anything to show for my travails in life.
Lord by fire; unveil every evil covering over my skill that has paralyzed my productivity in Jesus Name.
O Lord, End every unproductive effort in life in Jesus Name.
You strong man from my father/mother’s house that defile my parents and left them with nothing, you will not succeed in my life. I destroy you now in Jesus Name.
I judge every satanic locust that devours my money and investments without a trace and daily reduce me mysteriously in Jesus Name.
The spirit of seeing it but never experiencing it is not my portion, in Jesus name.
My Father, don’t allow me return to where I started several years ago in Jesus name.
Every witchcraft power working at the edge of my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.
Powers that want me to fail at the edge of success; die in the name of Jesus.
Every power that wants me to give up at the edge of breakthrough, be destroyed.
Every divine project I am currently handling, shall not fail, in the name of Jesus.
I declare that I shall eat the fruit of my labour, in the name of Jesus.
You spirit of almost there that dealt with my parents now affecting my life, die by fire, in Jesus name.
Any satanic trap setup for me, catch your owner in the name of Jesus.
As from today, I shall get to my divine destination, in Jesus name.
Spirit of failure programmed for me at the edge of breakthrough, die in Jesus name.
Spirit of almost there assigned against my destiny, die in the name of Jesus.
Every good things my hands have started, my hands shall finish them in the name of Jesus.
O heavens over my destiny, open by fire in the name of Jesus.
O God arise and send help to me from above in the name of Jesus.
Miracles killers assigned against my miracles, die in the name of Jesus.
Every curse of almost there upon my life, break in the name of Jesus.
O God arise and make way for me where there is no way in the name of Jesus.
Breakthrough manipulators, on assignment against my breakthroughs, die in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
O God my Father, anoint my head today with oil of prosperity and let my bank accounts overflow with money, in the name of Jesus.
O God my Father, manifest your power in my life and transform my finances, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, send people my way that will provide me with information that will advance the cause of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
I reject every spirit of wretchedness. I refuse to be poor. I will achieve my goals and my dreams, in the name of Jesus.
I command every root of poverty in my life to be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
Every root of empty pocket in my life to be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
I command every root of never had enough in my life to be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
I stand on the word of God and arrest every demonic opposition to my prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
Today I enter into a long term covenant of wealth and prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
As from this moment, my portion has changed from borrower to lender, in the name of Jesus.
O God my Father, let the anointing for money yielding-ideas fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
O God my Father, let people of all tribes, languages, and nations come together to bless me, in the name of Jesus.
The gate of my financial freedom and joy, open by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil wind from the forest blown to capture and shake my finances, expire by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of financial death assigned against my job and income, DIE BY FIRE!!! in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, liberate me financially in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
O God my Father, anoint my head today with oil of prosperity and let my bank accounts overflow with money, in the name of Jesus.
O God my Father, manifest your power in my life and transform my finances, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, send people my way that will provide me with information that will advance the cause of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
I reject every spirit of wretchedness. I refuse to be poor. I will achieve my goals and my dreams, in the name of Jesus.
I command every root of poverty in my life to be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
Every root of empty pocket in my life to be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
I command every root of never had enough in my life to be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
I stand on the word of God and arrest every demonic opposition to my prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
Today I enter into a long term covenant of wealth and prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
As from this moment, my portion has changed from borrower to lender, in the name of Jesus.
O God my Father, let the anointing for money yielding-ideas fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
O God my Father, let people of all tribes, languages, and nations come together to bless me, in the name of Jesus.
The gate of my financial freedom and joy, open by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil wind from the forest blown to capture and shake my finances, expire by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Arrows of financial death assigned against my job and income, DIE BY FIRE!!! in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, liberate me financially in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
BIBLE READING: PSALM 112:1-3, PROV. 14:24, 8:18,
O heavens over my prosperity, open by fire, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and empower me to prosper, in the name of Jesus.
Every power seating on my wealth, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
Foundational poverty, die, in the name of Jesus. .
I take authority over, and order the binding of the strongman of financial failure, in the name of Jesus,
I break every covenant of poverty of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus.
I enter the covenant of prosperity and abundance with the El Shadai, in Jesus’ name.
Every curse and covenant responsible for financial embarrassment, I revoke you, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil power, that will contest my voice this year, be silenced, in Jesus’ name.
Every power. that will contend with my divine destiny this year, scatter, in Jesus’ name.
O star of my destiny, arise and shine this year, in the name of Jesus.
I silence. every strange altar sacrificing my divine opportunities, in Jesus’ name.
Blood of Jesus, wipe off all handwriting of failure in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every tree of bad luck, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Fire of God, deal with every root of misfortune in my life,in the name of Jesus.
When and where others are failing, I shall succeed, and I shall get maximum profit, in Jesus’ name.
O God, arise and teach me how to make profit, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and teach me how to produce wealth, even in a bad economy, in the name of Jesus.
My Father, breathe upon all i will do this year, in the name of Jesus.
Every strong man of failure at the edge of my breakthrough, die, in Jesus’ name.
Blood of Jesus, dissolve the root of disgrace in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every witchcraft altar, raised against my breakthrough die, in Jesus’ name.
Every ancestral debt-collector forcing me to pay for what I did not buy, die, in the name of Jesus.
I reject the life of survival on debt. I receive financial breakthroughs to clear the debts, in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of family curse and covenant of poverty over my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
Those that despise me in the past shall seek my favour, in the name of Jesus.
Those who belittle me shall witness my progress, in the name of Jesus.
Every cycle of backwardness in my destiny, break, in the name of Jesus.
Prosperity terminators in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every seed of failure planted in my family line, die, in the name of Jesus,
Thou power of aimlessness in my family, die, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, anoint my brain to prosper after the order of Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hui, of the tribe of Judah, in the name of Jesus.
I ask for the release of prosperity on my life, in the name of Jesus.
Let all demonic hindrances to my finances be totally paralysed, in Jesus’ name.
Fire of God, roast all witchcraft bags holding my breakthrough, in Jesus’ name.
Every spiritual satanic bank manager, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every dark hand in my foundation, waging war against my destiny, wither, in the name of Jesus.
Let men go out of their ways to show favour unto me this year, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, let not the lot of the wicked fall upon my life in the name of Jesus.
Every satanic investigation into my future, be dismantled, in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, give me the achievement that will swallow my past failures, in Jesus’ name.
Every weapon of shame directed against my life, lose your power, in Jesus’ name.
Every satanic arrow, fired against my star, fall down and die, in Jesus’ name.
My destiny, jump out of the pit of debt, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
BIBLE READING: PSALM 112:1-3, PROV. 14:24, 8:18,
O heavens over my prosperity, open by fire, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and empower me to prosper, in the name of Jesus.
Every power seating on my wealth, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
Foundational poverty, die, in the name of Jesus. .
I take authority over, and order the binding of the strongman of financial failure, in the name of Jesus,
I break every covenant of poverty of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus.
I enter the covenant of prosperity and abundance with the El Shadai, in Jesus’ name.
Every curse and covenant responsible for financial embarrassment, I revoke you, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil power, that will contest my voice this year, be silenced, in Jesus’ name.
Every power. that will contend with my divine destiny this year, scatter, in Jesus’ name.
O star of my destiny, arise and shine this year, in the name of Jesus.
I silence. every strange altar sacrificing my divine opportunities, in Jesus’ name.
Blood of Jesus, wipe off all handwriting of failure in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every tree of bad luck, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Fire of God, deal with every root of misfortune in my life,in the name of Jesus.
When and where others are failing, I shall succeed, and I shall get maximum profit, in Jesus’ name.
O God, arise and teach me how to make profit, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and teach me how to produce wealth, even in a bad economy, in the name of Jesus.
My Father, breathe upon all i will do this year, in the name of Jesus.
Every strong man of failure at the edge of my breakthrough, die, in Jesus’ name.
Blood of Jesus, dissolve the root of disgrace in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every witchcraft altar, raised against my breakthrough die, in Jesus’ name.
Every ancestral debt-collector forcing me to pay for what I did not buy, die, in the name of Jesus.
I reject the life of survival on debt. I receive financial breakthroughs to clear the debts, in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of family curse and covenant of poverty over my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
Those that despise me in the past shall seek my favour, in the name of Jesus.
Those who belittle me shall witness my progress, in the name of Jesus.
Every cycle of backwardness in my destiny, break, in the name of Jesus.
Prosperity terminators in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every seed of failure planted in my family line, die, in the name of Jesus,
Thou power of aimlessness in my family, die, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, anoint my brain to prosper after the order of Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hui, of the tribe of Judah, in the name of Jesus.
I ask for the release of prosperity on my life, in the name of Jesus.
Let all demonic hindrances to my finances be totally paralysed, in Jesus’ name.
Fire of God, roast all witchcraft bags holding my breakthrough, in Jesus’ name.
Every spiritual satanic bank manager, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every dark hand in my foundation, waging war against my destiny, wither, in the name of Jesus.
Let men go out of their ways to show favour unto me this year, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, let not the lot of the wicked fall upon my life in the name of Jesus.
Every satanic investigation into my future, be dismantled, in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, give me the achievement that will swallow my past failures, in Jesus’ name.
Every weapon of shame directed against my life, lose your power, in Jesus’ name.
Every satanic arrow, fired against my star, fall down and die, in Jesus’ name.
My destiny, jump out of the pit of debt, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Prayer Points against destiny killers
I destroy the hold of every destiny killer in my life, in the name of Jesus.
All I break myself free from every satanic agents holding me bound , in the name of Jesus.
Father by the blood of Jesus, I destroy every satanic agents standing on my way to my destiny in Jesus name.
Father, I declare every evil man or woman monitoring my destiny to be paralyzed in Jesus name.
By the fire of the holy ghost, i destroy any evil representative in my life in the name of Jesus.
Lord, let the holy spirit be my guide in my journey to actuallizing destiny
I declare seven fold restoration for everything I have lost to destiny killers in the name of Jesus.
I command every power, fighting against my destiny to be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
Oh God of vengeance, arise and avenge me of my destiny killers in Jesus name.
Father arise and attack all those who hate me without a cause in the name of Jesus.
O God, stretch me and renew my strength, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see beyond the visible and make the invisible real to me, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, ignite my destiny with Your fire.
Let my destiny receive the strength of God against any contamination, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, open my eyes and give me direction on how to fulfill my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, liberate my spirit to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name
I receive heavenly protection in my journey to actualize my destiny, in Jesus’ name.
I confess that my life and destiny shall be effective throughout my life, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, teach me to pray through problems instead of praying about them, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, deliver me from every evil habits that negatively affects my destiny in Jesus name.
Every evil spiritual padlock and chain hindering my progress in life and destiny is broken to pieces by the finger of God in Jesus name.
I rebuke every spirit of spiritual deafness and blindness in my life, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, deliver me from false accusations of destiny killers in Jesus name.
O Lord, empower me to resist satan so that he would flee from me forever in Jesus name
I bind the strongman behind my spiritual blindness and deafness and paralyse his operations in my life, in Jesus’ name.
I cover myself for divine protection with the blood of Jesus.
I choose to believe the report of the Lord and no other, concerning my destiny in the name of Jesus.
Let the fire of the Holy Spirit melt my resistance, in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, restore my wasted years in Jesus' name.
Lord, endue me with the spirit of supplication to be steadfast in my prayer life in Jesus' name
Let the fire of the Holy Spirit smash every man or woman who poses as a god over my life in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, anoint me to pray without ceasing.
I send the fire of God to destroy every satanic deposit in my life and destiny in Jesus' name
Oh Lord, open my spiritual eyes to see the enemies around me who disguise as my friends in Jesus' name.
In the name of Jesus, I capture every power behind all my spiritual blindness and deafness in my life in Jesus' name
Oh Lord, empower me spiritually to run the race of my destiny successfully the name of Jesus
Holy Spirit, rain on me now, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, uncover my darkest secrets, in the name of Jesus.
You spirit of confusion, loose your hold over my life, in Jesus’ name
In the power of the Holy Spirit, I defy satan’s power over my life, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, pour Your healing power on me, in the name of Jesus.
Let the water of life flush out every unwanted stranger in my life, in the name of Jesus.
You enemies of my destiny, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, begin to clean away from my life all that do not reflect You.
Lord Jesus, nail me to Your cross.
I reject every spiritual pollution, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
I destroy the hold of every destiny killer in my life, in the name of Jesus.
All I break myself free from every satanic agents holding me bound , in the name of Jesus.
Father by the blood of Jesus, I destroy every satanic agents standing on my way to my destiny in Jesus name.
Father, I declare every evil man or woman monitoring my destiny to be paralyzed in Jesus name.
By the fire of the holy ghost, i destroy any evil representative in my life in the name of Jesus.
Lord, let the holy spirit be my guide in my journey to actuallizing destiny
I declare seven fold restoration for everything I have lost to destiny killers in the name of Jesus.
I command every power, fighting against my destiny to be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
Oh God of vengeance, arise and avenge me of my destiny killers in Jesus name.
Father arise and attack all those who hate me without a cause in the name of Jesus.
O God, stretch me and renew my strength, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see beyond the visible and make the invisible real to me, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, ignite my destiny with Your fire.
Let my destiny receive the strength of God against any contamination, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, open my eyes and give me direction on how to fulfill my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, liberate my spirit to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name
I receive heavenly protection in my journey to actualize my destiny, in Jesus’ name.
I confess that my life and destiny shall be effective throughout my life, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, teach me to pray through problems instead of praying about them, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, deliver me from every evil habits that negatively affects my destiny in Jesus name.
Every evil spiritual padlock and chain hindering my progress in life and destiny is broken to pieces by the finger of God in Jesus name.
I rebuke every spirit of spiritual deafness and blindness in my life, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, deliver me from false accusations of destiny killers in Jesus name.
O Lord, empower me to resist satan so that he would flee from me forever in Jesus name
I bind the strongman behind my spiritual blindness and deafness and paralyse his operations in my life, in Jesus’ name.
I cover myself for divine protection with the blood of Jesus.
I choose to believe the report of the Lord and no other, concerning my destiny in the name of Jesus.
Let the fire of the Holy Spirit melt my resistance, in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, restore my wasted years in Jesus' name.
Lord, endue me with the spirit of supplication to be steadfast in my prayer life in Jesus' name
Let the fire of the Holy Spirit smash every man or woman who poses as a god over my life in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, anoint me to pray without ceasing.
I send the fire of God to destroy every satanic deposit in my life and destiny in Jesus' name
Oh Lord, open my spiritual eyes to see the enemies around me who disguise as my friends in Jesus' name.
In the name of Jesus, I capture every power behind all my spiritual blindness and deafness in my life in Jesus' name
Oh Lord, empower me spiritually to run the race of my destiny successfully the name of Jesus
Holy Spirit, rain on me now, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, uncover my darkest secrets, in the name of Jesus.
You spirit of confusion, loose your hold over my life, in Jesus’ name
In the power of the Holy Spirit, I defy satan’s power over my life, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, pour Your healing power on me, in the name of Jesus.
Let the water of life flush out every unwanted stranger in my life, in the name of Jesus.
You enemies of my destiny, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, begin to clean away from my life all that do not reflect You.
Lord Jesus, nail me to Your cross.
I reject every spiritual pollution, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Friday, October 14, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
John 16:1 (KJV)
"These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended."
Many Christians are reckless with the words they utter. The words you speak have the power to revamp your life either negatively or positively. Our world was framed not by mortar and water, but by words, and God had to speak to create the universe. The diversity you see worldwide, from flora to fauna, is a product of the spoken word.
In our scripture today, Jesus said, "the things I speak". Note that the Master didn't say the "words" but the "things", which means we speak objects whenever we speak. Never use your tongue recklessly because you are framing destinies positively or negatively whenever you speak. You can speak that business, the money, or the marriage you desire, and let it be in the name of Jesus!
Choose your words wisely and use your tongue to build, not to destroy. The tongue in your mouth is not just a mere mass of flesh but an instrument to mold a glorious future. The Bible confirms that death and life are in the tongue's power (Proverbs 18:21 KJV). Speak life, money, love, peace, and prosperity in the name of Jesus.
My tongue is a pen of a ready writer. I speak prosperity and promotion in every area of my life in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
Psalm 45:1
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
John 16:1 (KJV)
"These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended."
Many Christians are reckless with the words they utter. The words you speak have the power to revamp your life either negatively or positively. Our world was framed not by mortar and water, but by words, and God had to speak to create the universe. The diversity you see worldwide, from flora to fauna, is a product of the spoken word.
In our scripture today, Jesus said, "the things I speak". Note that the Master didn't say the "words" but the "things", which means we speak objects whenever we speak. Never use your tongue recklessly because you are framing destinies positively or negatively whenever you speak. You can speak that business, the money, or the marriage you desire, and let it be in the name of Jesus!
Choose your words wisely and use your tongue to build, not to destroy. The tongue in your mouth is not just a mere mass of flesh but an instrument to mold a glorious future. The Bible confirms that death and life are in the tongue's power (Proverbs 18:21 KJV). Speak life, money, love, peace, and prosperity in the name of Jesus.
My tongue is a pen of a ready writer. I speak prosperity and promotion in every area of my life in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
Psalm 45:1
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
I decree in the name of Jesus, no more satanic attacks in my life in the name of Jesus.
I loose myself from all ancestral bondage, in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, let every contamination in my life through dreams be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
I vomit every satanic poison that I have swallowed, in Jesus’ name.
Evil strongholds, release me, in the name of Jesus.
I remove myself from every satanic connections, in Jesus’ name.
I refused to follow evil prescription in the name of Jesus.
I cover myself with the blood of Jesus.
Father let the angel of war be released on my behalf in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, i bind every anti-miracke demons in my life.
Let every owner of evil load in my life begin to carry their loads, in the name of Jesus.
I destroy every evil remote controlling power fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost fire, incubate my life in Jesus name
I reverse every evil design fashioned against my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every hidden or open spirit of infirmity, depart from my life, in the name of Jesus.
You evil strongman, be bound and destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
All evil authorities upon my life, I command you to break, in the name of Jesus.
I remove my name from the book of poverty, sickness and diseases, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, make me a channel of blessing in your house and my family in Jesus name
I take as my weapon, the two edged-sword of the spirit and I cut down the powers of witches.
Deliver me from evil man and woman that wants me bound for life in the name of Jesus.
I decree in the name of Jesus, i begin to enjoy my life as from today in the name of Jesus.
My star, begin to shine as from today in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. 7fold Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
I decree in the name of Jesus, no more satanic attacks in my life in the name of Jesus.
I loose myself from all ancestral bondage, in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, let every contamination in my life through dreams be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
I vomit every satanic poison that I have swallowed, in Jesus’ name.
Evil strongholds, release me, in the name of Jesus.
I remove myself from every satanic connections, in Jesus’ name.
I refused to follow evil prescription in the name of Jesus.
I cover myself with the blood of Jesus.
Father let the angel of war be released on my behalf in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, i bind every anti-miracke demons in my life.
Let every owner of evil load in my life begin to carry their loads, in the name of Jesus.
I destroy every evil remote controlling power fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost fire, incubate my life in Jesus name
I reverse every evil design fashioned against my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every hidden or open spirit of infirmity, depart from my life, in the name of Jesus.
You evil strongman, be bound and destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
All evil authorities upon my life, I command you to break, in the name of Jesus.
I remove my name from the book of poverty, sickness and diseases, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, make me a channel of blessing in your house and my family in Jesus name
I take as my weapon, the two edged-sword of the spirit and I cut down the powers of witches.
Deliver me from evil man and woman that wants me bound for life in the name of Jesus.
I decree in the name of Jesus, i begin to enjoy my life as from today in the name of Jesus.
My star, begin to shine as from today in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. 7fold Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Father, thank you for my deliverance from all forms of evil in Jesus name.
I put a permanent stop on any form of eating in the dream, in the name of Jesus.
I decree that all those that pursue me shall fall for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
I decree that anywhere my names are mentioned in the coven of witches and wizards, the fire of God shall answer them in Jesus’ name.
I decree tonight, enough of limitations in every areas of my life in the name of Jesus.
I decree and declare today, enough of lack and suffering in my life in Jesus name.
I destroy all the demonic ambassadors assigned to my life, in the name of Jesus.
I decree and i delclare, enough of helplessness in my life in the name of Jesus.
I command total destruction of all satanic imaginations against my life, in the name of Jesus.
Enough of wasted efforts in my life in the name of Jesus.
Every power of darkness hunting for my life, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.
Let all the contamination in my life through dreams be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
Let the path of the enemy into my life be permanently closed, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, fill my life with the Holy Ghost fire, I want to be on fire for you in the name of Jesus.
As from this moment, O Lord, crown my efforts with tremendous and remarkable Success in the name of Jesus.
I refuse to be misguided by evil counsel in life in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil thing done against me in the midnight be nullified and returned back to the sender this midnight in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil thing done against me during the day be nullified and return back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil arrow that flies by day targeted against me be nullified, in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil arrow that flies by night targeting my life be nullified, in the name of Jesus.
I purse my enemies,I overtake and destroy them in the name of Jesus.
Power of God accelerate my life to a new place of honour and favour in the name of Jesus.
Fire of God consume every seed of stagnation and failure in my life in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Father, thank you for my deliverance from all forms of evil in Jesus name.
I put a permanent stop on any form of eating in the dream, in the name of Jesus.
I decree that all those that pursue me shall fall for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
I decree that anywhere my names are mentioned in the coven of witches and wizards, the fire of God shall answer them in Jesus’ name.
I decree tonight, enough of limitations in every areas of my life in the name of Jesus.
I decree and declare today, enough of lack and suffering in my life in Jesus name.
I destroy all the demonic ambassadors assigned to my life, in the name of Jesus.
I decree and i delclare, enough of helplessness in my life in the name of Jesus.
I command total destruction of all satanic imaginations against my life, in the name of Jesus.
Enough of wasted efforts in my life in the name of Jesus.
Every power of darkness hunting for my life, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.
Let all the contamination in my life through dreams be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
Let the path of the enemy into my life be permanently closed, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, fill my life with the Holy Ghost fire, I want to be on fire for you in the name of Jesus.
As from this moment, O Lord, crown my efforts with tremendous and remarkable Success in the name of Jesus.
I refuse to be misguided by evil counsel in life in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil thing done against me in the midnight be nullified and returned back to the sender this midnight in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil thing done against me during the day be nullified and return back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil arrow that flies by day targeted against me be nullified, in the name of Jesus.
Let every evil arrow that flies by night targeting my life be nullified, in the name of Jesus.
I purse my enemies,I overtake and destroy them in the name of Jesus.
Power of God accelerate my life to a new place of honour and favour in the name of Jesus.
Fire of God consume every seed of stagnation and failure in my life in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
11 /10/2022
Thou king of glory, arise, visit me and turn my captivity around in Jesus name.
O Lord, my God. I shall not regret, i will become great, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord my God, station me and establish me in your favour in the name of Jesus.
Thou God of restoration, restore my glory in the name of Jesus.
As darkness gives up
before light, O Lord my God, let all my problems give up before me in Jesus name.
O God arise and attack every lack in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of liberty and dignity, manifest in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every chapter of sorrow and slavery in my life, close forever, in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of God, usher me out of the balcony of disgrace by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every obstacles in my life, give way to miracles in the name of Jesus.
I prophesy in the name of Jesus that bitter life shall not be my portion, in Jesus name.
All my trials, become gateways to my promotions, in the name of Jesus.
Anger of God, write the obituary of all my oppressors, in the name of Jesus.
Every strange god, attacking my destiny, scatter and die, in the name of Jesus.
Every altar, speaking hardship in to my life, catch fire now in the name of Jesus.
Every inherited battles in my life, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
All my blessings, that have buried with dead relatives, come alive and locate me, in Jesus name.
All my blessings, that are presently not in this country, arise and locate me, in Jesus name.
O Lord, in all my endeavours, give me supernatural breakthrough in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, hammer my matter in to the heart of those who will assist me in the name of Jesus.
Fire of the Holy Spirit, purge my life from any evil mark out upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
I break every curse upon my head, in the name of Jesus.
I break every jinx upon my head, in the name of Jesus.
I break every spell upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
The rod of the wrought of the Lord, come upon every enemies of my life, in Jesus name.
O Lord, remove peace from the lives of all my haters and let them forget prosperity in the name of Jesus.
I release confusion on all the plans of my enemies in Jesus name.
I neutralise every curse pronounced against me by my enemies with the blood of Jesus.
Anger of God, vengeance of God, fear,finger,wrath,judgement of God, be released upon my full time enemies in Jesus name.
Every enemy that appear to me as friend, host of heaven disconnect us by force in the name of Jesus.
I shall laugh last, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you God for answered prayer.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
11 /10/2022
Thou king of glory, arise, visit me and turn my captivity around in Jesus name.
O Lord, my God. I shall not regret, i will become great, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord my God, station me and establish me in your favour in the name of Jesus.
Thou God of restoration, restore my glory in the name of Jesus.
As darkness gives up
before light, O Lord my God, let all my problems give up before me in Jesus name.
O God arise and attack every lack in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of liberty and dignity, manifest in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every chapter of sorrow and slavery in my life, close forever, in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of God, usher me out of the balcony of disgrace by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every obstacles in my life, give way to miracles in the name of Jesus.
I prophesy in the name of Jesus that bitter life shall not be my portion, in Jesus name.
All my trials, become gateways to my promotions, in the name of Jesus.
Anger of God, write the obituary of all my oppressors, in the name of Jesus.
Every strange god, attacking my destiny, scatter and die, in the name of Jesus.
Every altar, speaking hardship in to my life, catch fire now in the name of Jesus.
Every inherited battles in my life, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
All my blessings, that have buried with dead relatives, come alive and locate me, in Jesus name.
All my blessings, that are presently not in this country, arise and locate me, in Jesus name.
O Lord, in all my endeavours, give me supernatural breakthrough in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, hammer my matter in to the heart of those who will assist me in the name of Jesus.
Fire of the Holy Spirit, purge my life from any evil mark out upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
I break every curse upon my head, in the name of Jesus.
I break every jinx upon my head, in the name of Jesus.
I break every spell upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
The rod of the wrought of the Lord, come upon every enemies of my life, in Jesus name.
O Lord, remove peace from the lives of all my haters and let them forget prosperity in the name of Jesus.
I release confusion on all the plans of my enemies in Jesus name.
I neutralise every curse pronounced against me by my enemies with the blood of Jesus.
Anger of God, vengeance of God, fear,finger,wrath,judgement of God, be released upon my full time enemies in Jesus name.
Every enemy that appear to me as friend, host of heaven disconnect us by force in the name of Jesus.
I shall laugh last, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you God for answered prayer.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Instant gratification leads to long-term misery
“My God shall supply all your need.” Php 4:19 NKJV
God promised to supply your need, not your greed. When you get into debt by buying things you shouldn’t, don’t expect Him to bail you out. No responsible parent would do that, and God is a responsible parent. He gives you choices, and He points out consequences. He told Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit. Then Satan came along and said, “God doesn’t really mean it, you can do what you want and be okay.” Sound familiar? Advertisers do the same thing. One furniture company offers a house full of furniture with no monthly payments for two years. Question: If you can’t afford it now, how will you pay for it two years from now? It’s time for you to get out of debt, not deeper in. And the Bible tells you how: (1) Don’t be greedy for the things of this life, “for greed is a form of idolatry” (See Col 3:5 GNT). Instead of craving things you don’t need, enjoy the things you have. (2) If you’re not tithing, start now! You will be switching from the world’s faltering economy to God’s fail-safe economy. When you tithe, He promises to protect your interests and bless you. “There shall not be room enough to receive” (See Mal 3:8-12). (3) Before you go shopping, try praying. Ask God about what you “need,” then wait for Him to respond. (4) Start giving away some of what you have. “It is possible to give away and become richer…[and] to hold on too tightly and lose everything…the liberal man shall be made rich!” (Pr 11:24-25 TLB). Obey God. Be patient and watch what happens.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
“My God shall supply all your need.” Php 4:19 NKJV
God promised to supply your need, not your greed. When you get into debt by buying things you shouldn’t, don’t expect Him to bail you out. No responsible parent would do that, and God is a responsible parent. He gives you choices, and He points out consequences. He told Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit. Then Satan came along and said, “God doesn’t really mean it, you can do what you want and be okay.” Sound familiar? Advertisers do the same thing. One furniture company offers a house full of furniture with no monthly payments for two years. Question: If you can’t afford it now, how will you pay for it two years from now? It’s time for you to get out of debt, not deeper in. And the Bible tells you how: (1) Don’t be greedy for the things of this life, “for greed is a form of idolatry” (See Col 3:5 GNT). Instead of craving things you don’t need, enjoy the things you have. (2) If you’re not tithing, start now! You will be switching from the world’s faltering economy to God’s fail-safe economy. When you tithe, He promises to protect your interests and bless you. “There shall not be room enough to receive” (See Mal 3:8-12). (3) Before you go shopping, try praying. Ask God about what you “need,” then wait for Him to respond. (4) Start giving away some of what you have. “It is possible to give away and become richer…[and] to hold on too tightly and lose everything…the liberal man shall be made rich!” (Pr 11:24-25 TLB). Obey God. Be patient and watch what happens.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
And the first lie you believe is you are not: You are not the way you should be, you are not good enough, you are not perfect. We are born perfect, we grow up perfect, and we will die perfect, because only perfection exists. But the big lie is that you are not perfect, that nobody is perfect. So you start to search for an image of perfection that you can never become. You will never reach perfection in that way because that image is false. It’s a lie, but you invest your faith in that lie, and then you build a whole structure of lies to support it.”
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
To sin is not about blame or moral condemnation. To sin is to believe in lies, and to use those lies against ourselves. From that first sin, that original lie, all of our other sins are born.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Matthew 6:14 - 15 NIV
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Matthew 6:14 - 15 NIV
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower. For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business. Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.
James 1:2 - 18 NIV
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
James 1:2 - 18 NIV
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)
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