Sunday, October 30, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post



BIBLE READING: GENESIS 12:2-3, PROV. 21:1, 1 CHRONICLES 4:9-10, DEUTERONOMY 28:13; ISAIAH 54:1-3; LUKE 5:1-6.


Thank you Lord for creating me with a mandate to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue and have dominion over all the earth in Jesus name.
I repent from every ancestral and personal sin, forgive me Lord and cleanse me completely from them in Jesus Name.
I renounce every acquired and self-inflicted curse of stagnancy and limitation in Jesus Name.
I break loose from every spirit of caged destiny in Jesus Name.
Every power forcing me to operate below my God given potential your time is up, loose your hold on me in Jesus Name.
I break power of cage, stagnation & limitation over my life in Jesus Name.
O Lord, position me in the center of your will and help me to do your pleasure totally in Jesus Name.
Father usher me to possess territories for you in Jesus Name.
Father let your hand be upon me for good from now in Jesus Name .
O Lord, open my eyes to opportunities for my enlargement and order my steps to maximize them in Jesus Name.
Father, I refused to be the best of worst, make me best of the best in Jesus Name.
Thou Spirit of High favor come upon me mightily in Jesus Name.
Father I rededicate myself to global evangelism, use me as a vessel unto honor in this regards in Jesus Name.
Thanking you father for commanding divine enlargement to locate me from now on in Jesus.
Lord, let my shape or stature be an instrument of multiplication and not of rejection in the name of Jesus.
As I grow physically, let me also grow in the heart and depth in the name of Jesus.
Concerning me and my destiny, I reject rejection, i reject stagnancy, i reject decreases in the name of Jesus.
Everything that is attacking me and my purpose – I command you to stop in the name of Jesus.
Every power thinking their plan will slow me down – to their face – Father, increase me in the name of Jesus.
Father, multiply me till my enemies will shake in the name of Jesus.
Father, I come against every plan of the enemy to implant evil into my destiny in the name of Jesus.
My father, keep me and hide me under your shadow, and save me from every form of all evils in Jesus name.
Lord cast away everything that is not of God from my life and destiny in the mighty name of Jesus.
My life is the temple of God, I shall not harbour unfruitfulness in my life in Jesus name.
Lord, let your fire destroy every evil plan and evil works concerning my life in the mighty name of Jesus.
Lord, save me from stagnation and unproductive life in Jesus name.
O Lord, with your power, let every existing unproductivity in my life catch fire now in the name of Jesus.
Lord, stop every plant of unfruitfulness and stagnation in my destiny, let them wither and disappear from my life in Jesus name.
Lord, make my life and destiny resistant and impossible for the seed of stagnation and unproductivity to stay or grow in Jesus name.
Lord, save me from anything that will put my life in trouble in the name of Jesus.
Lord, take over my life and destiny , so that I will Multiply in all areas of my life in Jesus name.
My father, let the power in the blood of Jesus work for me, and serve as a cure over any form of stagnation in my life in Jesus name.
Lord, let your fire destroy every evil arrow of unfruitfulness targeted against my life in Jesus name.
Lord, I receive ultimate protection from above by fire in Jesus name.
My father, let every evil agenda attack me with stagnation and unfruitfulness to be destroyed now in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, break every chain of unproductivity trying to limit my life in Jesus name.
My father let me enjoy divine increase and supernatural enlargement in all areas of my life and destiny in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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