Friday, April 29, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

1. Take time to know yourself. "Know thyself" said Aristotle. When you know who you are, you can be wise about your goals, your dreams, your standards, your convictions. Knowing who you are allows you to live your life with purpose and meaning.

2. A narrow focus brings big results. The number one reason people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go instead of how far they have come. But it's a series of small wins that can give us the most significant success.

3. Show up fully. Don't dwell on the past, and don't daydream about the future, but concentrate on showing up fully in the present moment.

4. Don't make assumptions. If you don't know the situation fully, you can't offer an informed opinion.

5. Be patient and persistent. Life is not so much what you accomplish as what you overcome.

6. In order to get, you have to give. If you support, guide, and lead others, if you make contributions to their lives, you will reap the best rewards.

7. Luck comes from hard work. Luck happens when hard work and timing and talent intersect.

8. Be your best at all times. You never know what the future will bring, so always make the best use of the present.

9. Don't try to impress everyone. The unhappiest people are those who care the most about what other people think.

10. Don't be afraid of being afraid. Sometimes the one thing you need for growth is the one thing you are most afraid to do.

11. Listen to learn. Learn how to listen. You can't learn anything when you're talking.

12. Life's good, but it's not fair. The delusion that life's supposed to be fair is the source of much unhappiness.

13. No task is beneath you. Don't put yourself above anyone or anything; work hard in silence and let success make the noise.

14. You can't always get what you want. But, as the song says, if you try you may find you get what you need.

15. Don't make decisions when you are angry or ecstatic. The best decisions are made with a clear conscious mind, not in the throes of any emotion--positive or negative.

16. Don't worry what other people think. Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud.

17. Use adversity as an opportunity. Every loss leads to an opportunity, and every adversity leads to new possibilities.

18. Do what is right, not what is easy. Strength of character leads us to do the right thing, even when there are easier options.

19. Dreams remain dreams until you take action. Without action, an idea is just a dream.

20. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you would want them to treat you.

21. When you quit, you fail. The surest way to lose at any endeavor is to quit. But fatigue, discomfort, and discouragement are merely symptoms of effort.

22. Trust your instincts. What good is intuition if you let second-guessing drown it out? The worst enemy of success is self-doubt.

23. Learn something new every day. Have the mindset of a student. Never think you are too old to ask questions or know too much to learn something new.

24. Make what is valuable important. Instead of thinking about what is profitable, think about what is valuable. Invest in others and you will grow your portfolio.

25. Believe in yourself. The way you see yourself is the way you will treat yourself, and the way you treat yourself is what you become.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post


Revelation 3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.



1. Father, I thank you for your mercies over my life, it is because of your mercies that I am not consumed, thank you father in Jesus name.

2. O Lord, remember me for good and open the book of remembrance for me in Jesus name.

3. Every demonic activities in my life, I cancel and scatter them, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every damage done to my life from birth, be revised, in Jesus name.

5. Every doors which the devil enters through to afflict me in my life, be closed forever, in Jesus name.

6. O Lord, restore the wasted years of my life in Jesus name.

7. I take back every single territory held by the enemy in my life, in the name of Jesus.

8. I break out and deliver myself from any evil prison, in the name of Jesus.

9. Every foundational infirmity, depart from my life, in Jesus name.

10. I will reign as king over my circumstances, in the name of Jesus.

11. Let every evil family curse be destroyed in my life, in Jesus name.

12. Help me O Lord, to recognise Your voice in Jesus name.

13. O Lord, Open the eyes of my understanding in Jesus name

14. Every burden of worry upon my life, I throw you off, in the name of Jesus.

15. I refuse to be entangled with evil thoughts, in the name of Jesus.

16. I cast down every road block hiding my progress, in Jesus name.

17. Let my spiritual climate send terror to the camp of the enemies, in the name of Jesus.

18. O Lord, release me from evil words and evil silences in Jesus name

19. Every witchcraft power assigned against my life and marriage, receive the thunder and lighting of God, in the name of Jesus.

20. I release myself from any inherited bondage, in the name of Jesus.

21. I release myself from the grip of any problem transferred into my life from the womb, in the name of Jesus.

22. I break and loose myself from every inherited evil covenant, in the name of Jesus.

23. I break and loose myself from every inherited evil curse, in the name of Jesus.

24. I release myself from every inherited disease, in Jesus name.

25. Let the blood of Jesus correct any inherited defect in my body, in the name of Jesus.

26. In the name of Jesus, I break any curse of rejection from the womb or illegitimacy which may be in my family back to ten generations on both sides of the family.

27. I reject and renounce every ordination of ‘lateness in goodness’, in the name of Jesus.

28. I take authority over and order the binding of every strongman in every department of my life, in the name of Jesus.

29. Door's of financial breakthrough, open unto me by fire, in the name of Jesus

30. Doors of marital breakthrough, open unto me by fire, in the name of Jesus

31. Door's of business breakthrough, open unto me by fire, in the name of Jesus

32. Every good doors closed against me by my enemies, hear the word of God, open by fire, in the name of Jesus

33. O Lord, arise and favour me, in the name of Jesus

34. Doors of all round breakthroughs, open unto me by fire, in the name of Jesus

35. Opportunity wasters assigned against me, be wasted, in the name of Jesus

36. Any occultic personality using evil horn against me, die, in the name of Jesus

37. I enter into my season of dancing and rejoicing, in the name of Jesus

38. Every evil decree against me, backfire, in the name of Jesus

39. Father, I thank you for opening doors of divine opportunities for me that no man or devil can shut in Jesus name

40. Thank you father for answering my prayers.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

O Lord, remove every bitterness from my heart in the name of Jesus .
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me now, in Jesus’ name.
I command every part of my body to receive spiritual correction, in the name of Jesus.
I nullify all spiritual weapons being used to slow down my progress, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel all strongholds that the spirit of fear has built in me, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, begin to baptize every area of my life with Your mega miracles.
I nullify every evil effect of fear in my life, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, give me the spirit of boldness.
Let all the powers that shake off God’s blessings in my life be removed and be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
I place myself now under the cross of Jesus.
I cover myself with the precious blood of Jesus.
I surround myself with the light of Christ.
The devil will not interfere with the Lord’s work in my life, in the name of Jesus.
I put on God’s armour to resist the devil’s tactics, in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, reveal to me any way that satan has a hold on my life.
I claim back any territory of my life handed over to satan, in the name of Jesus.
I bind all forces of evil in the air, fire, water in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

I paralyse all evil spirit-guides assigned to me, in Jesus’ name.
I release myself from every blood donation to the devil, in the name of Jesus.
I release myself from any eating or drinking from satanic table, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel any evil attachment from idol worship, in Jesus’ name.
I paralyse and disband all ancestral spirits assigned to me, in the name of Jesus.
I paralyse and disband all marine powers assigned to me, in the name of Jesus.
I paralyse and disband all witchcraft powers assigned to me, in the name of Jesus.
I renounce any demonic baptism, in the name of Jesus.
I release myself from every satanic manipulation, in Jesus’ name.
I nullify the consequences of any conscious or unconscious offer of satanic sacrifices, in the name of Jesus.
I rebuke all deceiving spirits by the blood and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I renounce every satanic claim of ownership to any area of my life, in the name of Jesus.
I release myself from the grip of household wickedness, in the name of Jesus.
I release my foundation from the grip of satanic manipulations, in the name of Jesus.
I release myself from any satanic brake applied to any area of my life, in the name of Jesus.
I break every foundational curse, in the name of Jesus.
Let the angel of the living God begin to roll away every evilstone blocking my pathway, in the name of Jesus.
Let the fire of God destroy all evil registers containing information about my life, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost fire, begin to melt away every satanic deposit in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Let my oppressors come against each other, in the name of Jesus.
Every placental-mediated problem, receive solution now, in the name of Jesus.
I break every evil control over my life, in the name of Jesus.
I close every tap of sorrow in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Let the powers stealing the honey of my life be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
I nullify all spiritual poisons, in the name of Jesus.
Let evil deposit in me die in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost fire, destroy allsatanic poisons in my body, in the name of Jesus.
I declare holy rebellion against the forces of oppression working against my life, in the name of Jesus.
I possess divine hatred against local wickedness, in Jesus’ name.
I refuse to follow satanic road map for my life, in Jesus’ name.
I defy every satanic army and I command them to bow, in the name of Jesus.
I destroy the pride of the enemy over my life, in the name of Jesus.
Let my God answer all my evil challengers by fire, in Jesus’ name.
I break up every satanic concrete caging my potentials, in the name of Jesus.
I refuse to be part and parcel of my problems, in Jesus’name.
I take authority over all the powers of darkness operating in the air, land and sea against my life, in the name of Jesus.
Let all weapons of captivity fashioned against me be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
I decree healing and restoration to my soul, body and spirit, in the name of Jesus.
I decree success, breakthroughs and progress into my handiwork, in the name of Jesus.
I decree happiness, peace and harmony into my handiwork, in the name of Jesus.
I disorganise and paralyse all territorial spirits delegated against me, in the name of Jesus.
Let thunder and fire of God destroy every satanic monitoring device monitoring my life, in the name of Jesus.
I paralyse and destroy all satanic embargoes placed on my progress, in the name of Jesus.
Let all evil powers seeking my destruction begin to destroy themselves, in the name of Jesus.
Let all the havoc created by lack of patience in my life be restored, in the name of Jesus.
Let all goodness withdrawn as a result of my being impatient be restored seven-fold, in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

27 /04/2022




O God arise and make me unstoppable, in the name of Jesus.
Powers, assigned to stop my light from shining, die in the name of Jesus.
Demotion, stagnation, assigned against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
O God arise, this year, let the world know that you are my God, in the name of Jesus.
Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Arise, increase my speed, in the name of Jesus.
Every satanic foundation, troubling my destiny, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost, rearrange my life for breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
Powers, working against my next level, die, in the name of Jesus.
Glory killer of my father’s house, glory killer of my mother’s house, die, in the name of Jesus.
Any power, that wants my life to end in shame, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every arrow, fired against my star, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
Anointing that breaks the yoke, I am available, break my yokes, in the name of Jesus.
Destiny robbers, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, let every evil problems in my life be nullified by the blood of Jesus.
I command all satanic deposits in my life, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, re-write my story for better in the name of Jesus.
I command all satanic reinforcement against me to scatter into pieces, in the name of Jesus.
Every power of any family idol affecting my life, my home and my work be broken, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel all evil vows of the enemy that are affecting me negatively, in the name of Jesus.
Let the clock and the time-table of the enemy for my life be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, let my enemies be rendered useless and harmless both in there actions and assignment towards me in Jesus name
Let every good thing that is dead in my life begin to receive life now, in the name of Jesus.
Let Every evil device against me, be disappointed, in the name of Jesus
Let the mighty healing power of God overshadow me now, in the name of Jesus.
I bind evey spirit working against answers to my prayers, in the name of Jesus.
I disarm any power that has made a covenant with the ground, water and wind about me, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, make my life invisible to demonic observers in Jesus name.
I bind all monitoring spirits fighting against me, in the name of Jesus.
I withdraw all the weapons of the devil, made available to the enemy to use against me in the name of Jesus.
I revoke any conscious or unconscious covenant with the spirit of death, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, I hand over the battles of my life to you, take over my battles in Jesus name
Let the heavenly Surgeon come down and perform surgical operations where necessary in my life, in the name of Jesus.
I refuse to be spiritually manipulated by the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
I reject the spirit of confusion, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, wake me up from any form of spiritual slumber in Jesus.
All evil seeds planted by fear into my life, be uprooted by the axe of God, in the name of Jesus.
Let Your kingdom be established in every area of my life, in Jesus name
I cancel all former connections i had with the devil, in the name of Jesus.
I erase my name from any satanic coven in the name of Jesus.
I disconnecte myself from any ceremony linking me to any evil power, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel every evil spiritual marriage, in Jesus’ name.
I release myself from any covenant made with satan, in the name of Jesus.
I command all satanic assignments against my life, to be frustrated, in Jesus’ name.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post



There was an aged artist who lived in a small village. The man used to design beautiful artistic works to be sold at an attractive price.

One day, a poor man among the villagers challenged the old man saying: "You earn a lot of money from your handiwork but why don't you assist poor people in the village?

Can’t you see that the butcher is not as rich as you are, but he still shares free meat to the poor people in the village?

Also, look at the village baker. He is a poor man with a large family. Yet he gives the poor people free loaves of bread".

The artist did not respond angrily to the accusations. He only smiled.

The poor man was confused about the reaction of the artist so he left him and went out spreading rumors that the artist was so rich, but he was a selfish person who only accumulated wealth and refused to help the poor.

The villagers hated the old artist and they all forsook him.

The old artist became sick and could not do anything for himself but nobody among the villagers cared to visit him or helped him so he died a lonely old man.

The days passed by and the villagers observed that the butcher stopped free distribution of meat and the baker could not give the poor people free loaves of bread any more.

When the butcher and the baker were asked why they stopped helping the villagers, they said that: "the old artist used to donate money every month to pay for the free meat and bread to the poor people in the village. Now that he was dead, there was nobody to pay for the free food anymore"

Actually, many people may have wrong impressions and different opinions about you.

But do not allow any of them to influence or destroy who you are.

Do not pass judgment on anyone based on his physical appearance or what people say about him.

There are things about his personal life you do not know.
If you were privileged to know about them, your judgment would surely be different.

A man died in a drinking- spot / dance hall.
Another person died in the Church.
If we are to judge them, we would say that the 1st man died a sinner and the 2nd man died a righteous man.

But the 1st man entered the drinking spot to preach against sin and the 2nd man entered the Church to steal from the church.

For this reason, you and I cannot decide who goes to heaven or who goes to hell.

Fear God in your privacy and fear God in the open.

Human physical appearance is just a deception therefore forgive people and ignore their short - comings.

Pray for one another.
Be good to everybody. And don't cut off your relationship with a person just because he does not please you.

Establish unity and harmony with all.

For the LORD Who created all souls, knows what each soul conceals.

May GOD Bless You.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

39. Let all avenues of eating or drinking spiritual poisons be close in the name of Jesus.

40. I cough out and vomit any food eaten from the table of the devil in the name of Jesus. (Cough them out and vomit them in faith. Prime the expulsion).

41. Let all negative materials circulating in my blood stream be evacuated in Jesus name

42. I drink the blood of Jesus. (Physically swallow and drink it in faith. Keep doing this for some time).

43. Let all evil spiritual feeders warring against me drink their own blood and eat their own flesh in Jesus name.

44. I command all demonic food utensils fashioned against me to be roasted in Jesus name

45. Holy Ghost fire, circulate all over my body in Jesus name

46. I command all physical poisons inside my system to be neutralized in Jesus name

47. Let all evil assignments fashioned against me through the mouth gate be nullified in the name of Jesus.

48. Let all spiritual problems attached to any hour of the night be cancelled in the name of Jesus. (Pick the periods from 12 midnight down to 6:00 am)

49. Bread of heaven, fill me till I want no more in Jesus name

50. Let all catering equipment of evil caterers attached to me be destroyed in Jesus name

51. I command my digestive system to reject every evil command in the name of Jesus.

52. Let all satanic designs of oppression against me in dreams and visions be frustrated in the name of Jesus.

53. I remove my name from the register of evil feeders with the blood of Jesus.

54. Let the habitation of evil caterers become desolate in the name of Jesus.

55. I paralyze the spirit that brings bad dreams to me in the name of Jesus.

56. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost destroy any evil list containing my name in Jesus name

57. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost destroy any evil list containing my name in Jesus name

58. I destroy any coffin prepared for me in the name of Jesus.

59. I cancel and wipe off all evil dreams in the name of Jesus.

60. I destroy every satanic accident organized for my sake in the name of Jesus.

61. I render all evil night creatures powerless in the name of Jesus.

62. Let the blood of Jesus wash all the organs in my body in the name of Jesus.

63. Let all sicknesses planted in my life through evil spiritual food be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

64. Let the blood of Jesus erase all evil dreams in the name of Jesus.

65. Let the fire of God boil all rivers harboring unfriendly demons in the name of Jesus.

66. Let all evil dreams be replaced with blessings in the name of Jesus.

67. I command all my good dreams to come to pass in the name of Jesus.

Begin to thank God for answering your prayers
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post


Psalm 4:8 - _"I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety."_



1. I claim all the good things which God has revealed to me through dreams in Jesus name. I reject all bad and satanic dreams in the name of Jesus.

2. (You are going to be specific here. Place your hand on your chest and talk to God specifically about the dreams which need to be cancelled. Cancel it with all your strength. If it need fire, command the fire of God to burn it to ashes.)

3. O Lord, perform the necessary surgical operation in my life and change all that had gone wrong in the spirit world in the name of Jesus

4. I claim back all the good things which I have lost as a result of defeat and attacks in my dreams in Jesus name.

5. I arrest every spiritual attacker and paralyze their activities in my life in Jesus name

6. I retrieve my stolen virtues, goodness and blessings in Jesus name.

7. Let all satanic manipulations through dreams be dissolved in Jesus name.

8. Let all arrows, gun shots, wounds, harassment, and opposition in dreams return to the sender in the name of Jesus.

9. I reject every evil spiritual load placed on me through dreams in Jesus name.

10. All spiritual animals (cats, dogs, snakes, crocodiles) paraded against me should be chained and return to the senders in the name of Jesus.

11. Holy Ghost, purge my intestine and my blood from satanic foods and injections in the name of Jesus

12. I break every evil covenant and initiation through dreams in the name of Jesus.

13. I disband all the hosts of darkness set against me in the name of Jesus.

14. Every evil imagination and plan contrary to my life should fail woefully in Jesus name

15. Every doorway and ladder to satanic invasion in my life should be abolished forever by the Blood of Jesus.

16. I loose myself from curses, hexes, spells, bewitchment and evil domination directed against me through dreams in the name of Jesus.

17. I command you ungodly powers, release me in the name of Jesus.

18. Let all past satanic defeats in the dream be converted to victory in the name of Jesus

19. Let all the test in the dream be converted to testimonies in Jesus name.

20. Let all trials in the dream be converted to triumphs in Jesus name.

21. Let all failures in the dream be converted to success in Jesus name.

22. Let all scars in the dream be converted to stars in Jesus name.

23. Let all bondage in the dream be converted to freedom in Jesus name.

24. Let all losses in the dream be converted to gains in Jesus name.

25. Let all opposition in the dream be converted to victory in Jesus name.

26. Let all weaknesses in the dream be converted to strength in Jesus name.

27. Let all negative in the dream be converted to positive in Jesus name.

28. I release myself from every infirmity introduced into my life through dreams in the name of Jesus.

29. Let all attempts by the enemy to deceive me through dreams fail woefully in Jesus name

30. I reject evil spiritual husband, wife, children, marriage, engagement, trading, pursuit, ornament, money, friend, relative, etc. in the name of Jesus.

31. Lord Jesus, wash my spiritual eyes ears and mouth with your blood.

32. The God who answerth by fire should answer by fire whenever any spiritual attacker against me in the name of Jesus

33. Lord Jesus, replace all satanic dreams with heavenly visions and divinely-inspired dreams in Jesus name

34. Let the blood of Jesus wash all the organs in my body in the name of Jesus.

35. Confess these scriptures out loud: Psalm 27: 1-2, 1 Cor. 10:21, Psalm 91

36. I command every evil plantation in my life, come out with all you roots in the name of Jesus! (Lay your hands on your stomach and keep repeating the emphasized area.)

37. Evil strangers in my body, come all the way out of your hiding places in Jesus name

38. I disconnect any conscious or unconscious linkage with demonic caterers in the name of Jesus.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Whatever belongs to my life spiritually, physically and financially that has been damaged by curse and work of monitoring demons and wicked individuals, be restored back hundredfold in Jesus' name.

From this day o Lord, I receive divine fire for supernatural speed in life, I command distinguished breakthrough to fall upon me from today in Jesus' name.

O Lord let me manifest the anointing of excellence, let my hand be lifted to possess my blessings this year in Jesus' name.

Father when I lie down to sleep, i shall sleep in peace. I shall only have dreams of the Lord and visions from heaven. I shall no longer be oppressed in anyway in my dreams in Jesus' name.

My father, let favour begin to manifest in my life Henceforth, let me be enveloped with breakthrough ideas from this day forward in Jesus' name Amen.

Begin to thank God for answers prayers.

Please take note of your dreams.

By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

17th April 2022


These prayers are to be prayed from 12midnight your local time.

Any spirit monitoring you day and night shall go blind by fire in Jesus' name.

BIBLE CONFESSION: Isaiah 54:15, psalm 17:8, Job 1:10, Isaiah 19:3, Leviticus 19:31.

Isaiah 54:17;
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

Monitoring spirits, evil watchers, fowlers, besiegers, etc. can appear in dreams and give you food to eat and indirectly afflict your body with a disease or weakness. They can influence people with evil thoughts about you and cause men to hate you for no just cause. They can stop any good thing coming your way all the time, so that you always see something good, become expectant, but it never gets to come to you.


There are many instances of people or animals the devil can use to monitor you.

These includes

Human beings:
Your parents, your friends, your relatives, your co-workers, your landlord, your cousins, your wife, your husband, etc.

Animal such as:
Birds, lizards, wall Gekko, rats, vultures, flies, snakes, cockroaches, etc

A dream such as:
Sexual dream, eating in the dream, being pursued in the dream, talking to a dead person, climbing a mountain without getting there, dogs attack, snake dream, seeing yourself in your formal house and school, Being in a wedding without the bride, counting dirty money in the dream, dream of cobweb, seeing nakedness.


I cover myself with the blood of Jesus.

Any power monitoring my progress and marriage go blind in Jesus' name.

You follow- follow spirit depart from me in Jesus' name.

You demonic powers monitoring me in order to report my prayers and moves to the demonic world, die in Jesus' name.

You evil monitoring seed planted into my life die in Jesus' name.

Any evil mirror monitoring my life in the first and second heaven scatter by fire in Jesus' name.

You monitoring strongman living inside of me receive fire of God in Jesus name.

Powers from my village transforming into birds to attack me scatter by fire in Jesus' name.

Any evil man or woman sitting on my head be unseated by fire in Jesus' name.

Every stubborn monitoring demon assigned to glue himself to my glory, catch fire in Jesus' name.

Whatever the enemy is using to monitor me in the kingdom of darkness, I set it ablaze by fire of the holy ghost in Jesus' name.

Evil mirror, evil eyes monitoring my life, receive total blindness in Jesus' name.

Every dead spirit monitoring me for emptiness, receive fire in Jesus' name.

From now onward, I hereby banish all evil messengers and monitoring spirits from hell assigned against my life, marriage, and ministry in Jesus' name.

All you evil stubborn, evil perpetrators targeting my life and family, die by fire in Jesus' name.

O Lord, I command every witchcraft mirrors and crystal balls, monitoring my destiny to break and scatter in Jesus' name.

O Lord let your finger punch every unseen eye trailing me about in Jesus' name.

All monitoring agents across the oceans, on contract against my destiny, receive blindness and paralysis in Jesus' name.

May every power assigned to investigate my future, fail by fire in Jesus' name.

Any man or woman, witch or wizards, who have vowed that I will not see good in life, let fire from heaven visit them and destroy their curses in Jesus' name.

I command all spiritual arrows intended or released against me, my family and marriage to go back to the sender in Jesus' name.

May every curse, spells, charms invoked against my life, may all plans of the wicked agents of darkness perish by fire in Jesus' name.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Every witchcraft operation in my present house that iam living, be scatter in Jesus name.

Any Ancestral strongman that has vowed to take me backward, be crushed to death in Jesus name.

I break thr yoke of any family strongman upon my life, and I crush under my feet all the evil powers trying to imprison me in Jesus name.

Henceforth my marriage, my business, my ministry, my career, shall not be controlled by Ancestral powers in Jesus name Amen.

Begin by thanking God for answers prayers. You are delivered.


Take note of your dreams.

By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

14th April 2022


These prayers is to be prayed from 12midnight your local time. Tonight every strongman troubling you shall go down by fire, and you will testify.

BIBLE CONFESSION : Mark 3:27, Colossians 2:14-15, Luke 11:21-22, Isaiah 59:2, Ephesians 4:12, 1 John 5:19, Exodus 15:9.

If we want to accomplish anything in the natural or spiritual realm, we must engage in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12). In Mark 3:27, Jesus said, “No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. And then he will plunder his house.

Strongman is a demonic spirit that steals, kills and destroys. That your strongman could be an human agent. A strongman can be somebody who hates you and seeks to harm you or cause trouble. A strongman can be someone who has vowed that you will not be happy. Or a strongman can just be somebody on the opposing side, an “idols of your father’s house, animals or even inanimate objects”.


O Lord as I pray tonight, I ask of your mercy and forgiveness of my sins and the sins of my Ancestors in Jesus name.

I cover myself, my family with the Precious blood of Jesus christ.

O Lord my father, in you power I pull down the evil strongman that is after my marital life and ministry in Jesus name.

Every anti marriage covenant between me and evil strongman of my father's house break and release me now in Jesus name.

Blood of Jesus, fire of God nullify the bad dreams connecting me to the strongman in my father's/mother's house in Jesus name .

Holy ghost fire, paralyzed the evil strongman using my foundation against my marital destiny in Jesus name.

Every strongman of my village that is after my life and marriage, receive fire, fall and die in Jesus name.

Every marine strongman agent following me about to cause nad luck, I use the blood of Jesus to cut you off in Jesus name.

O God my father, those who are close to me yet secretly working against me shall experience the Egyptians plagues in their family in Jesus name.

I bind and I cast out the strongman of disappointment, strongman of failure at the edge of breakthrough, strongman of idolatry worship of my father's house, strongman standing at the gates of my progress in Jesus name. ( pray very well)

Every household agent using curse to rope me down catch fire in Jesus name.

Every spirit of marital destruction using my in-law to scatter my marriage die by fire in Jesus name.

Every power standing between me and my deliverance tonight, clear away by fire in Jesus name.

I withdraw my blessings from the strongwoman of the first and second heaven in Jesus name.

tonight I receive fresh power to scatter the coven of witch doctor and occultic man assigned against me and my household in Jesus name.

Every evil veil covering my head receive the fire of God and burn to ashes in Jesus name. ( hold your head and pray aggressively)

Every strongman in charge of my case, I invade your domain and put you under arrest in Jesus name.

Every evil tree in my life that is planted by strongman, die to the root in Jesus name.

Anything buried in the ground by the household strongman, be exhumed by fire in Jesus name.

I Break every chain hindering my progress, my career, my business breakthroughs in Jesus name.

Every stubborn power destroying my virtues and blocking my opportunities die in Jesus name.

Every household power, using familiar face to attack me in the dream, be exposed and destroyed by fire in Jesus.

Every Ancestral strongman of promise and fail attached to my life, fall down and die in Jesus name.

Let Every battle in the Heavenlies be won in favor of the Angel's conveying my blessings in Jesus name.

Any Ancient sacrifice exposing me to the evil powers of my father's house roast by fire in Jesus name.

Every arrows of financial problems from Ancestral strongman backfire in Jesus name.
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14 /04/2022




O Lord, let your thought of peace that will give me that expected end be perfected in my life in Jesus name – Jeremiah 28:11
Father, let every evil handwriting of ordinances that is against me be nailed to the cross in Jesus name – Colossians 2:14
Jesus I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit now in Jesus name - Act 1: 8
O Lord deliver me and my household from the snare of the fowler, the noisome pestilence,
the terror of the night, arrow that flieth by day, pestilence that walketh in darkness and the
destruction that wasted at noonday this year – Psalm 91: 3-6
I am free from every bondages and slavery this year in Jesus name – John 3:36
Father, arise and fight for me now and restore my peace in Jesus name – Exodus 14:14
Lord I receive grace to be a kingdom investor so that I will receive my reward of prosperity – Proverb 11:25
I and the children the Lord has given me. We shall be for signs and wonders this year in Jesus name – Isaiah 8:18
O Lord by your divine wind direct the prosperity of the wicked to me this year in Jesus name – Proverb 13:23
O Lord, let every membersof this group receive your touch and over answered their prayers as this year in Jesus name – Isaiah 2:2
Father, heal me completely in Jesus name – Jeremiah 33:6
O Lord envelop me and my household with your favour this year in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, Move my life forward by fire in Jesus name.
Thank you everlasting Father for answered prayer, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
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 Judges  11:30  And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands.

A vow is one of the least used weapons in spiritual warfare, unbelievers especially idol worshipers used it more than Christians. While a Christian is busy arguing who will eat the money he shall use for a vow, while the Christian is feeling cheated by his pastor, unbeliever on the other side has vowed fowl, goat, cow, or even human beings to his idol. Some of them even vow on different altars.

No wonder Jesus said "the children of this world are wiser than the children of God" "Luke 16:8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." my prayer is that God will make us wiser than our enemies in Jesus' name...

Before we continue, I want to use this medium to appreciate those who have started using this weapon of vow already. Also, note that I DIDN'T SAY YOU MUST VOW UNDER THIS MINISTRY. Please you are free to make your vow under any altar you like, but make sure the altar is genuine, make sure the altar has been your source of spiritual nourishment in the past and now, also make sure that the man of God representing God there is genuinely called by God and is doing God's will.

In our text we see a man called Japheth, this man was faced with a situation beyond his power, he quickly remembered that the only way out of this shame is to get God involved through a vow. "Judges 11:30 And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands,"

Next time we shall discuss more about his vow, but today we are talking about the fact that he recognized and got God involved in the battle. This is a battle he mustn't fail because his half-brothers have trusted him, the destiny of the whole children of Israel rest on his shoulders, he just can't afford to fail.

I don't know how long you have been fighting spiritual warfare without any tangible progress, I don’t know why you are reading this message now, but I know you are not here by chance, I know there are many people who need this very secret but they are no longer here with us. You that are still here what is your decision about this message?

Jephthah's vow brought deliverance to the whole nation of Israel. But he bears the cost alone, your vow will bring deliverance to your linage not only you. Your vow can break the long-time yoke of backwardness, barrenness, marital delay, or even poverty in your family line.

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Ask for forgiveness of your sins.

Pray for grace not to go back to the same sin again.

Make up your mind and determine that you will never go back to the same sin again.

Power assigned to make my children wayward die in Jesus name.

Any sin standing against me, I plead the blood of Jesus Christ against you.

Any power assigned to return me to my vomit, die in Jesus name.

Power of sin over my life, break in Jesus name.

Foundational sin speaking against me, be silenced by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Mercy of God speak for me in Jesus name.

Mercy of God silence the iniquity of my father's/mother's house speaking against me in Jesus name.

Family pattern of sin, I am not your victim, die in Jesus name.

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Saturday, April 9, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

I no longer value women/men according to their physical attributes and anatomy, but I regard them by the Spirit. I choose to be spiritually minded and not carnally minded.
(2 Corinthians 5:16–21.)
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I receive total healing from any sickness bringing me shame In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I decree that my hope is restored, my strength is renewed and I have life of Christ in full, shame is no longer my portion I shall no longer experience shame in my relationships in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I shall not see shame in my career in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Every aspect of my life is hereby delivered from the spirit of shame and disgrace in the mighty name of Jesus.
I come against every fear of the enemy in my life, in the name of Jesus.
The arrow of shame and embarrassment shall not destroy my hope in life, in the name of Jesus.
Tears of shame and regret shall not come to pass in my life, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel every evil effect of shameful situation from evil origins in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every attempt of the devil to push me to jail unjustly, be cancelled, in the name of Jesus.
Every agent of disgrace , backwardness and shame, release me and die, in the name of Jesus.
The joy of the Lord shall always be my strength whether the devil likes it or not, in Jesus name.
In my marriage, I cancel the spirit of shame and sorry, in the name of Jesus.
The evil forces that want me to spend my eternity in prison, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Strongman making mockery out of my prayer and fasting, catch fire, in Jesus name.
The spirit of delay and rejection programmed to cause me to regret ever coming to this world, die, in Jesus name.
Every power that has vowed over its dead body will I make it shall die, in the name of Jesus.
Opportunities to make it physically and spiritually, locate me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
God of wonders, arise and destroy the enemies that want to reverse my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
Every of my struggle towards the fulfillment of my goals shall not end up in vain, in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, please do not use the sin of my past to put me to shame, in the name of Jesus.
Miracle that surpasses explanation, manifest in my life, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, I position myself for your divine visitation, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise today and let my situation change, in the name of Jesus.
Evil plans against good things in my life, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Friday, April 8, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

07 /04/2022
BIBLE READING: JOEL 2:27-28, PSALM 40:14, JOB 8:22, PSALM 35:26, PSALM 69:20.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I reject every form of shame and disgrace.
Oh Lord please let your mercy speak for me that I will not face shame in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
I refuse to be disgraced by any power living or dead, in the name of Jesus.
Every arrangement of darkness to make me face shame in my career, I command you to catch fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Every arrow of shame targeted against me and my family, I command you to go back to your sender now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I decree that those who are planning shame and disgrace against me shall carry their shame in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Oh Lord I reject every spirit of error that can make me go into shame and disgrace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Every power of darkness arranging shame and disgrace for me on the day of my glory, catch fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Those who have gathered to see my shame this year will see the wonders of the miracle of God in my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Helpers of destiny assigned to take away shame and disgrace from my life, locate me now in the name of Jesus Christ.
Before the day my enemies have planned shame for me, God shall arise and make ways for me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Every household enemy plotting my downfall through shame and disgrace, I command you to die in the name of Jesus Christ.
Every evil circle common in my family line making people to see shame at their old age, by the blood of Jesus Christ; I render you powerless over my life in Jesus Name.
Every satanic tongue speaking shame and disgrace into my life on daily basis, I command you to catch fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
All those who are mocking me because of the shame I’m facing now, I decree that God shall shock you by his greatness in my life Mind blowing testimonies that will make those who have mocked me to bow before me, I receive it now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Oh Lord order my foot steps: help me to be at the right place at the right time, that help that will take away my shame in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Every good thing I have lost that has brought shame into my life, I recover them all by the blood of Jesus Christ.
This year I shall sing my songs of restoration in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
I decree that I pursue, overtake and I recover all that has been stolen from me through wrong decision in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I decree that it is my time to rise from disgrace into celebration in the mighty name of Jesus Christ In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree that I shall no longer face shame in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree that I shall no longer hide in shame when I see my old friends in the nane of Jesus.
Disgrace is not my portion and so I reject it in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
I decree that in every area where I have been seeing shame, I shall begin to receive honor in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
AS the Lord has brought me out of shame, I receive wisdom and grace never to go back into shame and disgrace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Everywhere I have been rejected due to my status, I decree that they shall begin to accept me back in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Garment of shame upon my life, I tear you off by the power in the name of Jesus Christ.
Every power of darkness that wants me to end my destiny in shame, I decree be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.
Every wicked personality or group of people plotting shame and disgrace against me and family, I command your gathering and plans against me to scatter by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

(pray now and by midnight)

Confess your sins and ask for mercy.
Thou power of the desert, come out of my life and destiny now, in Jesus name.
Every witchcraft agent that is fighting against my glory, be frustrated in Jesus name.
Every wicked power that is sowing tares into my dream, and marriage, I pull you out by fire by force in Jesus name
I reject every evil garment of failure and attacks prepared for me by the haters of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
Every witchcraft power that has the desire to frustrate my christian life, you are a bloody lie, run mad and die in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, If there is anything the devil is still holding against me to block my breakthroughs, forgive me and cleanse me by Your blood, in Jesus name.
Afflictions of the wicked shall not rise up the second time in my life and family, in Jesus name.
Any power that has vowed that I will not see the end of this afflictions, I am not your candidate, so therefore, use your hands to paralyse your hands and legs, in Jesus name.
Every hidden witchcraft in my family line, within seven days, be exposed, in Jesus name.
My life, rejects witchcraft attacks, in Jesus name Foundational wickedness of my father’s house, scatter by fire, in Jesus name

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BIBLE READING: LUKE 18:1-8, PSALM 35, JOSHUA 10:10-14, DEUTERONOMY 32:43, LUKE 19:1-8, NAHUM 1:2.
Lord Jesus, the Lord of host, Helper of the helpless, avenge me speedily of all my adversaries. In Jesus’ name.
Lord Jesus, avenge me and my family speedily and deliver us now from all the evil works of the wicked in the secret or in the open. In Jesus’ name.
Father, thank you for the opportunity given to me to be in your presence again tonight in the name of Jesus.
Oh God of vengeance arise and deliver me now in the name of Jesus.
Every power that swallows divine opportunities, vomit them and die, in the name of Jesus.
I call forth my Lazarus from the grave of witchcraft in the name of Jesus.
My Lord and my God, deliver me from the evil devices of the wicked, in Jesus name.
O God arise and change the rules for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
Today O Lord, arise and avenge me of my enemies, in Jesus name.
Power to discern between good and evil fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil gift packaged to pollute my life and destiny, I reject you, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus, purge my organs, purge my blood, purge my life, in the name of Jesus.
Every funeral possession organized for my benefit and the benefit of my family, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Avenging spirit of darkness running after my life and my family, you’re a liar, DIE in the name of Jesus.
Satanic avengers pursuing my life, my family, business, academics, career for destruction, you’re a liar, DIE in the name of Jesus.
Every dark spirit of vengeance destroying good things in my life, enough is enough, DIE in the name of Jesus.
Avengers of my father’s house, pursuing my life for destruction, what you did in the life of my father, you cant do it in my life nor my children; right now, DIE in the name of Jesus.
Any evil power with satanic mandate to destroy good things in my life, DIE, DIE, DIE in the name of Jesus.
Secret avenger of my family idols hunting for my life, enough is enough, DIE in the name of Jesus.
Avenger idols from my village shrine stopping good things in my life, enough is enough, perish by fire in the name of Jesus.
Oh God of vengeance, where are you? arise and fight for me now in the name of Jesus.
Avenger of any human blood shed by ancestors that are pursuing me, DIE NOW by the blood of Jesus and be silent forever in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise in Your mercy and power and avenge me of my adversaries, in the name of Jesus’ name.
I scatter every agenda of the enemy for my life, in Jesus’ name.
By the power in the Blood of Jesus, O God arise and disappoint my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
Powers assigned against my excellence and divine upliftment, what are you waiting for? Die, in the name of Jesus.
Anointing for productive thinking, come upon me in the name of Jesus
Strongholds in my life battling my destiny I pull you down in the name of Jesus.
My head reject the bewitchment of my father’s house in the name of Jesus.
Everything that I have lost the adversary, be restored by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer, in Jesus name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post


Calm down and listen.

Extra marital /pre marital sex ofcourse is discouraged, but we need to get to the root of what really disarmed Samson.

Before that fateful day, Samson had sex partners in almost every city he's been to ( just as many today)

Samson's fall was progressive but one thing destroyed him completely. Read on to find out…..

All the mistakes Samson made prepared him by weakening him for that final fall.

Remember: if you fall in the day of adversity, your strength is small.


The same mistake Eve made, by revealing to the serpent what God told them.

Thrones are preserved by secrets.

Kingdoms are secured by mysteries.

Destiny is guarded by codes.

The moment Eve gave serpent the secret, she handed the code of the garden to the enemy.

There are covenant secrets you must defend with your life.

God is God because of secrets, there are a lot we still don't know about God.

Every nation has their secret service agency.

There are offices, companies and ministries you can never work in, until you are initiated into their secrecy, to preserve their secret.

Every destiny has a code and that's the secret of their success.

Joseph made same mistake, when he revealed to his brothers more than they deserve to know at that moment.

Stop talking too much.

Stop talking to everybody.

Stop talking about everything.

There are things God tells you that are meant for you only.

The damage the enemy couldn't do to Samson through sex, the moment he revealed his sacred covenant secret; they finished him.

Nobody should know your covenant code with God.

Preserve your spiritual ticket to Kingdom mysteries.

He that dwells in the secret place...

You cannot dwell in the secret place, until you are initiated into divine secrecy.

When Paul was caught up into the third heaven, he said he heard things which are not permitted for man to say. But he did not tell us, what a wisdom.

If you have a leaking mouth, you are not qualified for power...
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Never take advice from a quitter or a pretender
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Monday, April 4, 2022

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Faith grows. It may be weak at first, but it will become stronger as you begin to read the Bible, pray, go to church, and experience God’s faithfulness in your Christian life.
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But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.
1 Corinthians 15:10 NIV
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All I have or am, Lord God, has been given to me by Your almighty hands. Forgive me when I tend to boast about my own accomplishments—for I am nothing without Your grace and love.
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We came out of nothing; and if we are anything, it is because God is everything.
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Many of you are filled with a thousand anxieties. Bring them to Jesus Christ by faith. He will bring peace to your soul and your mind.
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1. Every garment of confusion in my life, catch fire in the name of Jesus.

2. The ancient of days, give me a new song in the name of Jesus.

3. Any power assigned to turn my day of joy to mourning, die in the name of Jesus.

4. Any power assigned to waste my years, be wasted in the name of Jesus.

5. Powers that has swallowed my garment of celebration, vomit them in the name of Jesus.

6. My head, hear the word of the Lord, reject bewitchment in the name of Jesus.

7. My head, what are you waiting for? Arise and shine in the name of Jesus.

8. Wicked elders standing naked to lock up my virtues, die in the name of Jesus.

9. Powers killing animals to kill my star, die with your animals in the name of Jesus.

10. Witchcraft powers fighting at my right hand, destroy yourselves in the name of Jesus.

11. Witch craft fighting at my left hands, destroy yourselves in the name of Jesus.

12. Powers that want my enemies to rejoice over me, die in the name of Jesus.

13. Strongman consuming my blessings before they get to me, die in the name of Jesus.

14. My glory shall not expire on hospital bed in the name of Jesus.

15. Powers assigned to use my problem to waste my destiny, you’re liar, die in the name of Jesus.

16. Powers that want me to come to this world in vain, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.

By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

God, I pray that in your infinite mercy, You answer my long-awaited prayers, in Jesus name. I want to be called a child of God. I want to experience your grace anew in the new month.
As the month of April starts tomorrow, I’m speaking life into it. I shall live to testify to the glory of God, in Jesus name. Amen.
I pray, Lord, that I shall be victorious in whatever competition I find myself, in the next month. Thank You, Lord, for everything I enjoyed in this month. Let my joy be permanent in Jesus name.
God, the Healer! Heal every wound of my heart. Make me whole again. Make my feet firm in You, Oh Lord… That I may praise you in April, more than I did in march in Jesus name.
Lord, I kneel before you, as the month of March ends today. I cry for help from above. I pray that the afflictions that rose against me in March, shall not follow me into April. I shall be victorious on all sides in Jesus name.
Thank you, Lord, for counting me worthy to be among the living, this moment. Thank You for the month of March, Father I pray You do wonders in the month of April in Jesus name.
As I enter into the month of April, may affliction never enter with me. I use all other months I have enjoyed as a point of contact, I’ll enjoy God’s grace anew in this new month in Jesus name.
As I leave the month of March for April, I will not fall victim of any form of accident, I shall have TESTIMONIES in Jesus name.
Lord, I thank you for the last day in the month. Thank You for how well You dealt with me with love. I pray I enjoy more of Your love in April in Jesus name.
As I press forward into the new month, I ask for Your guidance and protection, in Jesus name. I pray You pilot me in the right direction. You will keep me, bless me and cause Your face to shine upon me, in Jesus name.
Lord, thank you for Your uncommon favour I encountered in March. As I enter into April may the comfort of the Holy Ghost be made available unto me always. May the new month speak the beauty of the Lord upon my life in Jesus name.
This new month as I go forth, Heaven will give me divine encounter in Jesus name. I rise above all the bad occurrences I encountered in march in Jesus name.
As I leave the month of March for April, may I not miss the purpose of Almighty God for my life in Jesus name. The glory of the latter shall be more than the former in Jesus name.
Lord, I know You’re the God of all possibilities. I pray that You speak possibilities into my life, as I leave this month behind. April is blessed for me and my household in Jesus name.
Everywhere I turn to in this new month, may grace speak on my behalf, in Jesus Name.
In the new month of April my ladder of success, favour and progress never crumble, as I enter into the new month, in Jesus name.
As I enter into the new month, may the Lord be my shield and buckler. May His grace be sufficient for my existence, in Jesus name. Amen.
As I step in to the month of April, where others go and fail, I will go and succeed. I will fly like an eagle and do great exploits in Jesus name.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
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Saturday, April 2, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

01 /04/2022
BIBLE READING: PSALM 69, 95:1-5, ISAIAH 25:7-8, 3:19, 12:4-5.
My Father, I thank you for the gift of life to witness the end of the month.
My Father, I thank you for your divine provision upon me and my household throughout this month in Jesus Name.
Thank you, Lord, for not allowing me to be a vessel in the hands of the devil. I’m grateful for how far I have come under Your grace. Lord, I want to enjoy more grace in April in Jesus name.
My Father, I worship your name for your divine guidance upon me and my family till this month ending in Jesus name.
Father Lord, I thank You for putting my enemies to shame, over my life. Lord, I ask for an increase in power and strength in the coming months in the name of Jesus.
My Father, I praise you for your protection upon me and my family till this month ending in Jesus name.
My Father, I praise you for your provision upon me and my family till this month ending in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, I thank you for your mercy enduring upon my life and my household throughout this month in Jesus name.
My Father, I thank you for fortifying me, my career, business, job, family, academics, marriage and ministry with your wall of fire in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, I thank you for soaking and immersing me and my household in the blood of Jesus.
Oh Lord, that makes the judges of the earth useless, I pray that You reduce my enemies to nothing. They shall have no say in my life in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, I thank You for You are God. Thank you for everything You’ve made available to me. Lord, I want you to hold my right hand and show me the way in life in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, give ears to my prayers, and attend to my cry. Vindicate me and save me from the hands of the enemies. This month and beyond, let my life be a reflection of Yours in the name of Jesus.
Lord, clean me from secret faults. I do not want my secret to stand against me on the judgement day. Make ways for me in the coming months, and let me testify to Your goodness in the name of Jesus.
Because I trust in You, Lord, and do good, I pray that You grant me the desires of my heart in April in Jesus name.
Father Lord, turn to me and have mercy on me. I need Your strength like never before. Make divine strength available to me, as I have come to the end of March in Jesus name.
Lord, I want to pay attention to Your wisdom. I want to give my ear to Your understanding. I want to be the head and never the tail. all these I pray in Jesus name.
O Lord, establish my feet in your righteousness as we start a new month in Jesus name.
As we start the month of April and beyond, I shall not bury any of my children and family members. None of them shall bury me. We shall live to see many more months in Jesus name.
Lord, hear my plea. Answer my prayers. Send me help from above, so I will no longer be a reproach, in Jesus name.
As I call upon Your name on the last day of March, save me from the gathering of the evil, and make me see well in Your light in the name of Jesus.
Thank you, Lord, for everything You do for my family and I, I can’t be more grateful for all I want more of You in the new month in Jesus name.
I shall never lack anything good. O God, supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory in Jesus name.
Every second, every minute, every day of the next month, I’ll enjoy Your presence Lord, more than I did in this month, in Jesus name.
In the coming month and beyond, everlasting Joy shall be my testimony. I shall not be a victim of evil things in Jesus name.
As March is ending, and we are starting April, i will enjoy Your grace and favour anew in my life, in Jesus name.
April is the month of ressurection . As I start a new month, everything about my life that is dead shall come back to life in Jesus name.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Friday, April 1, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post



Let the effect of every evil attachments to my life be nullified, in the name of Jesus.

Let every parts in my body receive divine touch and function perfectly, in the name of Jesus.

I reject every spirit of imbalance, in the name of Jesus.

I release myself from the bondage of evil attachment, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, re-organise my life to receive multiple blessings in Jesus name

O Lord, open my life to accommodate Your glory in Jesus name

Anything in my life, conscious or unconscious, delaying my desired breakthroughs, be destroyed right now in the name of Jesus.

Let my life be released from every evil pattern in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, make my life fruitful and bless the fruit of my labour in Jesus name.
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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Verse of the day Ephesians 4:25-28 NIV [25] Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we ...

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