Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

(pray now and by midnight)

Confess your sins and ask for mercy.
Thou power of the desert, come out of my life and destiny now, in Jesus name.
Every witchcraft agent that is fighting against my glory, be frustrated in Jesus name.
Every wicked power that is sowing tares into my dream, and marriage, I pull you out by fire by force in Jesus name
I reject every evil garment of failure and attacks prepared for me by the haters of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
Every witchcraft power that has the desire to frustrate my christian life, you are a bloody lie, run mad and die in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, If there is anything the devil is still holding against me to block my breakthroughs, forgive me and cleanse me by Your blood, in Jesus name.
Afflictions of the wicked shall not rise up the second time in my life and family, in Jesus name.
Any power that has vowed that I will not see the end of this afflictions, I am not your candidate, so therefore, use your hands to paralyse your hands and legs, in Jesus name.
Every hidden witchcraft in my family line, within seven days, be exposed, in Jesus name.
My life, rejects witchcraft attacks, in Jesus name Foundational wickedness of my father’s house, scatter by fire, in Jesus name

By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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