Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Increase in Faith

Luke 17:5-6 NIV

[5] The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” [6] He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.

You are destined for greatness don't let negative talk shake your faith

Stay focused on your purpose , do what needs to be done. Don't be a victim of human approval. Most people as long noone approves of their ideas they don't follow their heart ..Be focused ,zoom in on what you need to do and go for it

Knowledge of God's promises increases our faith ..invest time in studying the word of God.

Fear weakens your faith (Mark 4 vs 40 Why are you so fearful? How is it ye have little faith , Jesus asked) Fight your fears claim the word of God in everything if God promised he will do it.

Luke 5 vs 20 ..When Jesus saw their faith he forgave them ......

Luke 22 vs 32. Pray that your faith won't fail you. Brethren you receive faith through the word and you must pray always for an increased faith.

Faith comes by hearing the word of God and fear comes by listening to wrong things. Be very careful on the things you are listening to. Be very protective on your faith ,avoid wrong messages.

I Corinthians 2 vs 5 our faith should not be based on human wisdom and philosophes but it must be based on the power of God Hallelujah

1 Corinthians 16 vs 13 ...Hold firmly to your faith ,have courage and be strong. We are to be vigilant brethren

I Timothy 4 vs 7 stay away from worthless myths ,stories and beliefs but train / discipline yourself to be devoted to God and righteousness

I pray that God will grant you the desires of your heart in Jesus' name

#apostoliclife #propheticword #riseandshine #biblequotes #RiseUp #riseandgrind #prophetic #prayer #prayerworks
By: Baba Janice via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Monday, July 1, 2024

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post


Psalm 100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever”



1. You the gate of this month, hear the voice of the Lord, open unto me by fire, in the name of Jesus

2. Every good doors that have refuse to open unto me, this month by the power of the Almighty God, open, in the name of Jesus

3. Every demonic roadblock mounted against my advancement this month, by the bulldozing power of the Almighty God, scatter, in the name of Jesus

4. Powers planning my failure this month, die by fire, in the name of Jesus

5. My Father, silence every tongue speaking poverty into my life in this new month, in Jesus name.

6. My Father, by your mercy, supply all my needs in every area of my life this month, in Jesus name.

7. Every evil arrow targeted at my destiny, career, finances, marriage, business, family, ministry in this new month, backfire by fire, in Jesus name.

8. My Father, expose and disgrace every plan of the enemies concerning me in this new month, in Jesus name.

9. My Father, arise, bless me and enlarge me in this new month, in Jesus name.

10. My Father, anoint me with the oil of gladness and let my cup run over with your blessings this month, in Jesus name.

11. My Father, make me a channel of blessing to everyone around me in this new month, in Jesus name.

12. Every demonic altar speaking against my life, career, business, academics, marriage, family and ministry this new month, be demolished by fire, in Jesus name.

13. Every evil spiritual gathering against my life, career, business, marriage, ministry, family in this new month, scatter unto desolation, in Jesus name.

14. My Father, Keep my barns filled up with your favour and blessings as I enter this new month, in Jesus name.

15. My Father, bless the works of my hands and multiply my riches in double folds in this new month, in Jesus name.

16. Holy Spirit, protect me from every demonic attack in this month, in Jesus name.

17. By The mercy of God, I will not beg to survive this month, in Jesus name.

18. Anywhere my provisions and supplies are being tied up, I loose them by fire this month, in Jesus name.

19. Every plan of the Enemies to render me financially helpless this month, scatter unto desolation, in Jesus name.

20. Every evil tongue prophesying poverty into my life, be cut off, in Jesus name.

21. My Father, arise in your anger and strike down every power that rises against my financial breakthroughs this new month, in Jesus name.

22. My Father, open all the windows of heaven and pour out your immeasurable blessings upon my life, family, marriage, career, business, ministry in this new month, in Jesus name.

23. Every plan of the enemies to demote me financially this month, scatter unto desolation, in Jesus name.

24. Every spiritual embargoes placed on my financial breakthroughs this month, be remove by fire, in Jesus name.

25. My Father, make me a blessing to my generation starting from this month, in Jesus name.

26. My Father, release upon me the grace to be obedient to you so I can walk and live in the manifestation of your blessings upon my life in this month, in Jesus name.

27. My Father, envelope me with your clouds of blessings and favour this month, in Jesus name.

28. Every evil targeting my life and destiny this new month, backfire by fire, in Jesus name.

29. Every power struggling with my glorious destiny, be wasted this month, in Jesus name.

30. Powers, personalities assign to waste my efforts this month, die by fire, in Jesus name.

31. Every arrow of poverty and debts in my life, family, career, business, marriage, ministry, come out and backfire, in Jesus name.

32. Every evil altar in my life, career, marriage, business, ministry, be destroyed, in Jesus name.
By: Baba Janice via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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