Thursday, June 13, 2024

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Humility is the Key to success and longevity

Proverbs 16:18 says, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."

Today the word of God is warning us that if a person is too proud and thinks too highly of him or herself, you should know that person is heading toward problems and failure. The Bible often warns against pride because it makes people blind, unaware of their mistakes and weaknesses, leading them to make bad decisions that can harm them.

So today let us learn why you must be humble:

1. Humility Leads to Wisdom
Proverbs 11:2 says, "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." This means that people who are humble are open to learning from others and from their experiences. They understand that they don’t know everything and are willing to listen and grow. In contrast, proud people often think they are always right and do not listen to advice, which leads to mistakes and shame.

A humble person might ask for help when they don’t understand something, leading to better results. On the other hand, a proud person might refuse help and make a big mistake because they thought they knew everything.

2. Humility brings God’s Favor
James 4:6 says, "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." This verse means that God helps and supports those who are humble but stands against those who are proud. Being humble means recognizing that we need God and other people. It means we don’t think we are better than everyone else. When we are humble, we rely on God’s strength and wisdom instead of our own.

3. Promotion and honor
Proverbs 15:33 says, "Humility comes before honor." And 1 Peter 5:6 says, "Humble yourselves under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." These verses mean that if we are humble, God will raise us up and honor us at the right time. When we don’t seek to elevate ourselves but instead stay humble, God sees our humility and rewards us.

Someone who works hard quietly and does not seek attention may be promoted and recognized by their boss because of their humility and dedication. Meanwhile, someone who always boasts about their work might be overlooked because their pride is off-putting.

4. Humility brings unity and love
Philippians 2:3-4 says, "In humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." A humble person cares about other people and their needs. Humility makes us put others first and work together better. When we are humble, we don’t act selfishly or think we are more important than others.

For instance, in a team project, a humble person might listen to everyone’s ideas and help others succeed, which makes the whole team perform better.

5. Protection Against Trouble
Proverbs 16:18 teaches that pride leads to trouble, but humility keeps us safe. Psalm 18:27 says, "You save the humble but bring low those whose eyes are haughty." Being humble can protect us from making big mistakes and getting into trouble. When we are humble, we are more likely to recognize our limits and ask for help, avoiding many problems.

If a humble person is unsure about a task, they might seek advice and avoid making a costly error. In contrast, a proud person might refuse help, make a big mistake, and face serious consequences.

Humility helps us learn and become wise. It brings us closer to God and His help. It leads to being honoured by God in due time. Humility helps us get along with others and work well together. Finally, it protects us from the trouble and mistakes that come from being too proud. By being humble, we can live better lives and receive God's blessings.

Prayer: Lord, touch my heart, remove all the pride and arrogance. Melt my heart and make me humble. I surrender my life to the leadership of the Holy Spirit so he may teach and transform me to be a humble and wise person.
By: Janice via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

When God plants a dream in your spirit, it's something special. It's like a personal invitation from Him to pursue a purpose that's meant just for you. When you feel that spark, embrace it and cherish it, don't just let it slip away.

Jot it down, get in sync with God, and let that vision blossom in your life.

It's easy to doubt our dreams and think they're too big for us. We might feel like we're not good enough to make them happen. But God's plans for us are incredible. He sees our potential and knows the path ahead, and when He gives us a dream, it's because He believes in our ability to make it real.

So, when God plants a dream in your heart, don't ignore it. Instead, write it down. When we write things down, we can understand and believe in them more. It's easier for doubts to fade away when we visualize our dreams more clearly on paper.

But it's not enough to leave it on paper and forget about it. We need to get in line with God. This means aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with His will. It involves giving up our own plans and trusting that His plans are the best. Getting in line with God also involves spending time in prayer and seeking His guidance and direction. When we are in sync with God, we can confidently pursue our dreams.

And don't forget the importance of regularly revisiting the dream. Our dreams need nurturing, like plants need water and sunlight. Keep the vision in front of you, whether it's through a vision board, a phone reminder, or just reflecting on it regularly. By doing this, we actively play a role in making our dreams a reality.

So let's not take God's dreams for us lightly. Let's write them down, align with Him, and revisit them until they take root in our lives.

Remember, what God has planned for us is beyond our wildest dreams. So let's trust in Him and believe that with His guidance, anything is possible.
By: Janice via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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