Friday, December 18, 2020

Courage to be disliked

Feeling segregated and unpopular can drive anyone mad. We are living in an era whereby being popular is everyone's goal ,when you post on social media you expect everyone to like your posts but that's not always the case. At times it get frustrating isn't it.

What exactly should one do to be popular , what topics must you bring on the table to make everyone like you ? Is the goal to be popular or to be truthful? Most celebrities have gone the extra mile by leaking errotic videos leaked to have everyone talking about them , divorce is selling too and they all claim abuse (verbal , emotional and physical),lately homosexuality is selling but is it worth it ?.

Being yourself takes courage , staying true to your course requires dedication and commitment . Most people have failed in their course just because they wanted to be referred to as that cool guy in the hood. Funny every ghetto you visit has a common thing that is language and deeds .If the elderly in that society didn't value marriage you find the whole community full of divorcees or people in their second or third marriages. What's considered normal in any society is simply put, the behaviour children learnt or observed from their parents.

Maintaining sanity in a decaying society will surely leave you without any friends .In a society infested by alcoholism maintaining sobriety requires discipline and the courage to be alone, but are you ready? Fear to stand alone cripples your vision and your personality .The journey to popularity is made up sacrificing character and ethics. The modern influencer is characterized by rotten morals , a popular pop artist must be ready to be nude for the camera or to be tattooed all over the body , systematically they have to appear the meanest and baddest on the planet that's the character the world is buying but you are different from them.

Jesus Christ in his mission as an evangelist he was unpopular with the Pharisees and Sadducees eventually even those he performed miracles for turned against him and he was crucified on the cross. On one occasion he even mentioned that they were only coming to him for miracles and not to listen to his sermons . The journey of life is basically an art to understand yourself , purpose and to stick to your path till the end no matter who likes you or not. Happy are them who have discovered their purpose.

One of my favourite pop artist was Michael Jackson ,he was a hit ,his music was sensational but in the end trying to be a white guy destroyed him ,but how did he get the idea that being white would sell his music? Only him could answer that question. The goal in life is to live life to your full potential ,to live long and to leave your riches for your children . Abraham died long ago but we are living on a covenant he made with God.Jesus was crucified more than 2000 years ago but we are benefitting from his achievements. Our lives today are basically a result of what our ancestors did. Life is basically a resultant of deeds . Moses did the impossible the Israelis are the evidence of that. We all have that potential .

Samson perished ,a man who had potential but was destroyed by cunning Delilah ,in his death he killed more Philistines than he had killed in his entire life. He had been instructed to keep the secret to himself ,yet like most advices we recieve today on the market he had shared his secret with his wife , whom infact was conspiring against him with her own tribe. He was given a simple task ,KEEP THIS SECRET TO YOURSELF SAMSON!!! Sounds easy isn't it but he failed ,the rest is history they plucked out his eyes and made a mockery of him in their temple but we serve God of second chances he empowered Samson to revenge his enemies in his blind state.

Then Samson prayed to the Lord , “Sovereign Lord , remember me again. O God, please strengthen me just one more time. With one blow let me pay back the Philistines for the loss of my two eyes.”
Judges 16:28 NLT

In this path you will be persecuted ,you will be send to prisons innocent ,Jesus warned us. The path of the truth is hatred by many but we have to spread the gospel of Christ Jesus to the ends of the Earth. Nations will rise against nations to conceal the truth ,but it is far better to be persecuted for the truth than to be popular promoting sin. God grant us the courage to be disliked and still spread your word of truth to those in need.

In this age whereby powerful nations are forcing weaker nations to allow same sex marriages we need courage to stick with the word of God which stated that homosexuality is a sin. Poor countries are left with no choice they are told if they won't permit this sin in their country they will loose financial back up from rich countries .It takes courage to be unpopular with everyone .It takes courage to dress modestly when nudity is promoted .

With this gospel is life ,I won't stop living this word .The Bible stated this clearly that narrow is the gate to heaven don't be disheartened God is with you ,you don't have to follow the crowd we are not designed to fit in ,but to be different from them. God is here now with you to help you attain your goals in life. These shortcuts the world is offering will only result in death.

Have you ever wondered why most celebrities are divorcing like it's a new fashion only to remarry and divorce again ,some say it is because of money and yes that could be true ,but the reality is they sacrificed their morals to reach that stage ,a concept they don't tell anyone even in their marriages they are well aware that their partners can do anything for money ,even pose nude for money so how can their marriages last.

They end up resorting to drugs and nightlife to find comfort , because honestly how can you sleep at night knowing that the person sleeping next to you was sleeping with another guy or many guys before marrying them , and unfortunately knowing all the details since fornication is publicised in Hollywood ,what compromise that is, the result being a toxic marriage of compromise instead of obedience to God.

Worldly fashions and standards are a pathway to hell ,it is time you take a decision with your life .Being mediocre is a choice some have made but you deserve way better than that you are a co-heir in the kingdom of God the decision you will make today will affect future generations.

You don't have to be popular with everyone , you don't have to cry at night if they ignore you. You are exactly where God wants you to be , the wilderness experience is a necessity soldier . Time alone means more time with God ,he is our guide he brightens even the darkest of rooms surely he will take care of you.

Train your mind to sense the presence of God in your quite moments ,Moses saw the burning bush when he was alone with the flock ,you being alone means God wants to communicate with you concerning your mission ,don't chase after people you only need God and the rest will fall into place.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

If it doesn't help you grow ,let it go

That, however, is not the way of life you learned when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Ephesians 4:20‭-‬24 NIV

Growth is essential to every living being ,daily you need to grow .With each morning whatever challenges you face you have to be victorious. Each and every thing we face in this life is meant to make us grow ,if you do not adapt to changing situations you go extinct. Everyday is a struggle ,a battle you have to win or else you get left behind.

The Bible is a not a book written to entertain or a history book it is a practical book for everyday situations.By putting the principles written in the Bible success is imminent. Everyday we see ourselves feeling inadequate like Moses when he was instructed to face Pharaoh ,we ask the same questions he asked ,how am I going to convey this message I don't have the right words to use ,sounds familiar.

Habits are formed and you can change your habits by being reborn to a new identity .By acknowledging that you are no longer who you were before ,you no longer do the things you used to do ,you no longer befriend a certain type of people changes start happening in your life.I have noticed the effect of changing the literature I used to read to grasp my new identity it works.Changed my role models and channels I used to watch on TV eventually my taste of music changed and my language changed certain words I used in my everyday communication changed drastically.

These were the days when my prayer life had deteriorated , was overwhelmed by my problems I began to worship my problems instead of worshipping God but that changed the moment I changed what I was exposing myself to. Instead of wallowing in self pity I started worshipping Jehovah Jireh the God who fights my battles everything changed ,I started seeing opportunities in everything he changed my mindset.

What are you focusing on ? Is what you are focusing on creating fear in you or faith ? Who do you listen to frequently ?After spending years listening to them do you believe you achieve greater things? In our former lives we worshipped idols ,mainly ideas and images created by human beings to control and manipulate us into buying their products ,or for us to serve them for life .We worshipped worldly fashions and possessions ,your image in the society was determined on how much you knew or possessed certain objects but surprisingly enough many who lost these possessions committed suicide ,they died terrible deaths due to their attachments to these things.Then we realised there is more to life than these idols , there was more to life than what these gods were offering .

Jesus Christ enlightened us to a new world altogether .We gained the whole world in him ,we discovered that true wealth is better than what the riches these gods promised.These gods were promoting selfishness , adultery ,homosexuality , fornication and divorce whenever you had  what they referred to irreconcilable differences but most people who followed these gods lost their riches in the process sadly something was not right with these gods most of our friends lost their lives to gain the world satan promised.

Jesus Christ taught us to marry for life ,since we are his brides for life then we became co heirs in the kingdom of God a new world was revealed to us . Dead situations were brought back to life ,dead marriages were revitalised ,and those who worshipped demons by engaging in dirty sexual activities were freed from the demon gods of sodomy and witchcraft. Surely there is power to restore life in Jesus Christ.

The worldy standards did not work for us ,so we chose a higher standard. Priests of the demon  of sodomy were encouraging same sex marriages woman to woman and man to man but they (priests) were married with kids ,so whoever bought their idea was to violate the principles of marriage to have children in their marriage absurdity it was , having a marriage contract yet permitted to be adulterous .Is the world coming to an end ?Their greediness for power pushed them to control childbirth  by promoting homosexuality thereby destroying marriages for normal couples . To avoid the same people from coming back to Christ they started introducing the same acts of sexual impurity in the church of God and also started satan churches all over so the poor souls accepting the name of gays would find comfort ,atheism and all funny names were introduced.

“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:17‭-‬20 NKJV

Christ chose us for this age , to liberate the lost souls who are trapped by this demon spirit they are in pain mostly they are resorting to drugs to escape reality . What kind of life is that ,they can't face themselves without drugs WE NEED TO PRAY so they will return to the living God.Jesus Christ died for us whilst we were yet in sin to set us free , when he resurrected he conquered the sin in our lives and brought us back to life.

Growth can only be found in Jesus Christ you are not defined with what you eat or clothes you wear but by living the word of God in you.Man shall not live by bread alone but by the word of God.We are to study the word of God to know the wiles of the devil so as to resist him from taking over our families. He came to fulfil the law in us.

You possess within you the ability to change anything you feel is enslaving you.You have the ability inside of you to leave the land of Egypt to go and displace Canaanites from their land .You possess inside of you the ability to defeat Goliath . Surely you have the ability to set the captive free the Kingdom of God is inside of you.You possess the ability to create anything . You possess in your mouth the ability to speak things into existence , with your mouth you have the ability to give life and to chase the demons out of your territory.

You possess unimaginable power inside of you ,power  to tear down the devil's territory the walls of Jericho will tremble when you sound the trumpet.You possess an army of Angels around you only waiting for an order from you. You are a co heir in the kingdom of God ,satan and his demons don't have any authority over your life. Anything giving Satan and his demons legal rights over your territory was removed on Calvary ,he was rendered powerless ,death was conquered too so your dreams have to be fulfilled .

God honours a marriage covenant so your marriage is being revitalised .You are a new creation ,you have a new identity none of the worldly way of life has a meaning in your life.Today you are crossing the red sea to your victory and all the enemies who were persuing you will be swallowed by the red sea.Jehovah has done it again I am delivered from all iniquity ,our sins were forgiven and I am starting over today on a new path.

Those who knew you before will be amazed by your transformation they will ask what happened and you shall say I met Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was crucified on Calvary only to rise on the third day ,he revealed himself to me ,he is alive  ohh yes he touched me and I was made whole again. After years of bleeding non stop from the woes of this world after I touched his garment the blood stopped AMEN I am a new creation now.

Glory be to God of Abraham who honours his covenant throughout all generations he has enlarged my territory ,my finances were restored .My name was changed from poverty to abundance .Christ now lives inside of me. Hallelujah

God bless you


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