Wednesday, December 9, 2020

It is done

Most christians spending years , chasing tail moving from church to church seeking what was given to them a long time ago. There are so desperate for the blessings which were given to us in Abraham through Jesus Christ .Why should you be desperate for something you already possess.

Everything we need is already there , you have no reason to be depressed .You were purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ ,the blessings of God follow everyone who believe in his Son. You are blessed beyond measure!!

You don't have to whine that God has forsaken you ,you only need to activate your faith in any situation to live a life of miracles.You are not your circumstances but a co heir in the kingdom of God. You are to exercise your rights as a heir in the kingdom of God ,the power is within you to change your situation.

Speak forth God's promises in your life ,and avoid any confusion that results from reading or listening to Satan's mediums.Stay true to your calling soldier today we have to defeat the devil in his plans ,he was defeated 3000 years ago remind him. No sickness nor poverty has any legal rights over your life claim your deliverance in the name of Jesus.

We were bought with a price ,a blood sacrifice was made for our deliverance thus we are free from bondage from Satan's arrows. Claim your healing today ,speak forth your healing. We win by acting on the promises of God , and not by what our circumstances are telling us.

Stay blessed


Winning with words

Words create reality ,a curse or a blessing is a word stated to someone. Words can be used as a weapon to lure and wreck a life.Sales and Marketing people invest maximum of their time in analyzing phrases which could lure people.Politicians have mastered deceiving words to apply in their campaigns.What you think you are today is honestly due to words you selected to agree with or your society selected to trust.

Each and everyday we interact with unique people , it is these conversations that form our technique in life. Lately most international thinkers are suggesting that its wiser to be friends with individuals who are better than us,simply put conversations vary depending on who you are with and your attitude changes depending on who you are interacting with.People who are beneath you economically  will make you feel like you have executed all there is to life, while the ones higher than you constantly remind you of improvements necessary in your life.

Wisdom is calling however few are listening ,folly is properly marketed and our people are sinking in sin ,they chose to get understanding from wrong sources.Wisdom can best be attained from God.We pray to the Almighty , he created the heavens and earth every time we kneel down in prayer we are acknowledging that we need his wisdom to pursue our purpose.Adam was to man God's creation and only God knew exceptionally well his design parameters and to what capacity the creation could be advanced. Adam needed to consult with the manual who was God.

The source of information as far as the garden of Eden was concerned was God.Satan attacked Eve with enticing words , he carefully selected words to instill doubt her mind concerning the source of information (God).Satan created a mind of inadequacy in Eve ,she took instruction from Adam ,and Adam from God so you can understand Eve's position in this conversation with Satan.A hunger for power and authority was deposited in Eve's mind eventually her view of the fruit changed ,now it looked edible and beautiful in her eyes.

Genesis 3:4-5 (KJV) And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Surely before Eve ate the fruit she knew good and evil ,so whatever information Satan was bringing on the table it wasn't new.God had told them eating that fruit was wrong, and it was evil to disobey God .Words are a weapon an enemy is always using to derail God's people.Notice the style Satan used here ,"Is it true that God said? ". How many times have you heard  this phrase?At times they ask ,"is it true that christians are not allowed to do this?"

We are living in a difficult season ,the enemy is fighting the truth .Being truthful has gone out of style ,you can't trust words you hear in the street.Organizations are investing lots of money to conceal certain truths from the world .What really is the truth and how do you maintain sanity in a world buried with deceit?.Do you join them or stay different that's a choice we have to make daily when we wake up.So how do we win this battle.

The solutions are found in the Bible ,we learn lots from Job's responses to condemnation from friends and from his wife.In the famous conflict between David and Goliath there was a peculiar verbal exchange among them ,in the long run Goliath lost the struggle.When Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights Satan tried to confuse him, however he failed in his attempt.So words play a pivotal function in the achievement or failure of your mission.

So what really determines who wins in a negotiation or a conversation ,since now we understand that a conversation is made up of words with power to %%uplift or destroy you.People negotiate everyday for different reasons parent to child ,buyer to seller , employer to employee ,wife to husband so really you can't avoid this because we are designed by nature to negotiate everything in life.So they are principles to be followed in life.These principles are not to be taken lightly for our life depend on these skills.And a carefully approach should be taken when engaging in any conversation.

We observed that Eve and Samson faced a similar fate Eve lost her prestige after a verbal exchange with the snake , similarly Samson lost his power after a verbal exchange with Delilah. To Eve the snake was innocent and it wasn't worth considering an enemy. To Samson , Delilah was his spouse so he expected her to preserve his secret. People do make the error of loosing their shield when interacting with people they consider harmless so they get destroyed. So when undertaking any verbal exchange ,stay true to yourself .Know who you are and what you represent.We are children of God ,and in anything we do we represent Jesus Christ ,it is his kingdom we want to bring on earth.

In another famous story of Esther in the Bible , Mordecai was about to be assassinated with Haman. Haman has used his influence to issue a decree that could bring about the demise of many Jews. Mordecai and the rest of the Jews fasted for three days and they planned cautiously the phrases Esther was to apply in approaching King Xerxes.In her words ,she confirmed the king's authority and acknowledged that she and her people were his responsibility only the King could set them free.

Queen Esther answered, “If I have found favor in your eyes, O King, and if it please the king, give me my life, and give my people their lives. “We’ve been sold, I and my people, to be destroyed—sold to be massacred, eliminated. If we had just been sold off into slavery, I wouldn’t even have brought it up; our troubles wouldn’t have been worth bothering the king over.” King Xerxes exploded, “Who? Where is he? This is monstrous!”
Esther 7:3‭-‬5 MSG

You are in charge of your destiny , whether or not you get demoted or promoted in life is completely dependent on you.

Humility constantly wins and pride always results in destruction. We learn a lot about humility from the life of Jesus Christ when Satan was tempting him (,if he had a hunger to prove himself he could have turned stones to bread) .Satan works by provoking a reaction and humility is proven with the actions we choose to take.Eve was provoked to sin the moment she was told God was hiding critical information regarding the fruit ,so we can argue that she ate the fruit out of anger.(getting data from wrong sources ruins your thinking).

We have another case when Jesus met Legion , the demons started praising Jesus and calling him Son of God but rather he rebuked them to keep silent.Any situation the Devil was using to install pride in Jesus ,he resisted it. Any person with a proud heart is defeated before undertaking any conversation , for this reason silence is even wiser if your heart is not right.

You are designed to win in every situation ,the bible is made up of so many examples of the characters who won or failed in their missions and we have to study and understand so we can be victorious too in our daily endeavours.

At work you represent a different function and at home you are playing a unique role. Sundays when we go to church we are playing a special role however in all these scenarios we are to be victorious.None of your daily activities have the strength to derail you if you are persistent in your identity in Christ. We get questioned day by day ,we must stay on course soldier, we are the light of the world. True transformation starts with us , everyday we have to follow the example of the prophets who gained daily with their words.

Satan was defeated long time ago , he has no right to harass Christians. Seek wisdom and understanding to live your life righteously ,redeeming the time for we are to profit in this life. Why should you loose your life to the devil .Resist him and he will flee.

Stay protected and win in your next conversation.


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