Friday, December 29, 2023

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post

Earthly comforts are not permanent gifts, but rather temporary loans from God. Everything we possess belongs to Him, and He has the right to take back what is rightfully His. Therefore, we must not complain when God decides to take away what He has lent us. In a world that is filled with thorns and briars, we must be prepared to experience pain and sorrow. The world is full of thieves, deceivers, and slanderers, business losses, unfulfilled expectations, false or fickle friends, sickness, and death, and thus our joys can be stolen. We must always remember our Master's warning not to hold onto treasures on earth, as they can be destroyed by moth, rust, or theft (Matthew 6:19).

We must hold all things loosely, as though we did not possess them, and view them as temporary. We should never make mortal things our gods, for if we do, our hearts will be broken when they are taken away, and we will cry out like Micah, "You have taken away my gods which I made" (Judges 18:24).

Therefore, let us be confident in our faith and prepared to face whatever challenges may come our way, knowing that God is always with us.

Pray earnestly to understand the seasons you are passing through in life , to act accordingly
By: Apostolic Life via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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