Saturday, November 19, 2022

Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)'s Post



BIBLE READING: 2KINGS 1:1-10, 1 KINGS 18:37-39, JUDGES 6: 28-32.


Thank you Father for my liberation tonight.
Father, forgive me of every known and unknown sin in Jesus name.
I raise the altar of God against every evil alter operating against my life in Jesus name.
Father, I raise an altar with the blood of Jesus against any demonic altar where my glory has been sacrificed in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, I raise an altar with the blood of Jesus against demonic curses, covenant, limitation, evil foundation and disorder in my destiny today, release by fire, in the name of Jesus.
My Father, I raise an altar with the blood of Jesus against the altar of darkness militating against my health, in the name of Jesus.
In the mighty name of Jesus, I raise an altar with the blood of Jesus against any demonic altar in the name of Jesus.
Any evil altar raised by my landlord against me in order to hinder my greater blessings, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Whatever has been buried in my present house that is bringing setbacks to the tenants, be exhumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Evil altars of my father’s house, where are you? collect your problems back by the blood of Jesus. I declare my freedom today in the name of Jesus.
Evil workers among my trusted friends servicing evil altar for my sake, embark on a journey of no return, in the name of Jesus.
I raise the blood of Jesus against evil altar mentioning my name for evil, holy ghost fire consume in the name of Jesus.
Any child of darkness from my father’s house and mother’s house cooking my glory at the forest, receive madness in the name of Jesus
Holy ghost fire Consume every evil altar from my father's house and from my mother's house in Jesus name.
Every evil altar my parent have dedicated me that has been working against my success in life, I raise the altar of God against them now, bow in Jesus name.
Evil family altar holding on to my virtues release my virtue and die in Jesus name
Demons attached to my life from that evil family altar, what are you waiting for die in Jesus name
Every power that has circulated my name on evil altar, fall down and die in Jesus name
Every like father like son altar or like mother like daughter altar in my lineage, my life is not your candidate release now in Jesus name
Every evil priest calling my name on evil altar catch fire with your altar in Jesus name
I refuse to answer the call of my name from evil altar in Jesus name
Every image representing me or any member of my family on evil altar catch fire with your owner in Jesus name
I uproot every evil altar raised against my life in Jesus name
Altar of disfavour raised against me be destroy by the thunder fire of God in Jesus name
My name jump out from the coven of the wicked and begin to do good in Jesus name
I render powerless every charm done on evil altar against my life in Jesus name
O Lord arise and destroy every evil altar in all areas of my life in Jesus name
I am delivered and my deliverance permanent tonight in Jesus name.
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen
By: via Apostolic Life ( Prayer Warriors)

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